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Volume 138 - Number 4 - Winter 2023-24

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“Ethnic Cleansing”: An Analysis of Conceptual and Empirical Ambiguity
Meghan M. Garrity examines the concept of “ethnic cleansing” identifying five areas that undermine the integrity and utility of the concept. She recommends abandoning the social science usage of ethnic cleansing in favor of four alternative concepts defined by the distinct intention of the perpetrator(s). This intervention eliminates conceptual ambiguity, improves theoretical precision, and opens a promising new research agenda.

pp. 469-490

The Race Politics Associated With Wearing a Mask in Public to Combat COVID-19
GABRIEL R. SANCHEZ, EDWARD D. VARGAS, AND Melanie Sayuri Dominguez use panel and cross-section data from the National Panel Study of COVID-19 to explore racial and ethnic politics associated with mask wearing early in the pandemic. They find that racial and ethnic minorities were more likely to wear a mask despite significant percentages of these communities noting that they were conscious that wearing a mask may have led to unwanted attention from police and security at a time when fears of police violence were heightened.

pp. 491-508

Gender Neutrality Made Easy and Constitutional: Why We Call Members of the House “Congressman” and “Congresswoman,” and Why We Should Not
Daniel Wirls traces the history the terms “congressman” and “congress-woman” and notes that this convention for members of the House has gone unchallenged. He argues that the House, press, and public should replace the terms with the one specified in the Constitution: “Representative.”

pp. 509-528

Mass Media’s Role in Terrorism: The Issue of Frame Sending and Terrorist Communication
MICHAEL T. OSWALD, KRISTINA FÜRST, AND Michael Johann analyze media coverage of videos posted on social media by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) between 2014 and 2017. They argue that media outlets often sent ISIL’s frames to the general public and played a crucial role in the logic of this terrorist organization and its communication strategy.

pp. 529-548

Liberal Pragmatism and Liberal Fantasy in the Era of Backlash Politics
Michael Goodhart offers a critical analysis of Jack Snyder’s Human Rights for Pragmatists: Social Power in Modern Times. Goodhart argues that the book is “less a theory of human rights than a political sociology of liberal modernization.”

pp. 549-562

What Went Right? South African Democracy and the Study of Political Science
CAROLINE E. HOLMES reviews Evan Lieberman’s Until We Have Won our Liberty. Holmes notes that Lieberman’s descriptive analysis of South Africa reflects positively on its democratic performance in contrast to more pessimistic accounts.

pp. 563-574

Climate Security Connects Fragile and Strong States via Cascading Effects: A Review Article
Paula Kivimaa reviews States and Nature: The Effects of Climate Change on Security by Joshua Busby. Kivimaa argues that climate change is increasingly becoming a matter of human and national security and should be viewed and treated as a cross-government policy area.

pp. 575-582

On Resisting Extortion—From Everyday Resistance to Vigilantism
Sandra Ley reviews Resisting Extortion by Eduardo Moncada. She argues that Moncada masterfully disentangles the logic and dimensions of criminal extortion and that the book makes a major theoretical and empirical contribution.

pp. 583-586

Coalitions of the Weak: Elite Politics in China from Mao’s Stratagem to the Rise of Xi, Victor C. Shih
Reviewed by Andrew Scobell

pp. 587-588

Bounded Rationality: Heuristics, Judgment, and Public Policy, Cass R. Sunstein and Sanjit Dhami
Reviewed by Lahcen Bounader

pp. 588-590

Staging Democracy: Political Performance in Ukraine, Russia, and Beyond, Jessica Pisano
Reviewed by Serhiy Kudelia

pp. 590-591

Banking on Beijing: The Aims and Impacts of China’s Overseas Development Program, Axel Dreher, Andreas Fuchs, Bradley Parks, Austin Strange and Michael J. Tierney
Reviewed by Wei Liang

pp. 591-594

The Democratic Ethos: Authenticity and Instrumentalism in US Movement Rhetoric After Occupy, A. Freya Thimsen
Reviewed by Callum Ingram

pp. 594-596

Enacting the Security Community: ASEAN’s Never-Ending Story, Stéphanie Martel
Reviewed by Kilian Spandler

pp. 595-497

The Decolonization of Knowledge: Radical Ideas and the Shaping of Institutions in South Africa and Beyond, Jonathan D. Jansen and Cyrill A. Walters
Reviewed by Paul M. Garton

pp. 597-598

A Voice but No Power: Organizing for Social Justice in Minneapolis, David Forrest
Reviewed by Michelle N. Fletcher

pp. 598-600

The Quest for Knowledge in International Relations: How Do We Know?, Richard Ned Lebow
Reviewed by Patrick A. Mello

pp. 600-601

Prisoners of Their Premises: How Unexamined Assumptions Lead to War and Other Policy Debacles, George C. Edwards III

pp. 602-603

Monitors and Meddlers: How Foreign Actors Influence Local Trust in Elections, Lauren Prather and Sarah Sunn Bush
Reviewed by Dov H. Levin

pp. 603-605

Sharing Power, Securing Peace? Ethnic Inclusion and Civil War, Lars-Erik Cederman, Simon Hug and Julian Wucherpfennig
Reviewed by Holley E. Hansen

pp. 605-606

Mobilizing for Elections: Patronage and Political Machines in Southeast Asia, Edward Aspinall, Meredith L. Weiss, Allen Hicken and Paul D. Hutchcroft
Reviewed by Mariela Daby

pp. 606-607

Unity through Division: Political Islam, Representation and Democracy in Indonesia, Diego Fossati
Reviewed by Abdil Mughis Mudhoffir

pp. 608-609

No Other Planet: Utopian Visions for a Climate-Changed World, Mathias Thaler
Reviewed by Joel Alden Schlosser

pp. 609-610

Hybrid Sovereignty in World Politics, Swati Srivastava
Reviewed by Sebastian Schmidt

pp. 611-612

Arc of Power: Inside Nancy Pelosi’s Speakership, 2005–2010, John A. Lawrence
Reviewed by Justin Buchler

pp. 612-613

The Profits of Distrust: Citizen-Consumers, Drinking Water, and the Crisis of Confidence in American Government, Manuel P. Teodoro, Samantha Zuhlke and David Switzer
Reviewed by David Glick

pp. 613-615

This is My Jail: Local Politics and the Rise of Mass Incarceration, Melanie D. Newport
Reviewed by Anna Gunderson

pp. 615-617

Hypocrisy and Human Rights: Resisting Accountability for Mass Atrocities, Kate Cronin-Furman
Reviewed by Line Engbo Gissel

pp. 617-618

Frustrated Majorities: How Issue Intensity Enables Smaller Groups of Voters to Get What They Want, Seth J. Hill
Reviewed by Zachary Albert

pp. 619-620

Tahrir’s Youth: Leaders of a Leaderless Revolution, Rusha Latif
Reviewed by Emad El-Din Shahin

pp. 620-622

War and Peace in the Taiwan Strait, Scott L. Kastner
Reviewed by Ketian Zhang

pp. 622-623

Sunni City: Tripoli from Islamist Utopia to the Lebanese ‘Revolution’, Tine Gade
Reviewed by Kelly A. Stedem

pp. 623-624

Before Bostock: The Accidental LGBTQ Precedent of Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins, Jason Pierceson
Reviewed by Kyle C. Velte

pp. 625-626

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