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Volume 114 - Number 2 - Summer 1999

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Democratic Secrecy
Dennis F. Thompson explores a neglected dilemma of governmental secrecy. Governments cannot be held accountable for policies and practices they keep secret, but some policies and practices cannot be fully public without undermining their efficacy. Among the instances he considers are Clinton's Task Force on Health Care Reform, covert drug operations, gays in the military, physician-assisted suicide, and the misuse of the National Security Council.

pp. 181-193

A New Imperial Presidency? Insights from U.S. Involvement in Bosnia
William C. Banks and Jeffrey D. Straussman points out that contrary to the Framers' plan, the president as commander in chief has acquired the equivalent of his own spending power for military interventions. The presidential overreaching is illustrated through an analysis of United States involvement in Bosnia.

pp. 195-217

The Stinger Missile and U.S. Intervention in Afghanistan
Alan J. Kuperman challenges the traditional assessment of the U.S. decision to supply Stinger antiaircraft missiles to the Afghan Mujahedin resistance during the Soviet occupation of the 1980s. He exposes the bureaucratic politics behind this decision, rejects as myth the popular notion that the Stingers forced Soviet withdrawal, and examines how the CIA's faulty implementation contributed to long-term threats to U.S. national security.

pp. 219-263

The United States and South Korean Democratization
James Fowler draws on interviews with State Department officials and recently declassified documents to analyze the role of the United States in South Korea's democratization, concluding that U.S. public pressure on the Korean government played a critical role in determining the timing of the transition.

pp. 265-288

A Snapshot of Family Homelessness Across America
Ralph Nunez and Cybelle Fox provide the most current snapshot of family homelessness in America. Looking at ten diverse cities this study examines the demographics and housing, education, and income histories of homeless families within the context of changing social policies.

pp. 289-307

Warren Christopher's "In the Stream of History": A Review Essay
Charles Hill reviews Warren Christopher's book, "In the Stream of History", on his years as secretary of State. Hill finds Christopher's solid record of service to the country marred by his involvement with President Clinton's avoidance of key foreign policy challenges and evasion of responsibility for failures in the former Yugoslavia, Somalia, and Rwanda.

pp. 309-312

In the Stream of History: Shaping Foreign Policy for a New Era, Warren Christopher
Reviewed by Charles Hill

pp. 309-312

The Collapse of the Soviet Military, William E. Odom
Reviewed by Kimberly Marten Zisk

pp. 313-314

All the Laws But One: Civil Liberties in Wartime, William H. Rehnquist
Reviewed by Henry J. Abraham

pp. 314-315

Changing Patterns of Voting in the Northern United States: Electoral Realignment, 1952-1996, Robert W. Speel
Reviewed by Everett Ladd

pp. 315-317

Passages to the Presidency: From Campaigning to Governing, Charles O. Jones
Reviewed by Richard M. Pious

pp. 317-318

Secrecy: The American Experience, Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Reviewed by Raymond L. Garthoff

pp. 318-319

The Kurdish Question and Turkish-Iranian Relations from World War I to 1998, Robert Olson
Reviewed by Michael M. Gunter

pp. 319-320

Anatomy of a Failed Embargo: U.S. Sanctions against Cuba, Donna Rich Kaplowitz
Reviewed by Jorge I. Dominguez

pp. 320-321

The Politics of Unfunded Mandates: Whither Federalism?, Paul L. Posner
Reviewed by John Kincaid

pp. 322-323

Making Race and Nation: A Comparison of the United States, South Africa, and Brazil, Anthony W. Marx
Reviewed by Gretchen Bauer

pp. 323-324

Consent, Dissent, and Patriotism, Margaret Levi
Reviewed by Deborah L. Norden

pp. 324-325

China's Security: The New Roles of the Military, Byong-Moo Hwang and Mel Gurtov
Reviewed by June Teufel Dreyer

pp. 325-326

Inside Terrorism, Bruce Hoffman
Reviewed by Louise Richardson

pp. 326-327

World Power Forsaken: Political Culture, International Institutions, and German Security Policy after Unification, John S. Duffield
Reviewed by Peter A. Johnson

pp. 327-328

From Pirates to Drug Lords: The Post-Cold War Caribbean Security Environment, Jorge I. DomĂ­nguez, Michael C. Desch and Andres Serbin
Reviewed by Peter Andreas

p. 329

Keeping the People's Liberties: Legislators, Citizens, and Judges as Guardians of Rights, John J. Dinan
Reviewed by Christopher H. Pyle

p. 330

Change and Continuity in the 1996 Elections, David W. Rohde, Paul R. Abramson and John H. Aldrich
Reviewed by R. Michael Alvarez

p. 331

Between Two Nations: The Political Predicament of Latinos in New York City, Michael Jones-Correa
Reviewed by Louis DeSipio

pp. 332-333

Privatizing Social Security, Martin Feldstein, ed.
Reviewed by Lawrence H. Thompson

pp. 333-334

Dollars and Votes: How Business Campaign Contributions Subvert Democracy, Dan Clawson, Alan Neustadtl and Mark Weller
Reviewed by Doug Schuler

pp. 334-335

Never at War: Why Democracies Will Not Fight One Another, Spencer R. Weart
Reviewed by John M. Owen IV

pp. 335-336

Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics, Margaret E. Keck and Kathryn Sikkink ; Domestic Society and International Cooperation: The Impact of Protest on US Arms Control Policy, Jeffrey Knopf
Reviewed by David Skidmore

pp. 336-338

To Strike at a King: The Turning Point in the McCarthy Witch-Hunts, Michael Ranville
Reviewed by John J. Smee

pp. 338-339

Electronic Whistle-Stops: The Impact of the Internet on American Politics, Gary W. Selnow
Reviewed by Carl H. A. Dassbach

pp. 339-340

Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed, James C. Scott
Reviewed by R. Bin Wong

pp. 340-342

The Liberal Moment: Modernity, Security, and the Making of Postwar International Order, Robert Latham
Reviewed by Stephen Gill

pp. 342-343

Interest Groups in American Campaigns: The New Face of Electioneering, Mark J. Rozell and Clyde Wilcox
Reviewed by Lawrence S. Rothenberg

pp. 343-344

The Managed Care Blues and How to Cure Them, Walter A. Zelman and Robert A. Berenson
Reviewed by Sherry Glied

pp. 344-345

Fantasies of Salvation: Democracy, Nationalism, and Myth in Post-Communist Europe, Vladimir Tismaneanu
Reviewed by Peter Juviler

pp. 345-346

Warlord Politics and African States, William Reno
Reviewed by I. William Zartman

pp. 346-347

Multi-Party Politics in Kenya, David Throup and Charles Hornsby
Reviewed by Stephen Orvis

pp. 347-349

Israel and the Bomb, Avner Cohen
Reviewed by Leon V. Sigal

pp. 349-350

Democratization in China and Taiwan: The Adaptability of Leninist Parties, Bruce J. Dickson
Reviewed by Steven J. Hood

pp. 350-351

The Psychology of Political Communication, Ann N. Crigler, ed.
Reviewed by Scott L. Althaus

pp. 351-352

Women, the State, and Political Liberalization: Middle Eastern and North African Experiences, Laurie A. Brand
Reviewed by Elizabeth Thompson

pp. 352-353

Sovereignty over Natural Resources: Balancing Rights and Duties, Nico Schrijver
Reviewed by Christian Hunold

pp. 353-354

The War for America's Natural Resources, William R. Nester
Reviewed by Matthew Holden.

pp. 354-355

Transnationalism from Below, Michael P. Smith and Luis E. Guarnizo
Reviewed by Eric Hershberg

pp. 355-356

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