Content in

Volume 65 - Number 1 - March 1950

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Charles Austin Beard as a Teacher
Arthur W. Macmahon

pp. 1-19

High Tide of Appeasement: The Road to Munich, 1937-38
Gordon A. Craig

pp. 20-37

The Nature of Democracy
James Marshall

pp. 38-54

Whither the Technological State?
Robert W. King

pp. 55-67

Civil Liberties in Germany
Bennett M. Rich

pp. 68-85

The American Revolution as an Aftermath of the Great War for the Empire, 1754-1763
Lawrence Henry Gipson

pp. 86-104

Ely Moore: The Case History of a Jacksonian Labor Leader
Walter E. Hugins

pp. 105-125

Money in a Maelstrom, J. W. Beyen
Reviewed by Jeannette P. Nichols

pp. 127-129

My Three Years in Moscow, Walter Bedell Smith
Reviewed by Philip E. Mosely

pp. 129-131

Stalin: A Political Biography, Isaac Deutscher
Reviewed by Merle Fainsod

pp. 131-134

John Quincy Adams and the Foundations of American Foreign Policy, Samuel Flagg Bemis
Reviewed by Basil Rauch

pp. 134-136

Southern Politics in State and Nation, V. O. Key and Alexander Heard
Reviewed by Charles S. Sydnor

pp. 136-138

The President and the Presidency, Louis Brownlow ; The Presidency in Transition, Robert S. Rankin
Reviewed by J. C. Long

pp. 138-140

Congress on Trial: The Legislative Process and the Administrative State, James MacGregor Burns
Reviewed by E. E. Schattschneider

pp. 140-142

The Task of Nations, Herbert V. Evatt
Reviewed by E. L. Woodward

pp. 142-144

Last Call for Common Sense, James P. Warburg
Reviewed by C. A. Micaud

pp. 144-146

Strategy for Liberals: The Politics of the Mixed Economy, Irwin Ross
Reviewed by Dayton D. McKean

pp. 147-148

Labor in Postwar America, Colston E. Warne and Katherine DuPre Lumpkin
Reviewed by P. F. Brissenden

pp. 148-149

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