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Volume 91 - Number 4 - Winter 1976-77

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Liberalism Upside Down: The Inversion of the New Deal Order
Everett Carll Ladd, JR, contends that in the last decade, support for liberal causes and candidates has been most forthcoming from voters at the highest socioeconomic levels. This pattern is in contrast to the New Deal era, when such causes and candidates drew their strongest support from lower-status voters.

pp. 577-600

The Great Society Did Succeed
SARA. LEVITAN and Robert Taggart report on their extensive reevaluation of the Johnson administration's Great Society programs. Their conclusion is that Great Society programs did not fail-as has been widely charged in recent years-but that despite some deficiencies, the programs led to substantial improvements in the living conditions of the poor, the sick, the elderly, and the members of minority groups.

pp. 601-618

Soviet Control of Eastern Europe: Morality versus American National Interest
Roy E. Licklider argues that while morality impels American foreign policy to oppose Soviet control of Eastern Europe, it is in the interests of American national security that such control remain. Licklider maintains that an Eastern Europe without Soviet control would be politically unstable and thus a breeding place for conflicts that might draw the Soviet Union and the United States into a major war.

pp. 619-624

Advancing American Interests Through Soviet Control: A Modest Proposal
Pushing Licklider's argument one step further, Piers Ploughman (a pseudonymous commentator) ironically offers a "modest proposal" for promoting American national interests through supporting an extension of Soviet control even to other troubled areas such as Africa. In a serious vein, however, Ploughman charges that acceptance of Soviet controI of Eastern Europe will not serve American national interests and therefore that the West should continue to advocate peaceful relaxation of such Soviet domination.

pp. 625-628

Rejoinder to Piers
Roy E. Licklider

p. 629

Politics of American China Policy, 1945: Roots of the Cold War in Asia
Kenneth S. Chern reviews the American foreign policy debate of 1945 over the question of intervention in the civil war between the Nationalist and Communist Chinese. Chern believes that the Truman administration failed in its obligation to educate the American public about the near inevitability of Communist victory.

pp. 631-647

The FBI's Stretching of Presidential Directives, 1936-1953
Athan G. Theoharis details the history of presidential directives issued between 1936 and 1953 bearing on the FBI's authority to investigate dissident political activities. He concludes that because presidential supervision of the FBI was inadequate, the FBI was able to self-define the scope of it s authority.

pp. 649-672

The Competition for Certainty: The Polls and the Press in Britain
Sanford L. Weiner explains that a highly competitive environment for British political polls creates strong pressures for them and their consumers to derive certainty and significance from ambiguous information. The result is that a tightly knit political elite collectively reinforces its expectations with the aura of "science."

pp. 673-696

Diplomacy for a Crowded World: An American Foreign Policy, George W. Ball
Reviewed by Walter LaFeber

pp. 697-698

Security in the Nuclear Age: Developing U.S. Strategic Arms Policy, Jerome H. Kahan ; Nuclear Weapons and International Behavior, Henry T. Nash
Reviewed by Lincoln P. Bloomfield

pp. 698-699

Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream, Doris Kearns
Reviewed by Lucian W. Pye

pp. 699-701

The Twilight of Capitalism, Michael Harrington
Reviewed by Lewis A. Coser

pp. 701-702

The Party's Choice, Donald R. Matthews and William R. Keech
Reviewed by Gerald M. Pomper

pp. 703-704

Explorations in Convention Decision Making: The Democratic Party in the 1970s, Jeffrey L. Pressman, F. Christopher Arterton and Denis G. Sullivan
Reviewed by Paul T. David

pp. 704-705

Financing the 1972 Election, Herbert E. Alexander
Reviewed by David Adamany

pp. 705-707

Party Dynamics: The Democratic Coalition and the Politics of Change, Richard L. Rubin
Reviewed by Michael R. Kagay

pp. 707-708

The Future of Political Parties, Louis Maisel and Paul M. Sacks
Reviewed by Frank J. Sorauf

pp. 708-709

Blacks in Power: A Comparative Study of Black and White Elected Officials, Leonard A. Cole
Reviewed by Shirley E. Ostholm

pp. 710-711

The Making of Congressmen: Seven Campaigns of 1974, Alan L. Clem
Reviewed by David A. Leuthold

pp. 711-712

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics: The Manipulation of Public Opinion in America, Michael Wheeler
Reviewed by David L. Paletz

pp. 712-714

The Good Guys, the Bad Guys and the First Amendment: Free Speech vs. Fairness in Broadcasting, Fred W. Friendly
Reviewed by Doris A. Graber

pp. 714-716

Are Government Organizations Immortal?, Herbert Kaufman
Reviewed by Ira Sharkansky

pp. 716-717

FBI, Sanford J. Ungar
Reviewed by Robert A. Horn

pp. 717-719

Justice by Consent: Plea Bargains in the American Courthouse, Arthur Rossett and Donald R. Cressey
Reviewed by John C. Cratsley

pp. 719-720

Financing the New Federalism: Revenue Sharing, Conditional Grants, and Taxation, Wallace E. Oates
Reviewed by Frank Levy

pp. 720-722

The Urban Predicament, Nathan Glazer and William Gorham
Reviewed by Jeffrey Prottas

pp. 722-723

Post-Industrial America: Metropolitan Decline and Inter-Regional Job Shifts, George Sternlieb and James W. Hughes
Reviewed by James Heilbrun

pp. 723-725

The Changing Face of the Suburbs, Barry Schwartz
Reviewed by Frederick M. Wirt

pp. 725-727

School Finance in Transition: The Courts and Educational Reform, John Pincus
Reviewed by James W. Guthrie

pp. 727-728

Philadelphia--The Federalist City: A Study of Urban Politics, 1789-1801, Richard G. Miller
Reviewed by Noble E. Cunningham, Jr.

pp. 728-729

Interest and Ideology: The Foreign Policy Beliefs of American Businessmen, Bruce M. Russett and Elizabeth C. Hanson
Reviewed by Jesse W. Markham

pp. 729-731

The Public Image of Big Business in America, 1880-1940: A Quantitative Study in Social Change, Louis Galambos and Barbara Barrow Spence
Reviewed by Richard S. Tedlow

pp. 731-732

Outer Space and Inner Sanctums: Government, Business, and Satellite Communication, Michael Kinsley
Reviewed by Edith Brown Weiss

pp. 733-734

Herbert H. Lehman and New York's Little New Deal, Robert P. Ingalls
Reviewed by Bernard Bellush

pp. 734-735

Madame Secretary: Frances Perkins, George Martin
Reviewed by Norman Markowitz

pp. 736-737

A History of the ICC: From Panacea to Palliative, Ari Hoogenboom and Olive Hoogenboom
Reviewed by William R. Childs

pp. 737-738

The 103rd Ballot: Democrats and the Disaster in Madison Square Garden, Robert K. Murray
Reviewed by John L. Shover

pp. 739-740

The Abolitionist Legacy: From Reconstruction to the NAACP, James M. McPherson
Reviewed by Clayborne Carson

pp. 740-742

American Slavery, American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia, Edmund S. Morgan
Reviewed by Jack P. Greene

pp. 742-743

Trotsky: An Appreciation of His Life, Joel Carmichael
Reviewed by Peter Juviler

pp. 744-745

Asia and the Road Ahead: Issues for the Major Powers, Robert A. Scalapino
Reviewed by Steven I. Levine

pp. 745-746

Ballots for Freedom: Antislavery Politics in the United States, 1837-1860, Richard H. Sewell
Reviewed by James M. McPherson

pp. 746-748

The Political Police in Britain, Tony Bunyan
Reviewed by Frank J. Donner

pp. 748-749

Politics and the Migrant Poor in Mexico City, Wayne A. Cornelius
Reviewed by Alejandro Portes

pp. 749-751

Multinational Corporations and the Politics of Dependence: Copper in Chile, Theodore H. Moran
Reviewed by Robert G. Hawkins

pp. 751-753

The Politics of Pluralism: A Comparative Study of Lebanon and Ghana, Audrey C. Smock and David R. Smock
Reviewed by M. Crawford Young

pp. 754-755

Coups and Army Rule in Africa: Studies in Military Style, Samuel Decalo
Reviewed by Lewis Brownstein

pp. 755-757

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