Content in

Volume 82 - Number 4 - December 1967

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Urban Problems and the Federal Government: A Historical Inquiry
Daniel J. Elazar

pp. 505-525

Early Experiences of Manpower Problems in an Industrial Society at War: Great Britain, 1854-56
Olive Anderson

pp. 526-545

The Wilhelmstrasse in the Nazi Era
Leonidas E. Hill

pp. 546-570

An Augustan Reply to Locke: Bolingbroke on Natural Law and the Origin of Government
Isaac Kramnick

pp. 571-594

The King's "Wicked Advisers" and Medieval Baronial Rebellions
Joel T. Rosenthal

pp. 595-618

A Study of the Chinese Communist Movement, Shanti Swarup ; Mao Tse-tung in Opposition, 1927-1935, John E. Rue and S. R. Rue ; Student Nationalism in China, 1927-1937, John Israel
Reviewed by Stuart R. Schram

pp. 619-622

Ideology and Organization in Communist China, Franz Schurmann
Reviewed by A. Feuerwerker

p. 623

Viet Cong: The Organization and Techniques of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam, Douglas Pike
Reviewed by Brian Crozier

pp. 624-625

Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World, Barrington Moore
Reviewed by Reinhard Bendix

pp. 625-627

A Reappraisal of Marxian Economics, Murray Wolfson
Reviewed by Joan Robinson

pp. 627-628

Modern Capitalism: The Changing Balance of Public and Private Power, Andrew Shonfield
Reviewed by Adolf A. Berle

pp. 628-630

The Territorial Imperative: A Personal Inquiry into the Animal Origins of Property and Nations, Robert Ardrey
Reviewed by Ralph L. Holloway

pp. 630-632

World Politics and Tension Areas, Feliks Gross
Reviewed by Theodore Caplow

pp. 633-634

The Things That are Caesar's, Milton Katz
Reviewed by R. M. MacIver

pp. 634-636

The Monroe Doctrine and American Expansionism, 1843-1849, Frederick Merk and Lois Bannister Merk
Reviewed by Julius W. Pratt

pp. 636-638

Socialism and the Workers in Massachusetts, 1886-1912, Henry F. Bedford
Reviewed by David Brody

pp. 638-639

The Atomic Bomb and the End of World War II, Herbert Feis
Reviewed by Gar Alperovitz

pp. 639-641

Kennedy Campaigning: The System and the Style as Practiced by Senator Edward Kennedy, Murray B. Levin
Reviewed by Roscoe C. Martin

pp. 641-643

The Historian and the Diplomat: The Role of History and Historians in American Foreign Policy, F. L. Loewenheim
Reviewed by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.

pp. 643-644

Congress and the Constitution: A Study of Responsibility, Donald G. Morgan
Reviewed by Joseph S. Clark

pp. 645-646

Politics and the Regulatory Agencies, William L. Cary
Reviewed by Edwin D. Etherington

pp. 646-647

State Legislatures in American Politics, Alexander Heard
Reviewed by Paul T. David

pp. 647-648

New Dimensions of Political Economy, Walter W. Heller
Reviewed by Paul W. McCracken

pp. 649-650

La Vida: A Puerto Rican Family in the Culture of Poverty--San Juan and New York, Oscar Lewis
Reviewed by Elena Padilla

pp. 651-652

Economics and Prestige in a Maya Community: The Religious Cargo System in Zinacantan, Frank Cancian
Reviewed by Andrew P. Vayda

pp. 652-654

The Vertical Mosaic: An Analysis of Social Class and Power in Canada, John Porter
Reviewed by Jacques Dofny

pp. 654-656

Makers of Modern England: The Force of Individual Genius in History, Giovanni Costigan
Reviewed by Charles F. Mullett

pp. 656-657

The Evolution of National Insurance in Great Britain: The Origins of the Welfare State, Bentley B. Gilbert
Reviewed by Asa Briggs

pp. 657-659

Weimar Germany and Soviet Russia, 1926-1933: A Study in Diplomatic Instability, Harvey Leonard Dyck
Reviewed by F. L. Carsten

pp. 659-660

Contemporary French Political Thought, Roy Pierce
Reviewed by Philip M. Williams

pp. 660-661

The Searchers: Conflict and Communism in an Italian Town, Belden Paulson and Athos Ricci
Reviewed by Joseph LaPalombara

pp. 661-663

Portugal and Africa, 1815-1910: A Study in Uneconomic Imperialism, R. J. Hammond
Reviewed by Daniel F. McCall

p. 664

The Economic History of the Middle East, 1800-1914, Charles Issawi
Reviewed by Kemal H. Karpat

pp. 665-666

The Managerial Revolution in Higher Education, Francis E. Rourke and Glenn E. Brooks
Reviewed by Eric Ashby

pp. 666-667

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