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Volume 104 - Number 3 - Fall 1989

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Rethinking the Origins of American Hegemony
G. John Ikenberry explores United States policies toward European postwar reconstruction and international order in an effort to understand the origins and nature of American hegemonic power. He argues that despite the preponderance of American economic and military capabilities after World War II, the United States was less successful in carrying out its postwar policies than often thought.

pp. 375-400

The Strategic Implications of Relative Economic Decline
Aaron L. Friedberg analyzes the strategic implications of recent changes in America's position in the world economy. He concludes that these shifts could impose subtle but powerful constraints on U.S. freedom of diplomatic and military action.

pp. 401-431

What War in Europe? The Implications of Legitimate Stability
Lawrence S. Finkelstein argues that it is wrong to fear war between East and West in Europe because of the presumed imbalance of conventional military forces. Such a fear unnecessarily threatens the consensus that should be the primary aim of NATO's policy.

pp. 433-446

Presidential Strategy and the Veto Power: A Reappraisal
David McKay shows that since the 1960s a major change has occurred in the way in which the presidential veto has been wielded. In what is now a much more confrontational executive/legislative environment, the veto has been increasingly applied to major bills. Evidence exists to suggest that this change is not merely a symptom of divided party control.

pp. 447-461

The Road Not Taken: FDR, the Supreme Court, and Constitutional Amendment
David E. Kyvig identifies a turning point in political attitudes toward U.S. constitutional amendments, ending three decades of significant amending activity. He discusses FDR's exploration and rejection of proposing an amendment during his battle with the Supreme Court in 1937.

pp. 463-481

Four Perspectives on Urban Hardship
Richard P. Nathan and Charles F. Adams, JR. update their earlier PSQ study of urban hardship and expand the analysis with two additional perspectives on urban conditions -- poverty concentration and central business district retail activity. They find that hardship conditions between suburbs and cities and across cities have increased substantially.

pp. 483-508

Woodrow Wilson, Progressive Reform, and Public Administration
Larry Walker offers a broad review of Woodrow Wilson's influence on twentieth-century administration. Through examination of Wilson's role in the academic and political reform movements of his day and of his presidency, Walker argues that Wilson had a substantial role in the shaping of American public administration and political science.

pp. 509-525

The Postmodern President: The White House Meets the World, Richard Rose
Reviewed by Stephen J. Wayne

pp. 527-528

Fluctuating Fortunes: The Political Power of Business in America, David Vogel
Reviewed by Susan Rose-Ackerman

pp. 528-529

The Fate of Nations: The Search for National Security in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Michael Mandelbaum
Reviewed by Richard Falk

pp. 530-532

War and Peace in Central America; Reality and Illusion, Frank McNeil
Reviewed by Walter LaFeber

pp. 532-533

Renewing Italian Socialism: Nenni to Craxi, Spencer M. DiScala
Reviewed by Joseph LaPalombara

pp. 533-534

Party Campaigning in the 1980s, Paul S. Herrnson
Reviewed by Frank J. Sorauf

pp. 534-535

Jimmy Carter as President: Leadership and the Politics of the Public Good, Erwin C. Hargrove
Reviewed by Nelson W. Polsby

pp. 536-537

Public Opinion and the Supreme Court, Thomas R. Marshall
Reviewed by C. Herman Pritchett

pp. 537-538

Civilian Control versus Military Rule, Robert Previdi
Reviewed by Paul Y. Hammond

pp. 538-539

The Soviet Union and National Liberation Movements in the Third World, Galia Golan
Reviewed by John P. Hannah

pp. 539-541

The KGB: Police and Politics in the Soviet Union, Amy W. Knight
Reviewed by Donald W. Treadgold

pp. 541-542

Sino-Japanese Relations: China's Perspective, Laura Newby
Reviewed by Steven I. Levine

pp. 542-543

Pluralism, Corporatism and Confucianism: Political Association and Conflict Regulation in the United States, Europe and Taiwan, Harmon Zeigler
Reviewed by Philippe C. Schmitter

pp. 544-545

Advice and Consent: The Development of the Policy Sciences, Peter deLeon
Reviewed by Quentin L. Quade

pp. 546-547

Urban Minority Administrators: Politics, Policy, and Style, Albert K. Karnig and Paula D. McClain
Reviewed by Wilbur C. Rich

pp. 547-548

Wealth, Poverty and Politics, Gordon Tullock
Reviewed by Anne Lenhard Reisinger

pp. 548-549

The Free Enterprise City: Houston in Political and Economic Perspective, Joe R. Feagin
Reviewed by Barbara Ferman

pp. 549-550

Dilemmas of Social Democracy: The Spanish Socialist Workers Party in the 1980s, Donald Share
Reviewed by Edward Malefakis

pp. 550-552

Soviet Policy towards Japan: An Analysis of Trends in the 1970s and 1980s, Myles L.C. Robertson
Reviewed by Robert B. Valliant

pp. 552-553

The Politics of the U.S. Cabinet: Representation in the Executive Branch, 1789-1984, Jeffrey E. Cohen
Reviewed by Larry Berman

pp. 553-554

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Jimmy Carter's Legacy

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John Whiteclay Chambers II

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