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Volume 99 - Number 4 - Winter 1984-85

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Who's in Charge? Accountability in Political Action Committees
Frank J. Sorauf asks to whom are political action committees (PACs) accountable for the resources they spend on American electoral politics. He finds that with some significant exceptions, the main line of accountability in a PAC is not to its donors, but to its parent organization.

pp. 591-614

The Soviet Union and the Persian Gulf
Dennis Ross assesses Soviet strategy in the Persian Gulf, looking at Soviet goals, local opportunities and constraints, and Soviet risk-taking propensities. He argues that the Soviets are finding their current strategy generally satisfactory.

pp. 615-636

Party Reform, Party Atrophy, and Constitutional Change: Some Reflections
David B. Truman argues that state Democratic parties essentially abdicated their power over the nomination of presidential candidates when presented with the McGovern-Fraser "reform" proposals of 1968-72 and explains this abdication in terms of two long-term influences: the nationalization of legislative power in the 1930s and the system of nomination by direct primary. He also speculates on future prospects of the two major national parties.

pp. 637-655

The Politics of Ethnicity in Southwest Asia: Political Development or Political Decay?
Zalmay Khalilzad challenges the widespread thesis that the politicization of ethnicity will result in fragmentation of many multiethnic Third World states. By examining the cases of Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan, he concludes that modernization and economic development have shifted power in favor of the center, complicating the prospects for ethnic separatists.

pp. 657-679

Belief Systems and Decision Making in the Mayaguez Crisis
Chris Lamb attempts to satisfactorily explain American behavior in the Mayaguez crisis of 1975 and to evaluate the relative efficacy of alternative decision making models in accounting for that behavior.

pp. 681-702

Who Were the Stalwarts? Who Were Their Rivals? Republican Factions in the Gilded Age
Allan Peskin takes a close look at Republican party factionalism in the late nineteenth century through a collective biography of the delegates to the Republican convention of 1880. He concludes that these factions were not held together solely by patronage, but instead exhibited striking demographic and other distinctions which accounted for their different views on issues and political strategy.

pp. 703-716


pp. 777-778

Nuclear Strategy and Strategic Planning, Colin S. Gray
Reviewed by Robert J. Bresler

pp. 717-718

Global Perspectives on Arms Control, Adam M. Garfinkle, ed. ; The European Missiles Crisis: Nuclear Weapons and Security Policy, Hans-Henrik Holm and Nikolaj Petersen, eds.
Reviewed by Gerald Segal

pp. 718-720

The Making of America's Soviet Policy, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., ed.
Reviewed by Raymond L. Garthoff

pp. 720-721

Maritime Strategy or Coalition Defense, Robert W. Komer
Reviewed by Dov S. Zakheim

pp. 721-722

The Decline of American Political Parties, 1952-1980, Martin P. Wattenberg
Reviewed by Frank J. Sorauf

p. 723

The Reagan Presidency: An Early Assessment, Fred I. Greenstein, ed.
Reviewed by John F. Manley

p. 724

Legal Homicide: Death as Punishment in America, 1864-1982, William J. Bowers, Glenn L. Pierce and John F. McDevitt
Reviewed by James Magee

pp. 724-726

Human Rights and World Politics, David P. Forsythe
Reviewed by Lowell W. Livezey

pp. 726-727

Forgotten Partnership: U.S.-Canada Relations Today, Charles F. Doran
Reviewed by David G. Haglund

pp. 727-728

The Spellbinders: Charismatic Political Leadership, Ann Ruth Willner
Reviewed by Dennis Dalton

pp. 728-730

Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood, Kristin Luker
Reviewed by Eva R. Rubin

pp. 730-731

The Feminist Challenge: The Movement for Women's Liberation in Britain and the United States, David Bouchier
Reviewed by Leslie J. Calman

pp. 731-732

Political Equality in a Democratic Society: Women in the United States, Mary Lou Kendrigan
Reviewed by Janet K. Boles

pp. 732-733

Power, Passions and Purpose: Prospects for North-South Negotiations, Jagdish N. Bhagwati and John Gerard Ruggie, eds.
Reviewed by Michael G. Schechter

pp. 733-735

Social Science Concepts: A Systematic Analysis, Giovanni Sartori, ed.
Reviewed by Lewis A. Coser

pp. 735-736

Obbligato: Notes on a Foreign Service Career, Wiliam H. Sullivan
Reviewed by Joseph Losos

pp. 736-737

Controlling Regulatory Sprawl: Presidential Strategies from Nixon to Reagan, Howard Ball
Reviewed by Susan Rose-Ackerman

pp. 737-738

Dismantling America: The Rush to Deregulate, Susan J. Tolchin and Martin Tolchin
Reviewed by Robert Lekachman

pp. 739-740

Majority Leadership in the U.S. House, Barbara Sinclair
Reviewed by Randall B. Ripley

pp. 740-741

The State and the Poor in the 1980s, Manuel Carballo and Mary Jo Bane, eds.
Reviewed by Mitchell I. Ginsberg

pp. 741-743

The Frustration of Policy: Responses to Crime by American Cities, Herbert Jacob
Reviewed by Gregory A. Caldeira

pp. 743-744

The Politics of Law and Order: Street Crime and Public Policy, Stuart A. Scheingold
Reviewed by Samuel Walker

pp. 744-745

The Contested City, John H. Mollenkopf
Reviewed by Stephen David

pp. 745-747

City Money: Political Processes, Fiscal Strain, and Retrenchment, Terry Nichols Clark and Lorna Crowley Ferguson
Reviewed by Peter K. Eisinger

pp. 747-748

Puerto Rican Politics in Urban America, James Jennings and Monte Rivera, eds.
Reviewed by William A. Diaz

pp. 748-749

Labor Relations in the Public Sector, Richard C. Kearney
Reviewed by Franklin J. Havlicek

pp. 749-751

Processing the News: How People Tame the Information Tide, Doris A. Graber
Reviewed by Benjamin M. Compaine

pp. 751-752

Powers of the Press: Twelve of the World's Most Influential Newspapers, Martin Walker
Reviewed by Donald H. Johnston

pp. 752-753

The Kennedy Crises: The Press, the Presidency, and Foreign Policy, Ralph B. Levering, Montague Kern and Patricia Levering
Reviewed by Doris A. Graber

pp. 753-755

The Twenty-Year Century: Essays on Economics and Public Finance, Felix G. Rohatyn
Reviewed by Elliot Schwartz

pp. 755-756

Governments, Markets, and Growth: Financial Systems and the Politics of Industrial Change, John Zysman
Reviewed by John S. Odell

pp. 756-757

Worker Capitalism: The New Industrial Relations, Keith Bradley and Alan Gelb
Reviewed by Fred Block

pp. 757-758

The Heyday of American Communism: The Depression Decade, Harvey Klehr
Reviewed by Roy Rosenzweig

pp. 758-759

The Politics of Recovery: Roosevelt's New Deal, Albert U. Romasco
Reviewed by Peter A. Gourevitch

pp. 760-761

The End of World Order: Essays on Normative International Relations, Richard Falk
Reviewed by Inis L. Claude, Jr.

pp. 761-762

The United States, Greece and Turkey: The Troubled Triangle, Theodore A. Couloumbis
Reviewed by John O. Iatrides

pp. 762-764

Parties and Democracy in Britain and America, Vernon Bogdanor, ed.
Reviewed by Anthony King

pp. 764-765

Red Flag Over Afghanistan: The Communist Coup, the Soviet Invasion, and the Consequences, Thomas T. Hammond
Reviewed by Gordon B. Smith

pp. 765-766

Panama Odyssey, William J. Jorden
Reviewed by Lowell S. Gustafson

pp. 766-767

"The Government of God"--Iran's Islamic Republic, Cheryl Benard and Zalmay Khalilzad
Reviewed by Shireen T. Hunter

pp. 767-768

After Brezhnev: Sources of Soviet Conduct in the 1980s, Robert F. Byrnes, ed.
Reviewed by John Michael Carfora

pp. 769-770

Dezinfomatsia: Active Measures in Soviet Strategy, Roy Godson and Richard H. Shultz
Reviewed by Ellen Mickiewicz

pp. 770-771

China Turned Rightside Up: Revolutionary Legitimacy in the Peasant World, Ralph Thaxton
Reviewed by Steven M. Goldstein

pp. 771-773

The Age of Interdependence: Economic Policy in a Shrinking World, Michael Stewart
Reviewed by Debra L. Miller

pp. 773-774

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