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Volume 104 - Number 1 - Spring 1989

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The 1988 Elections: Continuation of The Post-New Deal System
EVERETT C. LADD analyzes the outcomes of the 1988 presidential and congressional elections. He argues that their results display in full form the new party and electoral system that has consigned that of the New Deal era to the history books.

pp. 1-18

Elections and Dilemmas of American Democratic Governance: Reflections
Demetrios Caraley reflects on the role of American elections as a means of selecting rulers and delivering policy mandates from the voters. He offers prescriptions for changing the electoral system so as to make officials more accountable to the voters.

pp. 19-40

Solidarity as a New Social Movement
David S. Mason examines the extent to which Poland's independent trade union Solidarity functioned as a social movement. He finds that while Solidarity may have been unique within the Soviet bloc, it fit many of the criteria of "new social movements" in the West and as such reflects a trend that may transcend East-West boundaries.

pp. 41-58

Public Opinion and the Welfare State: The United States in Comparative Perspective
Robert Y. Shapiro and John T. Young examine public opinion toward different social welfare policies in the United States and other countries. They show that public support for social welfare policies in the United States has generally remained solid from the 1970s to the early 1980s, with the exception of increased opposition to income maintenance programs.

pp. 59-89

How Exceptional is the American Political Economy?
Richard Rose attempts to explode the myth that America has a big government. He shows that it is relatively small compared to the average advanced industrial nation, primarily because government in America has been growing more slowly in the past quarter century.

pp. 91-115

The Anzus Dispute: Testing U.S. Extended Deterrence in Alliance Politics
William T. Tow surveys the recent U.S.-ANZUS dispute. He argues that strong differences between the U.S. and New Zealand's Labour Government were left unresolved when both sides proved unable to compromise their respective interpretations of valid extended deterrence strategy in the Pacific.

pp. 117-149


pp. 190-191

The Politics of Economic Power in Southern Africa, Ronald T. Libby
Reviewed by Crawford Young

pp. 151-153

Foreign Intelligence Organizations, Jeffrey T. Richelson
Reviewed by Ray S. Cline

pp. 153-154

Power and Prejudice: The Politics and Diplomacy of Racial Discrimination, Paul Gordon Lauren
Reviewed by Lewis A. Coser

pp. 154-155

The Third World and Decision Making in the International Monetary Fund: The Quest for Full and Effective Participation, Tyrone Ferguson
Reviewed by Peter B. Kennen

pp. 155-157

Getting Elected: From Radio and Roosevelt to Television and Reagan, J. Leonard Reinsch
Reviewed by Doris A. Graber

pp. 157-159

The Ring of Power: The White House Staff and its Expanding Role in Government, Bradley H. Patterson, Jr.
Reviewed by Richard M. Pious

pp. 159-160

Bifurcated Politics: Evolution and Reform in the National Party Convention, Byron E. Shafer
Reviewed by William Crotty

pp. 160-161

The Good Ruler: From Herbert Hoover to Richard Nixon, Bruce Kuklick
Reviewed by Robert A. Divine

pp. 161-163

Reagan and the States, Richard P. Nathan and Fred C. Doolittle
Reviewed by Daniel J. Elazar

pp. 163-164

Caring for the Disabled Elderly: Who Will Pay?, Alice M. Rivlin and Joshua M. Wiener
Reviewed by Alfred J. Kahn

pp. 164-166

Mario Cuomo: A Biography, Robert S. McElvaine
Reviewed by Leonard P. Stavisky

pp. 166-167

Migration and Politics: The Impact of Population Mobility on American Voting Behavior, Thad A. Brown
Reviewed by Peverill Squire

pp. 167-169

The Politics of Federal Reorganization: Creating the U.S. Department of Education, Beryl A. Radin and Willis D. Hawley
Reviewed by Charles O. Jones

pp. 169-170

Presidential Primaries and the Dynamics of Public Choice, Larry M. Bartels
Reviewed by Gerald M. Pomper

pp. 170-172

Who Guards the Guardians? Judicial Control of Administration, Martin Shapiro
Reviewed by Barbara A. Perry

pp. 172-173

Curbing the Courts: The Constitution and the Limits of Judicial Power, Gary L. McDowell
Reviewed by Frank J. Macchiarola

pp. 173-175

No Longer Disabled: The Federal Courts and the Politics of Social Security Disability, Susan Gluck Mezey
Reviewed by Francis E. Rourke

pp. 175-176

Campaigns, Congress, and Courts: The Making of Federal Campaign Finance Law, Robert E. Mutch
Reviewed by David Adamany

pp. 176-178

John L. Lewis, Labor Leader, Robert H. Zieger
Reviewed by Jewel Bellush

pp. 178-179

Referendum Voting: Social Status and Policy Preferences, Sheldon Kamieniecki and Harlan Hahn
Reviewed by M. Kent Jennings

pp. 179-180

The Islamic Question in Middle East Politics, Alan R. Taylor
Reviewed by Seyyed Vali Reza Nas

pp. 180-182

The Origins of Palestinian Nationalism, Muhammad Y. Muslih
Reviewed by Donald Malcolm Reid

pp. 182-183

Political Change in the Third World, Charles F. Andrain
Reviewed by Lisa Anderson

pp. 183-184

Meeting the Communist Threat: Truman to Reagan, Thomas G. Paterson
Reviewed by Anna Kasten Nelson

pp. 185-186

Saudi Arabia in the Oil Era: Regime and Elites; Conflict and Collaboration, Mordechai Abir
Reviewed by Jill Crystal

pp. 186-187

China's Political Reforms: An Interim Report, Benedict Stavis
Reviewed by Stanley Rosen

pp. 187-188

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