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Volume 84 - Number 3 - September 1969

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The New Republic in More's Utopia
Richard G. Stevens

pp. 387-411

Majority Tyranny in Tocqueville's America: The Failure of Negro Suffrage in 1846
John L. Stanley

pp. 412-435

The Problem of Reform in France: The Political Ideas of Local Elites
Suzanne Berger, Peter Gourevitch, Patrice Higonnet, Karl Kaiser

pp. 436-460

Swedish Politics in the Late Nineteen-Sixties: Dynamic Stability
Andrew Galbraith Carey

pp. 461-485

World War I as Entrepreneurial Opportunity: Willard Straight and the American International Corporation
Harry N. Scheiber

pp. 486-511

The Social and Political Thought of Karl Marx, Shlomo Avineri
Reviewed by John Plamenatz

pp. 512-513

Public Administration and Democracy: Essays Honoring Paul H. Appleby, Roscoe C. Martin
Reviewed by Herbert Kaufman

pp. 513-515

Revolutionary Change, Chalmers Johnson
Reviewed by Donald J. McCormack

pp. 515-516

The Uses of Comparative Sociology, Stanislav Andreski
Reviewed by Terence K. Hopkins

pp. 516-517

The Upper House in Revolutionary America, 1763-1788, Jackson Turner Main
Reviewed by Jack P. Greene

pp. 518-520

The Changing Political Thought of John Adams, John R. Howe
Reviewed by Adrienne Koch

pp. 520-522

An Encore for Reform: The Old Progressives and the New Deal, Otis L. Graham
Reviewed by Sidney Fine

pp. 522-524

The Emergence of the New South, 1913-1945, George B. Tindall
Reviewed by Paul M. Gaston

pp. 524-526

Claus Spreckels: The Sugar King in Hawaii, Jacob Adler
Reviewed by Allan A. Spitz

pp. 526-527

China: The People's Middle Kingdom and the U. S. A, John K. Fairbank ; China: The Other Communism, K. S. Karol, Tom Baistow and Marc Riboud ; The Red Guard: A Report on Mao's Revolution, Erik J. Friis and Hans Granquist ; The Chinese Communist Army in Action: The Korean War and its Aftermath, Alexander L. George ; The Chinese People's Liberation Army, Samuel B. Griffith
Reviewed by Chün-Tu Hsüeh

pp. 527-529

Li Ta-chao and the Origins of Chinese Marxism, Maurice Meisner ; China After Mao, A. Doak Barnett
Reviewed by James E. Sheridan

pp. 530-531

Kashmir: A Study of India-Pakistan Relations, Sisir Gupta
Reviewed by Wayne Wilcox

pp. 531-532

The Army of the Republic: The Place of the Military in the Political Evolution of France, 1871-1914, David B. Ralston
Reviewed by Gordon Wright

p. 533

Yorck and the Era of Prussian Reform, 1807-1815, Peter Paret
Reviewed by Alfred Vagts

pp. 534-535

Die Arbeiterbewegung in der Nationalen Bewegung: Die Deutsche Sozialdemokratie vor, Wahrend und nach der Reichsgrundung, Werner Conze and Dieter Groh
Reviewed by Theodore S. Hamerow

pp. 535-536

Public Opinion and Canadian Identity, Mildred A. Schwartz
Reviewed by John C. Leggett

pp. 536-538

The Brazilian Revolution of 1930 and the Aftermath, Jordan M. Young
Reviewed by Robert J. Alexander

pp. 538-540

Politics in Brazil, 1930-1964: An Experiment in Democracy, Thomas E. Skidmore
Reviewed by Douglas A. Chalmers

pp. 541-542

Politics and Economic Change in Latin America: The Governing of Restless Nations, Charles W. Anderson
Reviewed by Martin C. Needler

pp. 542-544

The Egyptian Agrarian Reform, 1952-1962, Gabriel S. Saab
Reviewed by Morroe Berger

pp. 544-545

Independent Africa: The Challenge to the Legal Profession, L. C. B. Gower
Reviewed by R. Heussler

p. 546

South Africa's Transkei: The Politics of Domestic Colonialism, Gwendolen M. Carter, Newell M. Stultz and Thomas Karis ; The Political Economy of South Africa, Ralph Horwitz
Reviewed by Pierre L. van den Berghe

pp. 547-549

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