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Volume 101 - Number 4 - 1986

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Has America Lost its Social Conscience--And How Will it Get it Back?
James L. Sundquist concludes from his analysis of public opinion and other data that Americans have not lost their social conscience.  He predicts that with the inevitable swing of the political pendulum, conscience will again be vigorously expressed through governmental policy, and he adds some advice for liberals on how to speed the pedulum's movement in their direction.

pp. 513-533

Gorbachev and the Future of Sino-Soviet Relations
William deB. Mills evaluates the surface thaw in Sino-Soviet relations during Gorbachev's first year in office.  He finds that the current movement toward normalized state relations masks an enduring split in strategic interests that is likely to continue provoking rivalry.

pp. 535-557

The American Military's Rationale Against the Vietnam War
Bob Buzzanco explores the objections raised by important American military leaders to the Vietnam war.  He contends that it is erroneous to claim that politicians and domestic interests prevented a military victory, since the military itself was openly divided over Vietnam.

pp. 559-576

The New Protectionism: U.S. Trade Policy in Historical Perspective
Pietro S. Nivola examines the expanding protectionist sentiment in the United States and compares its underlying political forces with those in the past.  Among the influences he analyzes are interest group alignments, regional divisions, partisan politics, legistlative-executive relations, and ideology.

pp. 577-600

The Sources of Presidential Power: John Adams and the Challenge to Executive Primacy
Jean S. Holder considers the contemporary debate on sources of presidential power.  She uses the war crisis of John Adams's administration as a test case for evaluating the arguement that constitutional power is the foundation of the president's authority and ability to command.

pp. 601-616

Politics and the Refugee Experience
Cheryl Benard analyzes the growing international population of refugees as a new kind of political entity with its own political processes, foreign and domestic politics, and socio-psychological dynamics.

pp. 617-636

British Civil Liberties and the Law
David G. Smith describes the British approach to the protection of civil liberties.  He argues that these liberties are less adequately protected today because of a British failure to adapt legal institutions effectively to modern social and political conditions.

pp. 637-660

Why the Reagan Revolution Failed: A Review Essay
Robert D. Reischauer reviews the value for social scientists of David Stockman's book The Triumph of Politics.  He suggests that the attention given by the media to Stockman's biting characterizations of his administration colleagues and associates on Capitol Hill has diverted attention from insights the book provides into how unsystematically the most important budgetary policy decisions of the 1980s were made.

pp. 661-664

A Reasonable Defense, William W. Kaufmann
Reviewed by Robert J. Art

pp. 665-666

The Ultimate Insiders: U.S. Senators in the National Media, Stephen Hess
Reviewed by Donald R. Matthews

p. 667

The Outside Story: How Democrats and Republicans Reelected Reagan, Richard Brookhiser
Reviewed by William Crotty

pp. 668-669

The Limits of Victory: The Ratification of the Panama Canal Treaties, George D. Moffett III
Reviewed by H. Bradford Westerfield

pp. 669-670

Detente and Confrontation: American-Soviet Relations from Nixon to Reagan, Ramond L. Garthoff
Reviewed by Marita Kaw

pp. 670-672

Tito's Flawed Legacy: Yugoslavia and the West since 1939, Nora Beloff
Reviewed by Pedro Ramet

pp. 672-673

China and the Superpowers, Roy Medvedev and Harold Shukman
Reviewed by Steven I. Levine

pp. 673-674

Afghanistan: The Soviet War, Edward R. Girardet
Reviewed by Daria Fane

pp. 674-675

Man of Defiance: A Political Biography of Anwar Sadat, Raphael Israeli
Reviewed by Shibley Telhami

pp. 676-677

France, the Soviet Union, and the Nuclear Weapons Issue, Robin F. Laird
Reviewed by Edward A. Kolodziej

pp. 677-678

Liberalism and American Constitutional Law, Rogers M. Smith
Reviewed by Stanley C. Brubaker

pp. 678-679

Toward a More Effective Defense: Report of the Defense Organization Project, Barry M. Blechman and William J. Lynn
Reviewed by John P. Lovell

pp. 680-681

The Rise and Decline of the Zairian State, Crawford Young and Thomas Turner
Reviewed by Thomas M. Callaghy

pp. 681-682

In Pursuit of Power: Southern Blacks and Electoral Politics, 1965-1982, Steven F. Lawson
Reviewed by Alexander P. Lamis

pp. 682-683

Military Rule in Chile: Dictatorship and Oppositions, Arturo Valenzuela and J. Samuel Valenzuela, eds.
Reviewed by Howard J. Wiarda

pp. 683-684

The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust, 1941-1945, David S. Wyman
Reviewed by Elie Wiesel

p. 685

The Politics of Language: Liberalism as Word and Symbol, Ronald D. Rotunda
Reviewed by Robert Lekachman

pp. 685-686

When Russia Learned to Read: Literacy and Popular Literature, 1861-1917, Jeffrey Brooks
Reviewed by Maurice Friedberg

pp. 686-688

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