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Volume 98 - Number 3 - Fall 1983

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The Decline of Confidence in American Institutions
Seymour Martin Lipset and William Schneider document the sharp decline in public confidence that has occurred for all major American institutions since 1965. They conclude, however, that the change in attitudes is directed toward the performance of institutions, and has not resulted in a rejection of the American social, political, or economic systems themselves.

pp. 379-402

Economic Advice to the President: From Eisenhower to Reagan
ROGER P. PORTER reviews how economic advice to the president has been organized over the last thirty years. He discusses alternative approaches for improving the coordination of economic advice and concludes that a cabinet-level council emphasizing multiple advocacy has the greatest potential.

pp. 403-426

Postscript on the Congressional Veto: Is There Life after Chadha?
Joseph Cooper gives a brief reaction to the Supreme Court decision (Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Chadha) that declared the legislative veto unconstitutional

pp. 427-429

The Cuban Missile Crisis: Reading the Lessons Correctly
Richard Ned Lebow attempts to show that there is no evidence to support the thesis that the Soviet Union put missiles into Cuba because Khrushchev doubted Kennedy's resolve. Lebow argues against the notion that the principle policy lesson of the crisis is that timidity invites challenge while resolve deters.

pp. 431-458

Regional Receptivity to Reform: The Legacy of the Progressive Era
MARTIN SHEFIER analyzes why patronage plays a larger role in the politics of cities and states in the Northeast than in those of the West. He contends that the structure of the late nineteenth century party system had a different impact on the ability of reformers in these two regions to overturn the patronage system.

pp. 459-483

Military Professionalism and Regime Legitimacy in Greece, 1967-1974
Constantine P. Danopoulos attempts to explain why the Greek military regime, which ruled from 1967 to 1974, failed to acquire legitimacy for itself.

pp. 485-506


pp. 571-572

Force and Statecraft: Diplomatic Problems of Our Time, Gordon A. Craig and Alexander L. George
Reviewed by Walter LaFeber

pp. 507-508

The American Style of Foreign Policy: Cultural Politics and Foreign Affairs, Robert Dallek
Reviewed by John W. Spanier

pp. 508-509

Surprise Attack: Lessons for Defense Planning, Richard K. Betts
Reviewed by Richard Brody

pp. 510-511

American Foreign Policy: The Lost Consensus, George H. Quester
Reviewed by Lincoln P. Bloomfield

pp. 511-512

Khrushchev and Brezhnev as Leaders: Building Authority in Soviet Politics, George W. Breslauer
Reviewed by George Liber

pp. 512-513

Leaders, Richard M. Nixon
Reviewed by Richard M. Pious

pp. 513-514

Franklin D. Roosevelt's Diplomacy and American Catholics, Italians, and Jews, Leo V. Kanawada
Reviewed by Joseph Losos

pp. 514-516

Tumultuous Years: The Presidency of Harry S. Truman, 1949-1953, Robert J. Donovan ; Harry S. Truman and the Modern American Presidency, Robert H. Ferrell
Reviewed by Robert A. Divine

pp. 516-517

The Future of American Political Parties: The Challenge of Governance, Joel L. Fleishman, ed.
Reviewed by Leon D. Epstein

pp. 518-519

The President as Policymaker: Jimmy Carter and Welfare Reform, Laurence E. Lynn, Jr. and Dave deF. Whitman
Reviewed by Robert I. Lerman

pp. 519-520

The Science Race: Training and Utilization of Scientists and Engineers, US and USSR, Catherine P. Ailes and Francis W. Rushing ; Sputnik, Scientists, and Eisenhower: A Memoir of the First Special Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, James R. Killian
Reviewed by William T. Golden

pp. 520-522

Dynamics of Global Crisis, Immanuel Wallerstein, Samir Amin, Giovanni Arrighi and Andre Gunder Frank
Reviewed by Alan Wolfe

pp. 522-524

South Asian Security After Afghanistan, G. S. Bhargava
Reviewed by Lawrence Ziring

pp. 524-525

U.S. Economic Policy toward the Association of Southeast Asian Nations: Meeting the Japanese Challenge, Lawrence B. Krause ; The Eastasia Edge, Roy Hofheinz and Kent E. Calder
Reviewed by Timothy J. Curran

pp. 526-528

Limited Nuclear War: Political Theory and War Conventions, Ian Clark
Reviewed by Philip W. Dyer

pp. 528-529

The Doctrines of American Foreign Policy: Their Meaning, Role, and Future, Cecil V. Crabb
Reviewed by Michael H. Hunt

pp. 529-530

The American President: Power and Communication, Colin Seymour-Ure
Reviewed by Doris A. Graber

pp. 530-531

Running in the Red: The Political Dynamics of Urban Fiscal Stress, Irene S. Rubin
Reviewed by Charles F. Adams

p. 532

The Politics of Congressional Elections, Gary C. Jacobson ; From Obscurity to Oblivion: Running in the Congressional Primary, Louis Sandy Maisel
Reviewed by Mark P. Petracca

pp. 533-535

The Abortion Dispute and the American System, Gilbert Y. Steiner, ed.
Reviewed by Eva R. Rubin

pp. 535-536

Representation in State Legislatures, Malcolm E. Jewell
Reviewed by Susan Welch

pp. 536-537

City Trenches: Urban Politics and the Patterning of Class in the United States, Ira Katznelson
Reviewed by Douglas Yates

pp. 537-538

Uncle Sam's Private, Profitseeking Corporations: Comsat, Fannie Mae, Amtrak, and Conrail, Lloyd Musolf
Reviewed by John T. Tierney

p. 539

The Logic of Bureaucratic Conduct: An Economic Analysis of Competition, Exchange, and Efficiency in Private and Public Organizations, Albert Breton and Ronald Wintrobe
Reviewed by Fred Thompson

pp. 540-541

The President and the Public, Doris A. Graber, ed.
Reviewed by Richard L. Rubin

pp. 541-542

The Constitution, the Courts, and Human Rights: An Inquiry into the Legitimacy of Constitutional Policymaking by the Judiciary, Michael J. Perry
Reviewed by C. Herman Pritchett

pp. 542-543

Economic Effects of Social Security, Henry J. Aaron
Reviewed by Wendell E. Primus

pp. 543-545

The Political Cartoon, Charles Press
Reviewed by M. G. Lord

pp. 545-546

The Employment Revolution: Young American Women of the 1970s, Frank L. Mott, ed.
Reviewed by Cynthia B. Lloyd

pp. 546-547

Right-Wing Women, Andrea Dworkin
Reviewed by Ann Jones

pp. 547-548

Workers, Jobs and Inflation, Martin Neil Baily, ed.
Reviewed by Eli Ginzberg

pp. 548-550

Blacks and the Military, Martin Binkin and Mark J. Eitelberg, et al.
Reviewed by Charles S. Bullock III

pp. 550-551

The American Inquisition: Justice and Injustice in the Cold War, Stanley I. Kutler
Reviewed by Stanley C. Brubaker

pp. 551-552

Political Forces in Spain, Greece and Portugal, Beate Kohler, Frank Carter and Ginnie Hole
Reviewed by Michael Roskin

pp. 552-553

The Mediterranean Basin: Its Political Economy and Changing International Relations, Glenda G. Rosenthal
Reviewed by Stanley G. Payne

pp. 553-554

Unions, Change and Crises: French and Italian Union Strategy and the Political Economy, 1945-1980, Peter Lange, George Ross and Maurizio Vannicelli
Reviewed by Lawrence Garner

pp. 554-555

France in the Troubled World Economy, Stephen S. Cohen and Peter A. Gourevitch, eds.
Reviewed by Seamus O'Cleiracain

pp. 556-557

Participatory Pluralism: Political Participation and Influence in the United States and Sweden, Marvin E. Olsen
Reviewed by Charles Noble

pp. 557-558

Britain in Decline: Economic Policy, Political Strategy and the British State, Andrew Gamble
Reviewed by Geoffrey Smith

pp. 558-560

The Politics of Economic Modernization in the Soviet Union, Erik P. Hoffmann and Robbin F. Laird ; The Modernization of Soviet Industrial Management: Socioeconomic Development and the Search for Viability, William J. Conyngham
Reviewed by Martin C. Spechler

pp. 560-561

Security in the Persian Gulf: Modernization, Political Development and Stability, Avi Plascov
Reviewed by Jed Snyder

pp. 562-563

Apartheid: The United Nations and Peaceful Change in South Africa, Özdemir A. Özgür
Reviewed by Steven Metz

pp. 563-564

Japan's Wasted Workers, Jon Woronoff
Reviewed by Anne E. Imamura

pp. 564-565

Federalism and Federation, Preston King
Reviewed by Richard H. Leach

pp. 565-567

Poland's Place in Europe: General Sikorski and the Origin of the Oder- Neisse Line, 1939-1943, Sarah Meiklejohn Terry
Reviewed by Fraser Harbutt

pp. 567-568

The Struggle for Peace in the Middle East, Mahmoud Riad
Reviewed by Raymond William Baker

pp. 568-569

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