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Volume 95 - Number 4 - Winter 1980-81

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Surprise Despite Warning: Why Sudden Attacks Succeed
Richard K. Betts attempts to account for why surprise attacks succeed even when the victim has ample intelligence warnings in advance. He explores the role in this process of communication delays, deception, false alarms, and doctrinal innovations.

pp. 551-572

National Security Management: What Presidents have Wrought
I.M. DESTLER, after analyzing the evolution of the NSC staff, argues that responding to immediate presidential demands has undercut the U.S. government's capacity for continuity and coherence in foreign policy. He contends that major improvement will depend on future presidents deemphasizing personal decision making in favor of other leadership instruments and on delegating to strong subordinates.

pp. 573-588

The German-American Connection in the 1980s
Lewis J. Edinger examines West German interests in world affairs. He concludes that for the foreseeable future, the German Federal Republic is bound to remain a close and essentially subordinate ally of the United States.

pp. 589-606

The Public-Interest Movement and the American Reform Tradition
David Vogel critically examines the political perspectives of the contemporary public-interest movement's effort to challenge business's influence over the regulatory process. He argues that the strategies the movement has developed reflect both the strengths and limitations of the American reform tradition.

pp. 607-627

Guatemala as Cold War History
Richard H. Immerman analyzes the United States intervention in Guatemala that took place in 1954. He argues that misperceptions led to that intervention and that those misperceptions later contributed to the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

pp. 629-653

Woodrow Wilson and Woman Suffrage: A New Look
Christine A. Lunardini and Thomas J. Knock present a major reinterpretation of the role of Woodrow Wilson in the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment guaranteeing women the right to vote. They demonstrate how Wilson, originally opposed to the amendment, was converted through the efforts of women suffragists and became an advocate of critical importance.

pp. 655-671

The Progressive Presidents: Roosevelt, Wilson, Roosevelt, Johnson, John Morton Blum
Reviewed by Erwin C. Hargrove

pp. 673-674

Truman's Crises: A Political Biography of Harry S. Truman, Harold F. Gosnell
Reviewed by Francis H. Heller

pp. 674-675

The National Interest and the Human Interest: An Analysis of U.S. Foreign Policy, Robert C. Johansen
Reviewed by Walter LaFeber

pp. 675-676

International Energy Policy, Robert M. Lawrence and Martin O. Heisler
Reviewed by Michael G. Schechter

pp. 676-678

The Rise and Fall of the Shah, Amin Saikal ; Fall of the Peacock Throne: The Story of Iran, William H. Forbis
Reviewed by k Throne: The Story of Iran.

pp. 678-680

Terrorism and Hostage Negotiations, Abraham H. Miller
Reviewed by James P. Bennett

pp. 680-681

Strategic Thought in the Nuclear Age, Laurence Martin
Reviewed by Patrick M. Morgan

pp. 681-682

Europe Without Defense? Forty-Eight Hours that Could Change the Face of the World, Robert Close
Reviewed by Kenneth W. Thompson

pp. 683-684

Making Foreign Economic Policy, I. M. Destler
Reviewed by Hibbert R. Roberts

pp. 685-686

The Endangered Sector, Waldemar A. Nielson
Reviewed by Kenneth Prewitt

pp. 686-687

Freedom in the World: Political Rights and Civil Liberties, 1979, Raymond D. Gastil
Reviewed by Peter H. Juviler

pp. 687-689

Aggressive Political Participation, Edward N. Muller
Reviewed by Marilyn Hoskin

pp. 689-691

Decision on Palestine: How the U.S. Came to Recognize Israel, Evan M. Wilson
Reviewed by Zvi Ganin

pp. 691-692

Gandhi: A Memoir, William L. Shirer
Reviewed by Dennis Dalton

pp. 692-694

The Two Marxisms: Contradictions and Anomalies in the Development of Theory, Alvin W. Gouldner
Reviewed by Lewis A. Coser

pp. 695-696

Compliance and Public Authority: A Theory with International Applications, Oran R. Young
Reviewed by Inis L. Claude, Jr.

pp. 696-697

The Limits of Politics: Collective Goods and Political Change in Postindustrial Societies, Roger Benjamin
Reviewed by Kenneth E. Boulding

pp. 697-698

Development and Diffusion of the Nuclear Power Reactor: A Comparative Analysis, Peter deLeon
Reviewed by James R. Temples

pp. 698-699

The Age of Surveillance: The Aims and Methods of America's Political Intelligence System, Frank J. Donner
Reviewed by Athan Theoharis

pp. 699-700

Mass Media and American Politics, Doris A. Graber
Reviewed by Martha Joynt Kumar

pp. 701-702

Nuclear Power and Legal Advocacy: The Environmentalists and the Courts, Constance Ewing Cook
Reviewed by Michael E. Kraft

pp. 702-703

The Rewards of Public Service: Compensating Top Federal Officials, Robert W. Hartman and Arnold R. Weber
Reviewed by James W. Fesler

pp. 703-704

Congress and Israel: Foreign Aid Decision-Making in the House of Representatives, 1969-1976, Marvin C. Feuerwerger
Reviewed by Andrew K. Semmel

pp. 705-706

Money in Congressional Elections, Gary C. Jacobson ; Parties, Interest Groups, and Campaign Finance Laws, Michael J. Malbin
Reviewed by Delmer D. Dunn

pp. 706-708

The Private World of Congress, Rochelle Jones and Peter Woll
Reviewed by Joseph Cooper

pp. 708-709

The Politics of Policy Implementation, Frank Smallwood and Robert T. Nakamura
Reviewed by Richard F. Elmore

pp. 709-710

Community Power and Political Theory: A Further Look at Problems of Evidence and Inference, Second, Enlarged Edition, Nelson W. Polsby
Reviewed by Stephen David

pp. 711-712

Old Folks at Home, Alvin Rabushka and Bruce Jacobs
Reviewed by Sumner M. Rosen

pp. 712-713

The Collapse of Welfare Reform: Political Institutions, Policy, and the Poor in Canada and the United States, Christopher Leman
Reviewed by Alfred J. Kahn

pp. 714-715

Propaganda in War, 1939-1945: Organisations, Policies and Publics in Britain and Germany, Michael Balfour
Reviewed by Samuel R. Williamson

pp. 715-716

The African Condition: A Political Diagnosis, Ali A. Mazrui
Reviewed by M. Crawford Young

pp. 716-717

Economic Growth and Employment in China, Thomas G. Rawski
Reviewed by Carl Riskin

pp. 718-719

The Cruel Dilemmas of Development: Twentieth-Century Brazil, Sylvia Ann Hewlett
Reviewed by James F. Petras

pp. 719-720

Mexico's Leaders: Their Education and Recruitment, Roderic A. Camp
Reviewed by Steven E. Sanderson

pp. 720-721

The Continuing Struggle for Democracy in Latin America, Howard J. Wiarda
Reviewed by Sylvia Ann Hewlett

pp. 721-722

Capitalism and the State in U.S.-Latin American Relations, Richard R. Fagen
Reviewed by Manuel Antonio Garretón

pp. 723-724

Committees in Legislatures: A Comparative Analysis, John D. Lees and Malcolm Shaw
Reviewed by Michael L. Mezey

pp. 724-725

The Question of Palestine, Edward W. Said
Reviewed by Joel S. Migdal

pp. 726-727

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