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Volume 14 - Number 1 - March 1899

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How May the United States Govern its Extra-Continental Territory?
John W. Burgess

pp. 1-18

The Control of Dependencies Through Protectorates
Ernst Freund

pp. 19-38

England's Commercial Policy Towards Her Colonies Since the Treaty of Paris
John Davidson

pp. 39-68

Political Defects of the Old Radicalism
William Clarke

pp. 69-86

The Sugar Situation in Europe
John Franklin Crowell

pp. 87-101

The Taxation of Securities in the United States
F. W. Taussig

pp. 102-127

Adams's Science of Finance

pp. 128-140

Law and Politics in the Middle Ages, Edward Jenks
Reviewed by Munroe Smith

pp. 141-143

The Foundations of England; or, Twelve Centuries of British History (B.C. 55-A.D. 1154), James H. Ramsay
Reviewed by Charles Gross

pp. 144-147

The Origin and Growth of the English Constitution: The After-Growth of the Constitution, Hannis Taylor
Reviewed by Herbert L. Osgood

pp. 147-149

Life in an Old English Town, Mary Dormer Harris
Reviewed by Charles L. Wells

pp. 150-151

The Establishment of Spanish Rule in America, Bernard Moses

pp. 152-153

The Provincial Governor in the English Colonies of North America, Evarts Boutelle Greene
Reviewed by William R. Shepherd

pp. 153-155

The Rise and Growth of American Politics, Henry Jones Ford
Reviewed by Frank J. Goodnow

pp. 155-157

The Fee System in the United States, Thomas K. Urdahl
Reviewed by Max West

pp. 157-159

Lectures on the Principles of Local Government, George Laurence Gomme
Reviewed by Frank J. Goodnow

pp. 159-160

Economic Aspects of Railroad Receiverships, Henry H. Swain
Reviewed by John Franklin Crowell

pp. 160-161

Irrigation in Utah, Charles Hillman Brough
Reviewed by Francis Walker

pp. 161-163

Das Zeitalter der Fugger: Geldkapital und Creditverkehr im 16. Jahrhundert, Richard Ehrenberg
Reviewed by Lindley M. Keasbey

pp. 163-166

Die Effektenbanken, Heinrich Sattler ; Die Grossen Berliner Effektenbanken, Paul Model
Reviewed by David Kinley

pp. 166-168

Le Socialisme Utopique, André Lichtenberger ; Le Socialisme et la Revolution Francaise, André Lichtenberger
Reviewed by E. R. A. Seligman

pp. 168-171

Les Origines du Socialisme d'etat en Allemagne, Charles Andler
Reviewed by James W. Crook

pp. 171-172

La Proprieta Sociale, Alessandro Garelli
Reviewed by Carl C. Plehn

pp. 172-174

Principles of Political Economy, J. Shield Nicholson
Reviewed by F. W. Taussig

pp. 174-177

The Origin and Growth of the Moral Instinct, Alexander Sutherland
Reviewed by Franklin H. Giddings

pp. 177-179

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