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Volume 21 - Number 1 - March 1906

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Sovereignty and Government
Franklin H. Giddings

pp. 1-27

Legislative Regulation of Railway Rates
A. B. Stickney

pp. 28-37

Ballot Laws and Their Workings
Philip Loring Allen

pp. 38-58

Land System of the Connecticut Towns
Nelson P. Mead

pp. 59-76

Municipal Home Rule
Frank J. Goodnow

pp. 77-90

How English Towns are Managed
Charles H. Hartshorne

pp. 91-110

A Socialist History of France
Charles A. Beard

pp. 111-120

France in America, 1497-1763, Reuben Gold Thwaites ; The American Revolution, 1776-1783, Claude Halstead Van Tyne ; The Confederation and the Constitution, 1783-1789, Andrew Cunningham McLaughlin ; The Formation and Development of the Constitution, Thomas Francis Moran
Reviewed by W. Roy Smith

pp. 121-126

Provincial America, 1690-1740, Evarts Boutell Greene ; Preliminaries of the Revolution, George Elliot Howard
Reviewed by George Louis Beer

pp. 126-134

Colonial Administration, Paul S. Reinsch ; Territories and Dependencies of the United States, Their Government and Administration, William Franklin Willoughby
Reviewed by F. J. Goodnow

pp. 135-138

Lynch Law, James Elbert Cutler
Reviewed by Alvin S. Johnson

pp. 139-140

General Sociology. An Exposition of the main Development in Sociological theory from Spencer to Ratzenhofer, Albion W. Small
Reviewed by Edward Alsworth Ross

pp. 140-142

Amerika und die Handelsvertragspolitik, Max Schippel
Reviewed by N. I. Stone

pp. 145-147

Die Stahlindustrie der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika in ihren heutigen Produktions- und Absatz-Verhaltnissen, Hermann Levy
Reviewed by Henry Raymond Mussey

pp. 148-150

Restrictive Railway Legislation, Henry S. Haines
Reviewed by Frank Haigh Dixon

pp. 150-151

Economic Methods and Economic Fallacies, W. W. Carlile
Reviewed by A. S. Johnson

pp. 152-154

Der Nationale Besitzstand in Bohmen, Heinrich Rauchberg
Reviewed by Emily Greene Balch

pp. 155-158

The New Japanese Civil Code as Material for the Study of Comparative Jurisprudence, Nobushige Hozumi ; Ancestor Worship and Japanese Law, Nobushige Hozumi ; Die Hauserbfolge in Japan, unter berucksichtigung der Allgemeinen japanischen Kultur-und Rechtsentwickelung, Riuchi Ikeda ; Die Lehre von der japanischen Adoption, Fusamaro Tsugaru ; The Early Institutional Life of Japan: A Study in the Reform of 645 A.D, K. Asakawa
Reviewed by Munroe Smith

pp. 159-164

The Growth of the Manor, P. Vinogradoff
Reviewed by Charles Beard

pp. 165-167

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