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Volume 109 - Number 4 - Fall 1994

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Third Try at World Order? America and Multilateralism after the Cold War
John Gerard Ruggie examines the new world order rhetoric of the United States in the post-cold war world. Not dismissing it as mere rhetoric, he shows that it expresses deep-rooted American ideas about desirable ways of organizing the international system that have played both instrumental and aspirational roles since the United States became a world power.

pp. 553-570

The Future of the House Republicans
William F. Connelly, Jr., and JOHN J PITNEY, JR. find that House Republicans are becoming more confrontational though not necessarily more conservative. They argue that the strategic environment of the 1994 midterm election may be moving in the GOP's favor and also speculate that large Republican gains in 1994 would bring them costs as well as benefits.

pp. 571-593

Lyndon Johnson's Victory in the 1948 Texas Senate Race: A Reappraisal
Dale Baum and James L. Hailey reevaluate Lyndon Baines Johnson's controversial victory in the 1948 Texas senatorial runoff election. They demonstrate that "second efforts" on LBJ's behalf proved to be of no unusual help to him in the runoff and that the statewide result hinged on the combination of LBJ's success and his opponent's failure to mobilize former supporters for the second round of balloting.

pp. 595-613

Representation and Territory: The Israeli Experience
Nancy L. Schwartz examines the debate on electoral reform in Israel. Stressing unique features of Israeli political culture, she argues that dividing Israel into geographic districts for electing representatives will not necessarily increase democracy or political legitimacy.

pp. 615-645

Nationalism and Small-State Foreign Policy: The Greek Response to the Macedonian Issue
Nikolaos Zahariadis analyzes the effects of Yugoslav Macedonian nationalism on Greek foreign policy. His findings enhance the theoretical understanding of small-state foreign policy behavior and emphasize the importance of symbols and ideas as sources of interstate disputes.

pp. 647-667

Congressional Oversight and the Diversity of Members' Goals
Diana Evans examines congressional oversight of the bureaucracy. She argues that previous approaches to oversight overstate the importance of reelection in Congress members' oversight behavior. She offers an alternative view and demonstrates its usefulness with two case studies.

pp. 669-687

The Two Faces of National Interest, W. David Clinton
Reviewed by Kenneth W. Thompson

pp. 689-690

The Real World Order: Zones of Peace/Zones of Turmoil, Aaron Wildavsky and Max Singer
Reviewed by Mac Destler

pp. 690-692

Peace Process: American Diplomacy and the Arab-Israeli Conflict since 1967, William B. Quandt
Reviewed by Douglas Little

pp. 692-693

The Entangling Alliance: The United States and European Security, 1950- 1993, Ronald E. Powaski
Reviewed by John S. Duffield

pp. 693-695

The White House Speaks: Presidential Leadership as Persuasion, Craig Allen Smith and Kathy B. Smith
Reviewed by John J. Smee

pp. 695-696

Economic Justice in American Society, Robert E. Kuenne
Reviewed by William R. Keech

pp. 696-698

Head Start and Beyond: A National Plan for Extended Childhood Intervention, Edward Zigler and Sally J. Styfco
Reviewed by Judith Russell

pp. 698-699

Welfare Realities: From Rhetoric to Reform, Mary Jo Bane and David T. Ellwood
Reviewed by Bill Green

pp. 700-701

The Presidential Campaign Film: A Critical History, Joanne Morreale
Reviewed by Matthew R. Kerbel

pp. 701-702

Commager on Tocqueville, Henry Steele Commager
Reviewed by William Pencak

pp. 702-703

The Last Best Hope of Earth: Abraham Lincoln and the Promise of America, Mark E. Neely, Jr.
Reviewed by Michael Burlingame

pp. 703-705

Political Parties and the State: The American Historical Experience, Martin Shefter
Reviewed by Frank J. Sorauf

pp. 705-706

Westminster's World: Understanding Political Roles, Donald D. Searing
Reviewed by Leon D. Epstein

pp. 706-708

Congress, the President and Policymaking: A Historical Analysis, Jean Reith Schroedel
Reviewed by Richard M. Pious

pp. 708-709

Hard Choices, Lost Voices: How the Abortion Conflict Has Divided America, Distorted Constitutional Rights and Damaged the Courts, Donald P. Judges
Reviewed by Eileen L. McDonagh

pp. 709-710

The Resurrection of Rights in Poland, Jacek Kurczewski
Reviewed by Krzysztof Jasiewicz

pp. 710-711

Malan to De Klerk: Leadership in the Apartheid State, Robert Schrire
Reviewed by William J. Foltz

pp. 711-713

Black Hundred: The Rise of the Extreme Right in Russia, Walter Laqueur
Reviewed by Veljko Vujacic

pp. 713-714

The Japanese Power Elite, Albrecht Rothacher
Reviewed by Nathaniel B. Thayer

pp. 714-716

Japan's Political Marketplace, J. Mark Ramseyer and Frances McCall Rosenbluth
Reviewed by David Arase

pp. 716-717

Perilous Options: Special Operations as an Instrument of U.S. Foreign Policy, Lucien S. Vandenbroucke
Reviewed by Roger Hilsman

pp. 717-718

China's Transition from Socialism: Statist Legacies and Market Reforms, 1980-1990, Dorothy J. Solinger
Reviewed by Lowell Dittmer

pp. 718-720

Intervention: Guides and Perils, Leonard W. Doob
Reviewed by W. Howard Wriggins

pp. 720-722

Facing Up: How to Rescue the Economy from Crushing Debt and Restore the American Dream, Peter G. Peterson
Reviewed by Norman J. Ornstein

pp. 722-724

Community Power in a Postreform City, Robert F. Pecorella
Reviewed by Phillip Thompson

pp. 724-725

Strategic Nonviolent Conflict: The Dynamics of People Power in the Twentieth Century, Peter Ackerman and Christopher Kruegler
Reviewed by George H. Quester

pp. 725-726

Persona Non Grata: A Memoir of Disenchantment with the Cuban Revolution, Jorge Edwards
Reviewed by Marifeli PĂ©rez-Stable

pp. 726-728

Broken Bonds: The Disintegration of Yugoslavia, Lenard J. Cohen
Reviewed by Ivo Banac

pp. 728-729

The End of Communist Power: Anti-Corruption Campaigns and Legitimation Crisis, Leslie Holmes
Reviewed by Eugene Huskey

pp. 729-730

How Navies Fight: The U.S. Navy and Its Allies, Frank Uhlig, Jr.
Reviewed by James J. Tritten

pp. 731-732

Making and Remaking Asian America Through Immigration Policy, 1850-1990, Bill Ong Hing
Reviewed by Peter Kwong

pp. 732-734

Private Choices and Public Health: The AIDS Epidemic in an Economic Perspective, Thomas J. Philipson and Richard A. Posner
Reviewed by Ronald Bauer

pp. 734-735

The Morning After: Sexual Politics at the End of the Cold War, Cynthia Enloe
Reviewed by Leslie J. Calman

pp. 735-737

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