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Volume 22 - Number 3 - September 1907

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The Attitude of the State Towards Trade Unions and Trusts
Henry R. Seager

pp. 385-400

The Workingmen's Party of New York City: 1829-1831
Frank T. Carlton

pp. 401-415

The Slave Labor Problem in the Charleston District
Ulrich Bonnell Phillips

pp. 416-439

The Treatment of Burgoyne's Troops Under The Saratoga Convention
Charles Ramsdell Lingley

pp. 440-459

De Facto Office
K. Richard Wallach

pp. 460-483

The Education of Voters
George H. Haynes

pp. 484-497

The Ethics of Empire
Henry Jones Ford

pp. 498-505

English Colonies in America: The Middle Colonies, John A. Doyle ; English Colonies in America: The Colonies under the House of Hanover, John A. Doyle
Reviewed by Herbert L. Osgood

pp. 506-510

Baumwollproduktion und Pflanzungswirtschaft in den nordamerikanischen Sudstaaten. Sezessionskrieg und Rekonstruktion, Ernst von Halle
Reviewed by M. B. Hammond

pp. 510-512

History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850 to the Final Restoration of Home Rule at the South in 1877, James Ford Rhodes
Reviewed by Paul Leland Haworth

pp. 513-518

The Life of Charles A. Dana, James Harrison Wilson ; The Life and Letters of Edwin Lawrence Godkin, Rollo Ogden
Reviewed by Harry Thurston Peck

pp. 518-522

The Political History of England, 1801-1837, George C. Broderick and J. K. Fotheringham
Reviewed by Charles A. Beard

pp. 522-523

La Question agraire en Irlande au commencement du vingtieme siecle, Étienne Béchaux
Reviewed by James B. Morman

pp. 524-526

At the Works: A Study of a Mannfacturing Town, Lady Bell
Reviewed by Henry W. Macrosty

pp. 526-528

Municipal Ownership in Great Britain, Hugo Richard Meyer
Reviewed by Delos F. Wilcox

pp. 528-532

Die Entwicklung des deutschen Stadtewsens, Hugo Preuss
Reviewed by Robert C. Brooks

pp. 532-535

Die Zuckerproduktion der Welt: Ihre wirtschaftliche Bedeutung und staatliche Belastung, H. Paasche ; Der Zuckerhandel, Otto Pilet ; Die Zuckerfabrikation, H. Classen and W. Bartz
Reviewed by Maurice Jacobson

pp. 535-538

Das Gesetz der Guterconcentration in der individualistischen Rechts- und Wirtschaftsordnung, Stephen Worms
Reviewed by Henry Raymond Mussey

pp. 538-541

Due Process of Law under the Federal Constitution, Lucius Polk McGehee
Reviewed by Thomas Reed Powell

pp. 541-544

The American Idea, Lydia Kingsmill Commander
Reviewed by Edward Alsworth Ross

pp. 544-545

The Political Thought of Plato and Aristotle, E. Barker

pp. 545-547

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