Force and Statecraft: Diplomatic Problems of Our Time, Gordon A. Craig and Alexander L. George Reviewed by Walter LaFeber
pp. 507-508
The American Style of Foreign Policy: Cultural Politics and Foreign Affairs, Robert Dallek Reviewed by John W. Spanier
pp. 508-509
Surprise Attack: Lessons for Defense Planning, Richard K. Betts Reviewed by Richard Brody
pp. 510-511
American Foreign Policy: The Lost Consensus, George H. Quester Reviewed by Lincoln P. Bloomfield
pp. 511-512
Khrushchev and Brezhnev as Leaders: Building Authority in Soviet Politics, George W. Breslauer Reviewed by George Liber
pp. 512-513
Leaders, Richard M. Nixon Reviewed by Richard M. Pious
pp. 513-514
Franklin D. Roosevelt's Diplomacy and American Catholics, Italians, and Jews, Leo V. Kanawada Reviewed by Joseph Losos
pp. 514-516
Tumultuous Years: The Presidency of Harry S. Truman, 1949-1953, Robert J. Donovan ;
Harry S. Truman and the Modern American Presidency, Robert H. Ferrell Reviewed by Robert A. Divine
pp. 516-517
The Future of American Political Parties: The Challenge of Governance, Joel L. Fleishman, ed. Reviewed by Leon D. Epstein
pp. 518-519
The President as Policymaker: Jimmy Carter and Welfare Reform, Laurence E. Lynn, Jr. and Dave deF. Whitman Reviewed by Robert I. Lerman
pp. 519-520
The Science Race: Training and Utilization of Scientists and Engineers, US and USSR, Catherine P. Ailes and Francis W. Rushing ;
Sputnik, Scientists, and Eisenhower: A Memoir of the First Special Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, James R. Killian Reviewed by William T. Golden
pp. 520-522
Dynamics of Global Crisis, Immanuel Wallerstein, Samir Amin, Giovanni Arrighi and Andre Gunder Frank Reviewed by Alan Wolfe
pp. 522-524
South Asian Security After Afghanistan, G. S. Bhargava Reviewed by Lawrence Ziring
pp. 524-525
U.S. Economic Policy toward the Association of Southeast Asian Nations: Meeting the Japanese Challenge, Lawrence B. Krause ;
The Eastasia Edge, Roy Hofheinz and Kent E. Calder Reviewed by Timothy J. Curran
pp. 526-528
Limited Nuclear War: Political Theory and War Conventions, Ian Clark Reviewed by Philip W. Dyer
pp. 528-529
The Doctrines of American Foreign Policy: Their Meaning, Role, and Future, Cecil V. Crabb Reviewed by Michael H. Hunt
pp. 529-530
The American President: Power and Communication, Colin Seymour-Ure Reviewed by Doris A. Graber
pp. 530-531
Running in the Red: The Political Dynamics of Urban Fiscal Stress, Irene S. Rubin Reviewed by Charles F. Adams
p. 532
The Politics of Congressional Elections, Gary C. Jacobson ;
From Obscurity to Oblivion: Running in the Congressional Primary, Louis Sandy Maisel Reviewed by Mark P. Petracca
pp. 533-535
The Abortion Dispute and the American System, Gilbert Y. Steiner, ed. Reviewed by Eva R. Rubin
pp. 535-536
Representation in State Legislatures, Malcolm E. Jewell Reviewed by Susan Welch
pp. 536-537
City Trenches: Urban Politics and the Patterning of Class in the United States, Ira Katznelson Reviewed by Douglas Yates
pp. 537-538
Uncle Sam's Private, Profitseeking Corporations: Comsat, Fannie Mae, Amtrak, and Conrail, Lloyd Musolf Reviewed by John T. Tierney
p. 539
The Logic of Bureaucratic Conduct: An Economic Analysis of Competition, Exchange, and Efficiency in Private and Public Organizations, Albert Breton and Ronald Wintrobe Reviewed by Fred Thompson
pp. 540-541
The President and the Public, Doris A. Graber, ed. Reviewed by Richard L. Rubin
pp. 541-542
The Constitution, the Courts, and Human Rights: An Inquiry into the Legitimacy of Constitutional Policymaking by the Judiciary, Michael J. Perry Reviewed by C. Herman Pritchett
pp. 542-543
Economic Effects of Social Security, Henry J. Aaron Reviewed by Wendell E. Primus
pp. 543-545
The Political Cartoon, Charles Press Reviewed by M. G. Lord
pp. 545-546
The Employment Revolution: Young American Women of the 1970s, Frank L. Mott, ed. Reviewed by Cynthia B. Lloyd
pp. 546-547
Right-Wing Women, Andrea Dworkin Reviewed by Ann Jones
pp. 547-548
Workers, Jobs and Inflation, Martin Neil Baily, ed. Reviewed by Eli Ginzberg
pp. 548-550
Blacks and the Military, Martin Binkin and Mark J. Eitelberg, et al. Reviewed by Charles S. Bullock III
pp. 550-551
The American Inquisition: Justice and Injustice in the Cold War, Stanley I. Kutler Reviewed by Stanley C. Brubaker
pp. 551-552
Political Forces in Spain, Greece and Portugal, Beate Kohler, Frank Carter and Ginnie Hole Reviewed by Michael Roskin
pp. 552-553
The Mediterranean Basin: Its Political Economy and Changing International Relations, Glenda G. Rosenthal Reviewed by Stanley G. Payne
pp. 553-554
Unions, Change and Crises: French and Italian Union Strategy and the Political Economy, 1945-1980, Peter Lange, George Ross and Maurizio Vannicelli Reviewed by Lawrence Garner
pp. 554-555
France in the Troubled World Economy, Stephen S. Cohen and Peter A. Gourevitch, eds. Reviewed by Seamus O'Cleiracain
pp. 556-557
Participatory Pluralism: Political Participation and Influence in the United States and Sweden, Marvin E. Olsen Reviewed by Charles Noble
pp. 557-558
Britain in Decline: Economic Policy, Political Strategy and the British State, Andrew Gamble Reviewed by Geoffrey Smith
pp. 558-560
The Politics of Economic Modernization in the Soviet Union, Erik P. Hoffmann and Robbin F. Laird ;
The Modernization of Soviet Industrial Management: Socioeconomic Development and the Search for Viability, William J. Conyngham Reviewed by Martin C. Spechler
pp. 560-561
Security in the Persian Gulf: Modernization, Political Development and Stability, Avi Plascov Reviewed by Jed Snyder
pp. 562-563
Apartheid: The United Nations and Peaceful Change in South Africa, Özdemir A. Özgür Reviewed by Steven Metz
pp. 563-564
Japan's Wasted Workers, Jon Woronoff Reviewed by Anne E. Imamura
pp. 564-565
Federalism and Federation, Preston King Reviewed by Richard H. Leach
pp. 565-567
Poland's Place in Europe: General Sikorski and the Origin of the Oder- Neisse Line, 1939-1943, Sarah Meiklejohn Terry Reviewed by Fraser Harbutt
pp. 567-568
The Struggle for Peace in the Middle East, Mahmoud Riad Reviewed by Raymond William Baker
pp. 568-569