Content in

Volume 24 - Number 4 - December 1909

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Social Self-Control
F. H. Giddings

pp. 569-588

The Ballot's Burden
Charles A. Beard

pp. 589-614

State Taxation and Forest Lands
Clement F. Robinson

pp. 615-622

The Necessary Readjustment of Railway Rates
C. C. McCain

pp. 623-640

Marxism Versus Socialism. IV
Vladimir G. Simkhovitch

pp. 641-666

Our South American Trade
William R. Shepherd

pp. 667-693

Record of Political Events
C. A. Beard, C. H. Hayes

pp. 730-760

A Political History of the State of New York, DeAlva Stanwood Alexander

pp. 694-696

Human Nature in Politics, James C. Davies
Reviewed by Charles C. Williamson

pp. 696-701

Studies in the American Race Problem, Alfred Holt Stone

pp. 701-702

Die Okonomische Entwicklung Europas. IV. Die Zersetzung der Grundherrlichkeit. Der Prozess der Bauernbefreiung, M. Kowalewsky
Reviewed by Gaillard Thomas Lapsley

pp. 703-707

A History of the English Agricultural Laborer, W. Hasbach
Reviewed by Hermann Levy

pp. 707-709

History of the Bank of England (1640-1903), A. Andréadès, Christabel Meredith and H. S. Foxwell
Reviewed by Jacob H. Hollander

pp. 709-712

Theorie du Salaire et du Travail Salarie, Christian Cornélissen
Reviewed by Alvin S. Johnson

pp. 712-715

Das Wesen und der Hauptinhalt der Theoretischen Nationalokonomie, Joseph Schumpeter
Reviewed by John B. Clark

pp. 721-724

Schutzzoll und Freihandel: Die Voraussetzungen und Grenzen ihrer Berechtigung, Richard Schüller
Reviewed by Henry Raymond Mussey

pp. 725-727

When Railroads Were New, Charles Frederick Carter ; Railway Rates: The Method of Calculating Equitable Rates and Charges for Merchandise Carried on Railways, Joseph Horrocks
Reviewed by Charles Lee Raper

pp. 727-728

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