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Volume 103 - Number 1 - Spring 1988

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The Constitution and Presidential Warmaking: The Enduring Debate
David Gray Adler examines the debate surrounding the critical constitutional issue of the power to decide on war. He argues that the evidence indisputably shows that the drafters of the Constitution vested the authority to initiate hostilities, short of and including war, solely and exclusively in Congress and gave the president only the power to repel invasions.

pp. 1-36

The In-and-Outer System: A Critical Assessment
Hugh Heclo discusses the "in-and-outer" system of staffing top political posts in the executive branch. He contends that reforms are needed to prevent an, on the whole, worthwhile system from producing perverse results.

pp. 37-56

The Unlearned Lessons of Counterinsurgency
D. Michael Shafer highlights the assumptions underlying American counterinsurgency policy. He argues that they lead policy makers to misunderstand the sources of insurgency, to underestimate the constraints on Third World leaders' willingness and capacity to make the reforms required to defeat it, and to overestimate the United States' role as a partner in their efforts.

pp. 57-80

Clausewitz and Nuclear Crisis Stability
Richard Ned Lebow looks at Carl von Clausewitz's classic study On War for an analytical framework that identifies the kinds of problems that could impede the resolution of a future superpower crisis: civilian-military conflict, emotional arousal, and political sabotage. He goes on to analyze their implications for contemporary crisis management and what, if anything, can be done to minimize their disruptive effects.

pp. 81-110

Political Legitimacy and Crisis in Poland
William P. Avery argues that a crisis of legitimacy has marked Polish politics since World War II, as a result of several important contradictions between the values of the state and those reflected in the culture and traditions of the mass public.

pp. 111-130

Foreign Investments in Less Developed Regions
John R. Oneal analyzes the foreign investments of British capitalists in the decades before World War I as well as of the US. multinationals today. Considering the distribution of capital placed abroad and its profitability, he finds little support for the socialist theory of imperialism first advanced by Hobson and Lenin.

pp. 131-148


pp. 195-196

Strategy: The Logic of War and Peace, Edward N. Luttwak
Reviewed by Manfred Halpern

pp. 149-150

Watershed in Europe: Dismantling the East-West Military Confrontation, Jonathan Dean
Reviewed by Edward Rhodes

pp. 151-152

Presidential Transitions: Eisenhower through Reagan, Carl M. Brauer
Reviewed by Roger B. Porter

pp. 152-153

Congress and the Nuclear Freeze: An Inside Look at the Politics of a Mass Movement, Douglas C. Waller
Reviewed by Francis E. Rourke

pp. 154-155

Stemming the Tide: Arms Control in the Johnson Years, Glenn T. Seaborg and Benjamin S. Loeb
Reviewed by Lincoln P. Bloomfield

pp. 155-156

The White House and Capitol Hill: The Politics of Presidential Persuasion, Nigel Bowles
Reviewed by L. Sandy Maisel

pp. 156-158

Racial Formation in the United States from the 1960s to the 1980s, Michael Omi and Howard Winant
Reviewed by Charles V. Hamilton

pp. 158-159

The New Black Middle Class, Bart Landry
Reviewed by Adolph L. Reed, Jr.

pp. 159-161

International Peacekeeping in Lebanon: United Nations Authority and Multinational Force, Ramesh Thakur
Reviewed by George L. Sherry

pp. 161-163

Beauty, Health, and Permanence: Environmental Politics in the United States, 1955-1985, Samuel P. Hays
Reviewed by John S. Dryzek

pp. 163-164

Running in Place: Inside the Senate, James A. Miller ; The U.S. Senate: Paralysis or a Search for Consensus, George E. Reedy
Reviewed by Joseph Cooper

pp. 165-166

Homeward Bound: Explaining Changes in Congressional Behavior, Glenn R. Parker
Reviewed by Aage R. Clausen

pp. 167-168

Reagan and the Cities, George E. Peterson and Carol W. Lewis
Reviewed by Richard P. Nathan

pp. 168-169

Higher Learning, Derek Bok
Reviewed by Ellen Futter

pp. 169-170

Taking Reform Seriously: Perspectives on Public Interest Liberalism, Michael W. McCann
Reviewed by J. David Greenstone

pp. 170-171

The Establishment Clause: Religion and the First Amendment, Leonard W. Levy
Reviewed by James Magee

pp. 172-173

The Case against the Constitution: From Federalists to the Present, John F. Manley and Kenneth M. Dolbeare
Reviewed by Frank J. Macchiarola

pp. 173-175

Politics and Vision: The ADA and American Liberalism, 1947-1985, Steven M. Gillon
Reviewed by James L. Sundquist

pp. 175-176

The Chinese Army after Mao, Ellis Joffe
Reviewed by ANDREW J. NATHAN

pp. 176-177

Development Strategies and the Status of Women: A Comparative Study of the United States, Mexico, the Soviet Union and Cuba, Margaret E. Leahy
Reviewed by Lourdes Beneria

pp. 178-179

Reevaluating Eisenhower: American Foreign Policy in the 1950s, Richard A. Melanson and David Mayers
Reviewed by H. W. Brands, Jr.

pp. 179-180

Politics and Society in the South, Earl Black and Merle Black
Reviewed by Alexander Heard

pp. 180-181

Why Presidents Succeed: A Political Psychology of Leadership, Dean Keith Simonton
Reviewed by Barbara Kellerman

pp. 181-183

Controlling Bureaucracies: Dilemmas in Democratic Governance, Judith Gruber
Reviewed by Robert T. Nakamura

pp. 183-184

Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episodes in the Growth of American Government, Robert Higgs
Reviewed by R. J. Saulnier

pp. 185-186

Still the Golden Door: The Third World Comes to America, David M. Reimers
Reviewed by Lewis A. Coser

pp. 186-187

Will the Non-Russians Rebel? State, Ethnicity, and Stability in the USSR, Alexander J. Motyl
Reviewed by Gary L. Guertner

pp. 187-188

Voters Begin to Choose: From Closed-Class to Open Elections in Britain, Richard Rose and Ian McAllister
Reviewed by Leon D. Epstein

pp. 188-190

From Potsdam to Poland: American Policy toward Eastern Europe, Stephen A. Garrett
Reviewed by Piotr S. Wandycz

pp. 190-191

First World Nationalisms: Class and Ethnic Politics in Northern Ireland and Quebec, Katherine O'Sullivan See
Reviewed by John L. P. Thompson

pp. 191-192

Political Parties in Local Areas, William Crotty
Reviewed by M. Margaret Conway

pp. 192-194

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