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Volume 91 - Number 3 - Fall 1976

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Lyndon Johnson's Political Personality
Doris Kearns analyzes the development of Lyndon Johnson's political personality -- his characteristic ways of acquiring and using power -- and traces the impact of Johnson's personality style on his leadership first as Senate majority leader and then as a president promoting domestic reform and escalating the nation's involvement in Vietnam.

pp. 385-409

American Opinion on the Use of Military Force Abroad
Bruce Russett and Miroslav Nincic report on what public opinion data tell us about the willingness of Americans to use military force to help foreign nations. They find that the current level of support has dropped to that of the period immediately preceding American entry into World War II and that Americans are highly selective about what countries they are willing to defend and under what circumstances.

pp. 411-431

Profit in Not-for-Profit Corporations: The Example of Health Care
Amitai Etzioni and Pamela Doty examine current laws and regulations governing the financial dealings of not-for-profit corporations. They argue that omissions, ambiguities, and loopholes in these laws and regulations make it possible for trustees and staff of not-for-profit corporations to engage in fiscal abuses that bring them unmerited personal profit.

pp. 433-453

The Media and the Presidency: An Exchange Analysis
Michael Baruch Grossman and Francis E. Rourke contend that what has been traditionally characterized as an adversary relationship between the president and the press has been taking more of the form of a mutually beneficial exchange of news for publicity. They also believe that the press has recently been improving its position in the trading relationship that historically has been dominated by the White House.

pp. 455-470

The Constitutional Right to Candidacy
Nicole A. Gordon looks at the extent to which the rights of candidates for elective office have been found to be constitutionally protected. She traces the different theories courts have used to justify invalidation of laws hindering prospective candidates and suggests that the Supreme Court recognize candidacy as a "fundamental" right.

pp. 471-487

The Pennsylvania Origins of the Jackson Movement
Kim T. Phillips discusses the earliest sources of support for Andrew Jackson as a presidential nominee in 1824. She finds that economic discontent in the aftermath of the panic of 1819 was central to the campaign to nominate Jackson, who was seen as a potential reformer of the system of banking and business privilege.

pp. 489-508

The Promise of Greatness: The Social Programs of the Last Decade and Their Major Achievements, Sar A. Levitan and Robert Taggart
Reviewed by James L. Sundquist

pp. 509-510

The Changing American Voter, Sidney Verba, Norman H. Nie and John R. Petrocik
Reviewed by Herbert B. Asher

pp. 510-511

The Shadow Government: The Government's Multi-Billion-Dollar Giveaway of Its Decision-Making Powers to Private Management Consultants, "Experts," and Think Tanks, Daniel Guttman and Barry Willner
Reviewed by Grant McConnell

pp. 512-513

The Role of the Supreme Court in American Government, Archibald Cox
Reviewed by Robert J. Steamer

pp. 513-514

The Wall of Separation: The Constitutional Politics of Church and State, Frank J. Sorauf
Reviewed by Richard E. Morgan

pp. 515-516

Simple Justice: The History of Brown v. Board of Education and Black America's Struggle for Equality, Richard Kluger
Reviewed by Charles S. Bullock III

pp. 516-517

Affirmative Discrimination: Ethnic Inequality and Public Policy, Nathan Glazer
Reviewed by Elinor G. Barber

pp. 517-519

The Power to Probe: A Study of Congressional Investigations, James Hamilton
Reviewed by Robert J. Harris

pp. 519-520

The Democrats: The Years After FDR, Herbert S. Parmet
Reviewed by Everett Carll Ladd

pp. 520-521

Presidential Style: Some Giants and a Pygmy in the White House, Samuel Rosenman and Dorothy Rosenman
Reviewed by Joseph Cooper

pp. 521-523

The Radical Center: Middle Americans and the Politics of Alienation, Donald I. Warren
Reviewed by Howard Penniman

pp. 523-524

Transformations of the American Party System: Political Coalitions from the New Deal to the 1970s, Everett Carll Ladd and Charles D. Hadley
Reviewed by Richard W. Boyd

pp. 524-526

Vigilante Politics, H. Jon Rosenbaum and Peter C. Sederberg
Reviewed by Richard E. Libman-Rubenstein

pp. 526-527

Economists at Bay: Why the Experts Will Never Solve Your Problems, Robert Lekachman
Reviewed by Susan Previant Lee

pp. 527-528

Social Control of the Welfare State, Morris Janowitz
Reviewed by Lewis A. Coser

pp. 528-529

The Quality of American Life: Perceptions, Evaluations, and Satisfactions, Angus Campbell, Philip E. Converse and Willard L. Rodgers
Reviewed by Andrew A. Beveridge

pp. 529-531

Women in the Professions, Laurily Keir Epstein
Reviewed by Jessie Bernard

pp. 531-533

Doctoring Together: A Study of Professional Social Control, Eliot Freidson
Reviewed by George G. Reader

pp. 533-534

Future Land Use: Energy, Environmental and Legal Constraints, Robert W. Burchell and David Listokin
Reviewed by William B. Shore

pp. 534-535

Ethical and Legal Issues of Social Experimentation, Alice M. Rivlin and P. Michael Timpane
Reviewed by Paula Jean Miller

pp. 536-537

Free and Independent, Frank Smallwood
Reviewed by Alan Rosenthal

pp. 537-538

Representatives and Represented: Bases of Public Support for the American Legislatures, Samuel C. Patterson, Ronald D. Hedlund and G. Robert Boynton
Reviewed by Duane Lockard

p. 539

The New Deal in Georgia: An Administrative History, Michael S. Holmes
Reviewed by Daniel J. Leab

pp. 540-541

The Improbable Era: The South since World War II, Charles P. Roland
Reviewed by William C. Havard

pp. 541-542

Nuclear Proliferation and the Near-Nuclear Countries, Ankar Marwah and Ann Schulz
Reviewed by Philip Dyer

pp. 542-544

American Defense Policy from Eisenhower to Kennedy: The Politics of Changing Military Requirements, 1957-1961, Richard A. Aliano
Reviewed by Robert Jervis

pp. 544-545

Business Civilization in Decline, Robert L. Heilbroner
Reviewed by Robert Lekachman

pp. 545-546

The Private Franklin: The Man and His Family, Claude-Anne Lopez and Eugenia W. Herbert
Reviewed by Stephen Botein

pp. 547-548

Canada and the American Presence: The U. S. Interest in an Independent Canada, John Sloan Dickey
Reviewed by Annette Baker Fox

pp. 548-550

Winston S. Churchill. Vol. IV: The Stricken World, 1916-1922, Martin Gilbert
Reviewed by Walter L. Arnstein

pp. 550-551

Class in a Capitalist Society: A Study of Contemporary Britain, John Westergaard and Henrietta Resler
Reviewed by Leon D. Epstein

pp. 551-552

Britain and the People's Republic of China 1949-1974, Robert Boardman
Reviewed by Anne F. Thurston

pp. 552-553

Communism in Italy and France, Sidney Tarrow
Reviewed by Mark Kesselman

pp. 553-555

Portugal: The Last Empire, Neil Bruce
Reviewed by John L. Hammond

pp. 555-557

Dissent in the USSR: Politics, Ideology, and People, Rudolf L. Tokes
Reviewed by Robert G. Wesson

pp. 557-558

The Revolutionary Ascetic: Evolution of a Political Type, Bruce Mazlish
Reviewed by Eugene Victor Wolfenstein

pp. 558-560

Patterns of Political Leadership: Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, R. Hrair Dekmejian
Reviewed by Abbas Kelidar

pp. 560-561

Stresses in U. S.-Japanese Security Relations, Fred Greene ; Japan's Nuclear Option: Political, Technical, and Strategic Factors, John E. Endicott
Reviewed by Akira Iriye

pp. 561-563

Chinese Socialism to 1907, Martin Bernal
Reviewed by Michael Gasster

pp. 563-564

Chile: Politics and Society, Arturo Valenzuela and Julio Samuel Valenzuela
Reviewed by Patricia Weiss Fagen

pp. 564-566

The Peruvian Experiment: Continuity and Change under Military Rule, Abraham F. Lowenthal
Reviewed by Cynthia McClintock

pp. 566-567

The Politics of Oil in Venezuela, Franklin Tugwell
Reviewed by Kenneth E. Sharpe

pp. 567-569

The Power of Nations: The Political Economy of International Relations, Klaus Knorr
Reviewed by Inis L. Claude, Jr.

pp. 569-571

The Political Economy of Africa, Richard Harris
Reviewed by Joel Samoff

pp. 571-573

The International Politics of Natural Resources, Zuhayr Mikdashi
Reviewed by Cynthia H. Enloe

pp. 573-574

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