American democracy may be at a crossroads where the challenges to it are many and proliferating. Political Science Quarterly calls for submissions on the topic of “American Democracy Under Threat? Politics and Reform.” We welcome manuscripts from scholars of American politics that examine this important question, and we would also consider a proposal by a group of authors for a symposium consisting of a set of articles.
Submitted manuscripts must meet the journal’s criteria and will undergo peer review. Those accepted will be published in upcoming issues of PSQ. Submissions should be made through the regular online submission process for the journal. Authors are encouraged to consult the journal’s submission guidelines. Authors must indicate—on their cover letter—that their submission is part of this special call for papers. Submissions will be considered on a rolling basis and will continue until June 1, 2024. Any questions should be addressed to
Published continuously since 1886, PSQ has been the most widely read and accessible scholarly journal on government, politics, and public policy. Broad in its subject matter and dedicated to objective analysis based on evidence, PSQ examines both domestic and international issues. It has no ideological or methodological slant and is edited to be accessible not only to scholars but also to general readers who have a serious interest in public and foreign affairs.
After reviewing our submission guidelines, please submit your manuscript using ScholarOne. More information is available on the ScholarOne Manuscripts FAQ and help page.
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Academy Forum | The Transatlantic Relationship and the Russia-Ukraine War
January 9, 2025
4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. ET
Jimmy Carter's Legacy
Jimmy Carter's Public Policy Ex-Presidency
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Publishing since 1886, PSQ is the most widely read and accessible scholarly journal with distinguished contributors such as: Lisa Anderson, Robert A. Dahl, Samuel P. Huntington, Robert Jervis, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Theda Skocpol, Woodrow Wilson
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The Academy of Political Science, promotes objective, scholarly analyses of political, social, and economic issues. Through its conferences and publications APS provides analysis and insight into both domestic and foreign policy issues.
With neither an ideological nor a partisan bias, PSQ looks at facts and analyzes data objectively to help readers understand what is really going on in national and world affairs.