pp. 121-126
France in America, 1497-1763, Reuben Gold Thwaites
The American Revolution, 1776-1783, Claude Halstead Van Tyne
The Confederation and the Constitution, 1783-1789, Andrew Cunningham McLaughlin
The Formation and Development of the Constitution, Thomas Francis Moran
Sectionalism in Pennsylvania During the Revolution, W. Roy Smith
Reviewed by W. Roy Smith
A History of Modern England, Herbert Paul Reviewed by W. Roy Smith
The American Nation: A History, Albert Bushnell Hart ; The American Nation: Foundations of the Nation: European Background of American History, Edward Potts Cheyney ; The American Nation: Basis of American History, Livingston Farrand ; The American Nation: England in America, Lyon Gardiner Tyler ; The American Nation: Colonial Self-Government, Charles McLean Andrews Reviewed by W. Roy Smith
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