The Politics Presidents Make: Leadership from John Adams to George Bush, Stephen Skowronek Reviewed by Richard M. Pious
pp. 171-174
The Logic of Accidental Nuclear War, Bruce G. Blair Reviewed by James J. Wirtz
pp. 174-175
Challenging the Civil Rights Establishment: Profiles of a New Black Vanguard, Joseph G. Conti and Brad Stetson Reviewed by Charles V. Hamilton
pp. 175-176
America's Military Revolution: Strategy and Structure after the Cold War, William E. Odom Reviewed by Raymond L. Garthoff
pp. 177-178
Power and Peace: The Diplomacy of John Foster Dulles, Frederick W. Marks Reviewed by Richard H. Immerman
pp. 178-179
Force and Diplomacy in the Future, Stephen J. Cimbala Reviewed by Joseph Lepgold
pp. 179-180
Politics in the Lifeboat: Immigrants and the American Democratic Order, John C. Harles Reviewed by Rita James Simon
pp. 181-182
Politics East and West: A Comparison of Japanese and British Political Culture, Curtis Martin and Bruce Stronach Reviewed by Robert M. Orr, Jr.
pp. 182-183
Governing Italy: The Politics of Bargained Pluralism, David Hine Reviewed by Mauro Calise
pp. 183-184
The Politics of Antagonism: Understanding Northern Ireland, Brenda O'Leary and John McGarry Reviewed by John E. Finn
pp. 185-186
Numbered Voices: How Opinion Polling has Shaped American Politics, Susan Herbst Reviewed by Doris A. Graber
pp. 186-187
Soviet Military Doctrine from Lenin to Gorbachev, 1915-1991, Willard C. Frank, Jr. and Philip S. Gillette ;
The Soviet Military and the Future, Stephen J. Blank and Jacob W. Kipp Reviewed by James J. Tritten
pp. 187-189
Manipulation and Consent: How Voters and Leaders Manage Complexity, David J. Elkins Reviewed by Robert Y. Shapiro
pp. 189-191
A Generation of Seekers: The Spiritual Journeys of the Baby Boom Generation, Wade Clarke Roof Reviewed by Andrew Greeley
pp. 191-193
The Carter Years: Toward a New Global Order, Richard C. Thornton Reviewed by Emily S. Rosenberg
pp. 193-194
The Hollow Core: Private Interests in National Policy Making, Robert H. Salisbury, John P. Heinz, Edward O. Laumann and Robert D. Nelson Reviewed by John T. Tierney
pp. 194-196
Banking on Fraud: Drexel, Junk Bonds, and Buyouts, Mary Zey Reviewed by C. Lowell Harriss
pp. 196-197
Support for the American Welfare State: The Views of Congress and the Public, Fay Lomax Cook and Edith J. Barrett Reviewed by Dona Cooper Hamilton
pp. 198-199
The Third House: Lobbyists and Lobbying in the States, Alan Rosenthal Reviewed by Gerald Benjamin
pp. 199-200
Toward Empowerment: Women and Movement Politics in India, Leslie J. Calman Reviewed by Jana Everett
pp. 201-202
Population Policy and Women's Rights: Transforming Reproductive Choice, Ruth Dixon-Mueller Reviewed by Rebecca J. Cook
pp. 202-203
Euro-politics: Institutions and Policymaking in the "New" European Community, Alberta M. Sbragia ;
The Social Dimension of 1992: Europe Faces a New EC, Beverly Springer Reviewed by Erik Jones
pp. 203-205
Labor Parties in Postindustrial Societies, Frances Fox Piven Reviewed by Stewart Wood
pp. 205-207
Politics in Black and White: Race and Power in Los Angeles, Raphael J. Sonenshein Reviewed by Charles S. Bullock III
pp. 207-208
From Protest to Politics: The New Black Voters in American Elections, Katherine Tate Reviewed by J. Phillip Thompson III
pp. 208-209
Bitter Fruit: Black Politics and the Chicago Machine, 1931-1991, William Grimshaw Reviewed by Dianne M. Pinderhughes
pp. 209-211
Japan Thrice Opened: An Analysis of Relations Between Japan and the United States, Hideo Ibe, Lynne E. Riggs and Manabu Takechi Reviewed by Haruhiro Fukui
pp. 211-212
Political Leadership in an Age of Constraint: The Australian Experience, John Halligan and Colin Campbell S. J. Reviewed by Richard W. Baker
pp. 212-213