Content in

Volume 19 - Number 1 - March 1904

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Germany, Great Britain and the United States
John W. Burgess

pp. 1-19

Our Mohammedan Subjects
Edmund Arthur Dodge

pp. 20-31

Some Aspects of the Immigration Problem
Roland P. Falkner

pp. 32-49

The Capitalization of the International Mercantile Marine Company.
Edward Sherwood Meade

pp. 50-65

The Minimum Sacrifice Theory of Taxation
Thomas N. Carver

pp. 66-79

New England Colonial Finance
Herbert L. Osgood

pp. 80-106

The American Political Science Association
W. W. Willoughby

pp. 107-111

The Administrative Law of the United States
Frank J. Goodnow

pp. 112-123

Autobiography of Seventy Years, George F. Hoar
Reviewed by William A. Dunning

pp. 124-128

Actual Government as Applied under American Conditions, Albert Bushnell Hart
Reviewed by Walter Wheeler Cook

pp. 128-133

Financial History of the United States, Davis Rich Dewey
Reviewed by W. M. Daniels

pp. 133-136

A History of the Greenbacks, with special reference to the Economic Consequences of their Issue, Wesley Clair Mitchell
Reviewed by Horace White

pp. 136-139

American Railway Transportation, Emory R. Johnson
Reviewed by B. H. Meyer

pp. 139-141

Railway Legislation in the United States, Balthasar H. Meyer
Reviewed by Frank Haigh Dixon

pp. 141-142

The Rise and Progress of the Standard Oil Company, Gilbert Holland Montague
Reviewed by Alvin S. Johnson

pp. 142-144

The Life of William Ewart Gladstone, John Morley
Reviewed by Herbert L. Osgood

pp. 144-148

The Tariff Problem, W. J. Ashley
Reviewed by T. N. Carver

pp. 148-152

The History of Liquor Licensing in England, Principally from 1700 to 1830, Sidney Webb and Beatrice Webb
Reviewed by Charles Beard

pp. 152-154

The Policy and Administration of the Dutch in Java, Clive Day

pp. 155-156

Mazzini, Bolton King

pp. 156-157

The Politics of Aristotle, W. L. Newman
Reviewed by Mortimer Lamson Earle

pp. 157-160

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