The Academy of Political Science Board of Directors,Political Science QuarterlyEditorial Advisory Board, and staff remember esteemed colleague and friend Demetrios James Caraley (b. 1932 - d. 2020). All at the Academy andPSQare grateful for Professor Caraley's extraordinary leadership during his tenure of 26 years as President of the Academy from 1992 to 2018 and 47 years as Editor ofPSQfrom 1973 to 2020.

Editor Emeritus ofPolitical Science Quarterlyand President Emeritus of The Academy of Political Science, Demetrios James Caraley was also Janet H. Robb Professor of the Social Sciences Emeritus at Barnard College and Professor of Political Science and International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. He held a Ph.D., M.Phil., and B.A. summa cum laude from Columbia University, and was junior year Phi Beta Kappa.

A specialist on city government and urban policies and problems and on congressional policies toward cities, Caraley published numerous books and articles including:

  • Critical Issues for Clinton's Domestic Agenda
  • Doing More With Less: Cutback Management in New York City
  • City Governments and Urban Problems

Caraley was both an appointed and elected official in Westchester County local government.

Caraley was a Russell Sage Foundation Visiting Scholar for academic year 1995-96, where he worked on a continuing project called Washington Abandons the Cities and the Urban Poor. Among his major articles are “Washington Abandons the Cities” and “Dismantling the Federal Safety Net: Fictions versus Realities.” His article on “Ending Welfare as we Know It: A Reform Still in Progress,” published in the Winter 2001 issue of theQuarterlywas awarded a prize by the New York State Academy of Public Administration as the “outstanding publication of 2001."

Caraley also published books in the field of national security policy. His publications in this area include:

Caraley's other field of interest was Democratic Political Theory and Ethics and in which he wrote a major article, “Elections and Dilemmas of American Democratic Governance,” reprinted inPromise and Problems of Old and New Democracies, edited by Xiaobo Lü (2000). In the Spring 2001 issue ofPSQ, Caraley published an editorial entitled “Why Americans Need a Constitutional Right to Vote for Presidential Electors.” His latest article in this field was, "Complications of American Democracy: Elections Are Not Enough."

Caraley was elected chairman of the Barnard Political Science Department for ten three-year terms. He also established the Columbia Graduate Program in Public Policy and Administration in Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs and was its founding director. Caraley served as a naval officer during the Korean War.

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