Content in

Volume 2 - Number 2 - June 1887

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The Study of Administration
Woodrow Wilson

pp. 197-222

Railway Tariffs and the Interstate Commerce Law

pp. 223-264

How Customs Duties Work
Edward J. Shriver

pp. 265-273

The Benefit Features of American Trades Unions
Edward W. Bemis

pp. 274-290

Municipal Government
William M. Ivins

pp. 291-312

The "Culturconflict" in Prussia
John W. Burgess

pp. 313-340

Publications Received

pp. 367-368

La Democratie et le Regime Parlementaire, Adolphe Prins
Reviewed by John W. Burgess

pp. 341-343

American Statesmen. The Life of Thomas Hart Benton, Theodore Roosevelt

pp. 343-345

American Commonwealths. New York, Ellis H. Roberts
Reviewed by Robert Weil

pp. 345-347

Public Debts: An Essay in the Science of Finance, Henry C. Adams
Reviewed by Richmond M. Smith

pp. 349-352

The Relation of the State to Industrial Action, Henry C. Adams
Reviewed by E. R. A. Seligman

pp. 352-354

A Panama. L'Isthme de Panama. La Martinique. Haiti, G. de Molinari
Reviewed by George H. Baker

pp. 360-361

L'Expansion Coloniale de la France, J. L. de Lanessan
Reviewed by James Breck Perkins

pp. 361-363

Lehrbuch des Deutschen Verwaltungsrechts, Karl Freiherr von Stengel
Reviewed by Frank J. Goodnow

pp. 363-365

A Table Chronologically Arranged of the Statutes of the State of New York, Amended, Repealed, Continued, or Otherwise Modified or Affected, Covering the Laws Passed from the Session of 1777 to the Close of the Session of 1886, Clarence F. Birdseye
Reviewed by Theodore W. Dwight

pp. 365-366

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