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Volume 102 - Number 3 - Fall 1987

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Party Reform and the Public Interest
Everett Carll Ladd examines the calls sounded over the past century for reform of the United States system of parties and elections. He concludes that -- putting aside the obvious practical difficulties in changing the system substantially -- the intellectual case for reform simply has not been made persuasively.

pp. 355-369

The Supreme Court and the New Politics of Judicial Power
Mark Silverstein and Benjamin Ginsberg analyze changes in judicial policy over the past three decades. They argue that during this period the United States Supreme Court dramatically increased both its capacity to influence national policy and its independence from presidential control.

pp. 371-388

Expanding Social Benefits: The Role of Social Security
G. John Ikenberry and Theda Skocpol trace the origins and trajectory of American provision for social problems. They explore the manner in which policy ideas and public social benefits have changed over time and explain why "social security" has been the main carrier of expansion in coverage and benefits.

pp. 389-416

Soviet Policy and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Actions, Patterns, and Interpretations
Richard Herrmann discusses the difficulties of interpreting Soviet policy in the Arab-Israeli conflict. He looks at past behavior and compares Soviet approaches with those of the United States and several Arab countries. After reviewing American policy of trying to exclude the Soviet Union from settlement talks, Herrmann argues that American policy should more actively test Soviet intentions.

pp. 417-440

Restructuring Canada's Defense Contribution: A Possible Key to Western Security
STEVEN CANBY and Jean Edward Smith focus on Canada's slim military contribution to NATO. They suggest that an enhanced Canadian presence in the Central Front in Germany may provide the keystone for a credible conventional defense strategy in Europe.

pp. 441-457

Entering the Atomic Power Race: Science, Industry, and Government
Rebecca S. Lowen traces the development of the nuclear power industry in the 1950s, arguing that neither a shortage of conventional fuel nor the enthusiasm of scientists for this new source of power explains the industry's emergence. She shows that international political concerns of Congress and the President spurred the building of the first nuclear power plants in the U.S.

pp. 459-479

SDI and the Dynamics of Strategic Uncertainty
Robert H. Gromoll considers the likely impact of enhanced strategic uncertainty under ballistic missile defenses contemplated in SDI. He contends such defenses would multiply conceivable U.S.-Soviet strategic relationships, creating some possibilities for greater stability, but even more possibilities for instability.

pp. 481-500

Nuclear Planning in NATO: Pitfalls of First Use, Daniel Charles
Reviewed by George H. Quester

pp. 501-502

Beggar Your Neighbours: Apartheid Power in Southern Africa, Joseph Hanlon
Reviewed by Crawford Young

pp. 502-504

Fidel: A Critical Portrait, Tad Szulc
Reviewed by Scott C. Monje

pp. 504-505

Human Rights in Contemporary China, Louis Henkin, ANDREW J. NATHAN and R. Randle Edwards
Reviewed by Lucian W. Pye

pp. 506-507

Chinese Democracy, ANDREW J. NATHAN
Reviewed by Joel Glassman

pp. 507-508

The Great Chinese Revolution 1800-1985, John King Fairbank
Reviewed by Joyce K. Kallgren

pp. 508-510

The SDI Challenge to Europe, Ivo H. Daalder
Reviewed by Jerome Slater

pp. 510-511

The Soviet Union in the Third World: Threat to World Peace?, Joseph G. Whelan and Michael J. Dixon
Reviewed by Raymond L. Garthoff

pp. 511-513

Constitutional Reform and Effective Government, James L. Sundquist
Reviewed by Paul S. Sarbanes

pp. 513-514

Regulating Government: The Positive-Sum Solution, Dwight R. Lee and Richard B. McKenzie
Reviewed by Eugene Bardach

pp. 514-515

Child Care: Facing the Hard Choices, Alfred J. Kahn and Sheila B. Kamerman
Reviewed by Frank J. Macchiarola

pp. 516-517

Why we Lost the ERA, Jane J. Mansbridge
Reviewed by Roberta S. Sigel

pp. 517-518

Public Opinion & Collective Action: The Boston School Desegregation Conflict, D. Garth Taylor
Reviewed by John T. Tierney

pp. 518-520

American Choices: Social Dilemmas and Public Policy since 1960, Gary W. Reichard, Robert H. Bremmer and Richard J. Hopkins
Reviewed by Hugh Heclo

pp. 520-521

Redefining the Supreme Court's Role: A Theory of Managing the Federal Judicial Process, Samuel Estreicher and John Sexton
Reviewed by John R. Schmidhauser

pp. 521-522

The Art of Political Manipulation, William H. Riker
Reviewed by David L. Garth

pp. 522-523

The Politics of Policy Making in Defense and Foreign Affairs: Conceptual Models and Bureaucratic Politics, Roger Hilsman
Reviewed by Graham T. Allison

pp. 524-525

A Melting Pot or a Nation of Minorities, W. Lawson Taitte
Reviewed by Moses Rischin

pp. 525-526

American Public Opinion toward Israel and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Eytan Gilboa
Reviewed by Leonard W. Doob

pp. 526-527

Takings: Private Property and the Power of Eminent Domain, Richard A. Epstein
Reviewed by David Adamany

pp. 528-529

Braking the Special Interests: Trucking Deregulation and the Politics of Policy Reform, Dorothy Robyn
Reviewed by Susan Rose-Ackerman

pp. 530-531

Managing the Presidency: Carter, Reagan and the Search for Executive Harmony, Colin Campbell
Reviewed by Richard M. Pious

pp. 531-532

Dwight D. Eisenhower: Hero and Politician, Robert F. Burk
Reviewed by Richard H. Immerman

pp. 532-533

American Women and Political Participation: The Impacts of Work, Generation, and Feminism, Karen Beckwith
Reviewed by Virginia Sapiro

pp. 534-535

The Flacks of Washington: Government Information and the Public Agenda, David Morgan
Reviewed by Dan Nimmo

pp. 535-536

Institutional Disability: The Saga of Transportation Policy for the Disabled, Robert A. Katzmann
Reviewed by Ronald F. Kirby

pp. 536-538

The China Connection: U.S. Policy and the People's Republic of China, A. James Gregor
Reviewed by Warren I. Cohen

pp. 538-540

Fire Across the Sea: The Vietnam War and Japan, 1965-1975, Thomas R. H. Havens
Reviewed by Nathaniel B. Thayer

pp. 540-541

East Asian Security and the Trilateral Countries: A Report to the Trilateral Commission, Masashi Nishihara
Reviewed by Douglas Stuart

pp. 541-542

The Prevention of Genocide, Leo Kuper
Reviewed by William Korey

pp. 542-544

Social Movements and Political Power: Emerging Forms of Radicalism in the West, Carl Boggs
Reviewed by Mark Kesselman

pp. 544-545

Sentinels of Empire: The United States and Latin American Militarism, Jan Knippers Black
Reviewed by Dain Borges

pp. 545-546

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