Narrowing the Academic-Policy Divide: Will New Media Bridge the Gap?
Paul C. Avey , Michael C. Desch , Ana Petrova , and STEVEN LLOYD WILSON analyze the degree to which blogs and other online new media disseminate scholarship to foreign policy officials. They find that policymakers visit sites as supplementary news sources, not to engage with academic findings. They also find that policymakers rate blogs and strictly online news sources as about as useful as scholarly journal articles and academic books.
pp. 607-639
The Geopolitical Consequences of COVID-19: Assessing Hawkish Mass Opinion in China
Joshua Byun , D.G. Kim , and Sichen Li examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Chinese public’s foreign policy attitudes. Drawing on original surveys fielded in China during the first six months of the global pandemic, they find that ordinary Chinese citizens are optimistic about China’s future global position, and that this optimism corresponds with the widespread perception that the COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating China’s rise relative to the United States.
pp. 641-665
After Trump: Enemies, Partisans, and Recovery
Christopher J. Fettweis discusses what political polarization in the United States has in common with the relationship between the Cold War superpowers. He argues that in both cases the “enemy image” warps perception of the other side and prevents meaningful reconciliation. Applying insight from international relations to U.S. domestic politics, he discusses the pernicious effects of the enemy image and how to overcome it.
pp. 667-687
The Psychological Roots of Public Opinion toward a Militant Group: The Case of Pakistani Lashkar-e-Tayyaba
Karl Kaltenthaler and C. Christine Fair explore the sources of public sympathy in Pakistan for Lashkar-e-Tayyaba. They argue that the most common and widely distributed factor influencing individual sympathy with a militant group is the expectation that the militant group will bestow a sense of personal significance on that individual.
pp. 689-714
Ages of Organization: The Emergence of National Interest Groups in American History
THOMAS T. HOLYOKE traces and analyzes the rise of interest groups in American history. He finds that growing economic activity the late 19th and early 20th centuries lead to the emergence of a robust group community, often in the form of trade associations mobilized to defend industries and professions against government regulation. He argues that this growth in the reach of government power also led to the emergence of citizen advocacy groups calling for even greater use of state power to promote social and economic reforms.
pp. 715-740
How to Cure the Ills of Contemporary American Democracy? A Review Essay
Morris Fiorina reviews Lee Drutman’s book, Breaking the Two Party Doom Loop: The Case for Multiparty Democracy. While he agrees with much of Drutman’s diagnosis of what has gone wrong with American politics, Fiorina is skeptical that the reforms proposed in Drutman’s Save American Democracy Act could be adopted, and would have as positive an impact as Drutman believes in the unlikely event that they are adopted.
pp. 741-750
Give Peace a Chance: A Review Essay
Richard H. Immerman ’S review essay of John Mueller’s The Stupidity of War assesses the arguments as insightful, compelling, and in the current international environment, essential reading. Yet he concludes that a final judgment on Mueller’s claims about America’s farcical U.S. behavior throughout the Cold War and after requires answers to questions Mueller leaves unaddressed.
pp. 751-760
His Very Best: Jimmy Carter, a Life, Jonathan Alter Reviewed by Thomas J. Balcerski
pp. 761-762
Hometown Inequality: Race, Class, and Representation in American Local Politics, Brian F. Schaffner, Jesse H. Rhodes and Raymond J. La Raja Reviewed by Katherine Levine Einstein
pp. 762-764
Constraining Dictatorship: From Personalized Rule to Institutionalized Regimes, Anne Meng Reviewed by Kurt Weyland
pp. 764-766
Let Them Eat Tweets: How the Right Rules in an Age of Extreme Inequality, Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson Reviewed by Sean M. Diament
pp. 766-767
The Frontlines of Peace: An Insider’s Guide to Changing the World, Séverine Autesserre Reviewed by Lionel Beehner
pp. 767-770
The Unitary Executive Theory: A Danger to Constitutional Government, Jeffrey P. Crouch, Mark J. Rozell and Mitchel A. Sollenberger Reviewed by Michael E. Thunberg
pp. 770-771
Trust in a Polarized Age, Kevin Vallier Reviewed by Aaron Rosenthal
pp. 771-773
Holding Fast: Resilience and Civic Engagement Among Latino Immigrants, James A. McCann and Michael Jones-Correa Reviewed by Vanessa Cruz Nichols
pp. 773-776
Hate in the Homeland: The New Global Far Right, Cynthia Miller-Idriss Reviewed by Kimberly Twist
pp. 776-777
The Psychology of Poverty Alleviation: Challenges in Developing Countries, William Ascher Reviewed by Elaine K. Denny
pp. 777-779
Oilcraft: The Myths of Scarcity and Security That Haunt U.S. Energy Policy, Robert Vitalis Reviewed by PAUL MUSGRAVE
pp. 779-780
Immigration and the American Ethos, Morris Levy and Matthew Wright Reviewed by Viviana Rivera-Burgos
pp. 780-782
The Picky Eagle: How Democracy and Xenophobia Limited U.S. Territorial Expansion, Richard W. Maass Reviewed by Jay Sexton
pp. 782-784
American Rage: How Anger Shapes Our Politics, Steven W. Webster Reviewed by Marzia Oceno
pp. 784-785
Sustainable Cities in American Democracy: From Postwar Urbanism to a Civic Green New Deal, Carmen Sirianni Reviewed by Kristin Olofsson
pp. 785-787
Hope and Scorn: Eggheads, Experts, and Elites in American Politics, Michael J. Brown Reviewed by Angus Burgin
pp. 787-788
The Economic Other: Inequality in the American Political Imagination, Meghan Condon and Amber Wichowsky Reviewed by Markie McBrayer
pp. 789-790
Campaign Finance and American Democracy: What the Public Really Thinks and Why It Matters, David M. Primo and Jeffrey D. Milyo Reviewed by Matt Lesenyie
pp. 790-792
Manifesto for a Dream: Inequality, Constraint, and Radical Reform, Michelle Jackson Reviewed by Robert L. Reece
pp. 792-793
How Insurgency Begins: Rebel Group Formation in Uganda and Beyond, Janet I. Lewis Reviewed by William Reno
pp. 793-795
Politics for Profit: Business, Elections, and Policy Making in Russia, David Szakonyi Reviewed by Sarah Wilson Sokhey
pp. 795-796
The Case for Identity Politics: Polarization, Demographic Change, and Racial Appeals, Christopher T. Stout Reviewed by Jamil Scott
pp. 797-798
Privilege and Punishment: How Race and Class Matter in Criminal Court, Matthew Clair Reviewed by Andrew McCall
pp. 798-800
The Qualifications Gap: Why Women Must Be Better than Men to Win Political Office, Nichole M. Bauer Reviewed by Janet M. Martin
pp. 800-801
Religious Freedom in Islam: The Fate of a Universal Human Right in the Muslim World Today, Daniel Philpott Reviewed by Kikue Hamayotsu
pp. 801-803
Outsiders at Home: The Politics of American Islamophobia, Nazita Lajevardi Reviewed by Erik Love
pp. 803-805
From Empire to Nation State: Ethnic Politics in China, Yan Sun Reviewed by Katherine Palmer Kaup
pp. 805-807