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Volume 105 - Number 2 - Summer 1990

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The Changing Nature of World Power
JOSEPH S. NYE discusses theories about the decline of the United States that recently have become popular. He argues that these theories are based on arbitrary schematizations and that in order to correctly understand possible hegemonic decline, basic distinctions among the terms "power," "balance of power," and "hegemony" must be recognized.

pp. 177-192

Solving the Riddle of Tax Reform: Party Competition and the Politics of Ideas
David R. Beam, Timothy J. Conlan, AND Margaret T. Wrightson explain why the Tax Reform Act of 1986 was adopted by Congress in the face of staunch interest-group pressure. Their analysis emphasizes the increasing importance of ideas, experts, policy entrepreneurship, and the media in the American policy process.

pp. 193-217

Can Black Candidates Win Statewide Elections?
Raphael J. Sonenshein compares Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley's 1982 gubernatorial defeat in California to other statewide black candidacies in Massachusetts and Virginia. He suggests conditions for statewide black success and explores what is a necessary prelude to a future black presidential candidacy.

pp. 219-241

The French Double Executive and the Experience of Cohabitation
Jean V. Poulard examines political cohabitation in France between 1986 and 1988. He argues that this experience of two political opponents sharing the French dual executive - president and prime minister - did not produce the predicted constitutional crisis and indeed that cohabitation has demonstrated the resilience of the French Constitution of 1958.

pp. 243-267

Subgovernments as Determinants of Political Viability
Daniel McCool analyzes the changing conceptualizations of subgovernments the alliances formed among congressional committees and subcommittees, interest groups, and government agencies. He identifies the factors that affect the ability of a subgovernment to influence relevant policy and then discusses the utility of the subgovernment concept in contemporary politics.

pp. 269-293

The American Exploitation of German Technical Know-How after World War II
John Gimbel describes the post-World War II American program to exploit German scientific and technical know-how and reflects on the long-term effects of that program, especially on the Marshall Plan and Germany's postwar economic recovery.

pp. 295-309

The Nixon-Kissinger Years: Reshaping America's Foreign Policy, Richard C. Thornton
Reviewed by Walter LaFeber

pp. 311-312

Henry Kissinger: Doctor of Diplomacy, Robert D. Schulzinger
Reviewed by Robert A. Divine

pp. 312-313

The Meaning of the Nuclear Revolution: Statecraft and the Prospect of Armageddon, Robert Jervis
Reviewed by Raymond L. Garthoff

pp. 313-314

Gandhi, Prisoner of Hope, Judith M. Brown
Reviewed by Dennis Dalton

pp. 314-315

Nehru: The Making of India, M. J. Akbar
Reviewed by Gyan Prakash

pp. 315-317

Constitutional Brinksmanship: Amending the Constitution by National Convention, Russell L. Caplan
Reviewed by David Adamany

pp. 317-318

The Rise and Fall of the New Deal Order, 1930-1980, Steve Fraser and Gary Gerstle
Reviewed by Donald R. Brand

pp. 318-320

Securing the Right to Employment: Social Welfare Policy and the Unemployed in the United States, Philip Harvey
Reviewed by Frank Gallo

pp. 320-321

A Shield in Space? Technology, Politics, and the Strategic Defense Initiative, Sanford Lakoff and Herbert F. York
Reviewed by Steven Lee

pp. 322-323

U.S. National Security: Policymakers, Processes, and Politics, Sam C. Sarkesian
Reviewed by Mitchell Pote

pp. 323-324

The ANZUS Crisis, Nuclear Visiting and Deterrence, Michael C. Pugh
Reviewed by William T. Tow

pp. 324-326

Elections and Democracy in Central America, John A. Booth and Mitchell A. Seligson
Reviewed by Leslie Anderson

pp. 326-327

Conventional Forces and American Defense Policy, Steven E. Miller and Sean M. Lynn-Jones
Reviewed by Philip W. Dyer

pp. 328-329

America's Defense, Michael Mandelbaum
Reviewed by William J. Durch

pp. 329-330

The Long Road to Freedom: Russia and Glasnost, Walter Laqueur
Reviewed by Elizabeth Kridl Valkenier

pp. 330-331

Aftermath of War: Americans and the Remaking of Japan, 1945-1952, Howard B. Schonberger
Reviewed by John M. Maki

pp. 331-332

The Republic of Korea: Economic Transformation and Social Change, David Steinberg
Reviewed by Kyung Ae Park

pp. 333-334

Between Profit and State: Intermediate Organizations in Britain and the United States, Alan Ware
Reviewed by Ardith Maney

pp. 334-335

From Margin to Mainstream: American Women and Politics since 1960, Susan M. Hartmann
Reviewed by Susan J. Carroll

pp. 335-337

Jesse Jackson's 1984 Presidential Campaign: Challenge and Change in American Politics, Ronald Walters and Lucius J. Barker
Reviewed by Charles V. Hamilton

pp. 337-338

Black Politics in Conservative America, Marcus Pohlmann
Reviewed by Wilbur C. Rich

pp. 338-339

The Legislative Committee Game: A Comparative Analysis of Fifty States, Wayne L. Francis
Reviewed by Gerald Benjamin

pp. 339-340

Self-Employment for Low-Income People, Steven Balkin
Reviewed by Eli Ginzberg

pp. 341-342

Marbury v. Madison and Judicial Review, Robert Lowry Clinton
Reviewed by Francis Graham Lee

pp. 342-343

Protecting Constitutional Freedoms: A Role For Federal Courts, Daan Braveman
Reviewed by Sue Davis

pp. 343-345

From Charity to Enterprise: The Development of American Social Work in a Market Economy, Stanley Wenocur and Michael Reisch
Reviewed by Barbara Levy Simon

pp. 345-347

Seven Years in France: Francois Mitterrand and the Unitended Revolution 1981-1988, Julius W. Friend
Reviewed by John T. S. Keele

pp. 347-348

State-Building in the Contemporary Third World, Su-Hoon Lee
Reviewed by Philip Oldenburg

pp. 348-349

Party Politics and Elections in Latin America, Ronald H. McDonald and J. Mark Ruhl
Reviewed by Paul W. Drake

p. 350

Still Hungry After All These Years: Food Assistance Policy from Kennedy to Reagan, Ardith L. Maney
Reviewed by Donna Wilson Kirchheimer

pp. 351-352

International Cooperation: Building Regimes for Natural Resources and the Environment, Oran R. Young
Reviewed by John Gerard Ruggie

pp. 352-353

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