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Volume 21 - Number 4 - December 1906

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The Russian Peasant and Autocracy
Vladimir G. Simkhovitch

pp. 569-595

The Housing Problem in San Francisco
Edward T. Devine

pp. 596-608

American Administrative Tribunals
Harold M. Bowman

pp. 609-625

Jefferson and the Consular Service
Burt E. Powell

pp. 626-638

Constitutional Theories in France in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
J. Homer Reed

pp. 639-662

A Gold Standard for the Straits Settlements. II
E. W. Kemmerer

pp. 663-698

Record of Political Events
Paul L. Haworth

pp. 725-752

The Political History of England to 1066, Thomas Hodgkin ; The Political History of England, 1216-1377, T. F. Tout
Reviewed by Charles A. Beard

pp. 699-702

The Cambridge Modern History, G. W. Prothero, A. W. Ward and Stanley Leathes
Reviewed by J. H. Robinson

pp. 702-703

The Negro and the Nation: A History of American Slavery and Enfranchisement, George S. Merriam
Reviewed by Walter L. Fleming

pp. 703-706

La Constitucion de 1857 y las Leyes de Reforma en Mexico, Ricardo García Granados
Reviewed by William R. Shepherd

pp. 706-708

The German Empire, Burt Estes Howard

pp. 708-709

La Constitution Juridique de L'Empire Colonial Britannique, H. Speyer
Reviewed by F. J. Goodnow

pp. 709-711

Der Bundesstaatsbegriff in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, Ernst Moll
Reviewed by J. W. Garner

pp. 711-712

Les Droits Legislatifs du President des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, Henri Bosc
Reviewed by John A. Fairlie

pp. 712-713

Money and Currency in Relation to Industry, Prices and the Rate of Interest, Joseph French Johnson
Reviewed by A. Piatt Andrew

pp. 714-718

The Wisdom of the Wise, W. Cunningham ; British Imperialism and Commercial Supremacy, Victor Bérard and H. W. Foskett
Reviewed by Alvin S. Johnson

pp. 718-720

Miscellaneous Essays and Addresses, Henry Sidgwick
Reviewed by Henry R. Seager

pp. 720-722

Studies in American Trades-Unionism, J. H. Hollander and G. E. Barnett
Reviewed by John R. Commons

pp. 722-723

The Secret of the Totem, Andrew Lang

p. 724

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