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Volume 100 - Number 1 - Spring 1985

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On Mandates, Realignments, and the 1984 Presidential Election
Everett Carll Ladd analyzes the 1984 presidential election as a massive electoral endorsement of the incumbent arrived at early and firmly. Looking beneath the election's immediate context, Ladd sees a slowly unfolding contemporary realignment that differs fundamentally from its New Deal predecessor because of the prominent part played by dealignment -- the weakening of voter ties to any party.

pp. 1-25

The Argentine Factor in Twentieth-Century Brazilian Foreign Policy Strategy
Stanley E. Hilton assesses the impact of the Argentine challenge on Brazil's foreign policy. After discussing how Argentina was perceived as Brazil's major threat in the twentieth century, he evaluates the factors that in the early 1980s seemed to bring an end to the two nations' historic rivalry for paramountcy in South America.

pp. 27-51

Federal Grants: Giving and Taking Away
Richard P. Nathan and Fred C. Doolittle present the most recent findings of their fourteen-state study of the effects of the Reagan administration's changes and cuts in federal grant-in-aid programs, relating them to research findings from the 1970s when federal aid was increasing.

pp. 53-74

The Theoretical Foundations of Strategic Nuclear Deterrence
Robert Powell reconsiders the theoretical foundations of strategic nuclear deterrence. He identifies two theories of deterrence that rest on distinctly different sets of implicit assumptions and traces the implications of those different assumptions.

pp. 75-96

Military Force in the Foreign Policy of the Eisenhower Presidency
Richard M. Saunders examines the role of military force in the foreign policy of the Eisenhower administration. He argues that Eisenhower's general reluctance to use force as a foreign policy instrument resulted from a particular set of political beliefs, an appreciation for the nature of presidential power, and an understanding of the broader implications of the use of force.

pp. 97-116

U.S. Decision Making in the Jordan Crisis: Correcting the Record
Adam M. Garfinkle reanalyzes U.S. decision making in the Jordan crisis of September 1970. He contends that the accepted scholarly accounts of critical aspects of U.S.-Israeli coordination during that crisis are not supported by the available evidence.

pp. 117-138

The New American Poverty, Michael Harrington
Reviewed by Blanche Bernstein

pp. 139-140

Contending with Kennan: Toward a Philosophy of American Power, Barton Gellman
Reviewed by Thomas G. Paterson

pp. 140-142

Nuclear Forces in Europe: Enduring Dilemmas, Present Prospects, Leon V. Sigal
Reviewed by Philip W. Dyer

pp. 142-143

The Dynamics of Nuclear Proliferation, Stephen M. Meyer
Reviewed by Leonard S. Spector

pp. 143-144

Autumn of Fury: The Assassination of Sadat, Mohamed Heikal
Reviewed by John P. Entelis

pp. 145-146

From Gunboats to Diplomacy: New U.S. Policies for Latin America, Richard Newfarmer, ed.
Reviewed by Robert S. Leiken

pp. 146-148

Peron: A Biography, Joseph A. Page ; The Populist Challenge: Argentine Electoral Behavior in the Postwar Era, Lars Schoultz
Reviewed by Frederick C. Turner

pp. 148-150

Scheming for the Poor: The Politics of Redistribution in Latin America, William Ascher
Reviewed by Jeff Frieden

pp. 150-151

The Jews of East Central Europe Between the World Wars, Ezra Mendelsohn
Reviewed by Joseph Rothschild

pp. 151-152

Interpreting Elections, Stanley Kelley
Reviewed by D. Roderick Kiewiet

pp. 153-154

Campaigning for Congress, Edie N. Goldenberg and Michael W. Traugott
Reviewed by Harvey L. Schantz

pp. 154-155

Louis D. Brandeis: Justice for the People, Philippa Strum
Reviewed by Henry J. Abraham

pp. 155-156

Constitutional Faiths: Felix Frankfurter, Hugo Black, and the Process of Judicial Decision Making, Mark Silverstein
Reviewed by D. Grier Stephenson, Jr.

pp. 157-158

Third Parties in America: Citizen Response to Major Party Failure, Steven J. Rosenstone, Roy L. Behr and Edward H. Lazarus
Reviewed by John R. Petrocik

pp. 158-159

The Politics of Parliamentary Reform, David Judge, ed.
Reviewed by Leon D. Epstein

pp. 159-160

Relief or Reform? Reagan's Regulatory Dilemma, George C. Eads and Michael Fix
Reviewed by Eugene Bardach

pp. 161-162

Black Police, White Society, Stephen Leinen
Reviewed by Pamela D. Delaney

pp. 162-163

Governor Reagan, Governor Brown: A Sociology of Executive Power, Gary C. Hamilton and Nicole Woolsey Biggart
Reviewed by Gerald Benjamin

pp. 163-165

Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policy, John W. Kingdon
Reviewed by Evelyn Brodkin

pp. 165-166

The Making of the Mayor: Chicago 1983, Melvin G. Holli and Paul M. Green, eds.
Reviewed by Amy Bridges

pp. 166-167

The Inner Circle: Large Corporations and the Rise of Business Political Activity in the U.S. and U.K, Michael Useem
Reviewed by Charles Noble

pp. 167-168

The Regulation of American Federalism, Donald F. Kettl
Reviewed by Timothy J. Conlan

pp. 169-170

Public Sector Performance: A Conceptual Turning Point, Trudi C. Miller, ed.
Reviewed by James W. Fesler

pp. 170-171

The Democratic Muse: Visual Arts and the Public Interest, Edward C. Banfield
Reviewed by Kevin V. Mulcahy

pp. 171-172

Congressional Television: A Legislative History, Ronald Garay
Reviewed by Charles M. Tidmarch

pp. 172-174

Political Elites and Social Change: Studies of Elite Roles and Attitudes, Moshe M. Czudnowski, ed.
Reviewed by Cynthia Fuchs Epstein

pp. 174-175

Biopolitics and Gender, Meredith W. Watts, ed.
Reviewed by Anne N. Costain

pp. 175-176

The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling, Arlie Russell Hochschild
Reviewed by Martha T. Mednick

pp. 176-178

The Influence of British Arms. An Analysis of British Military Intervention since 1956, James H. Wyllie
Reviewed by Hedley Bull

pp. 178-179

Labour in Power, 1945-1951, Kenneth O. Morgan ; The Labour Governments, 1945-51, Henry Pelling
Reviewed by Jorgen Rasmussen

pp. 179-180

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