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Volume 108 - Number 2 - Summer 1993

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Reinventing Collective Security after the Cold War and Gulf Conflict
Andrew Bennett and Joseph Lepgold examine the prospects for collective security in the post-Cold War international system. While some impediments remain, they argue that the international and domestic prospects for a new concert of great powers are favorable.

pp. 213-237

Arms Control, Stability, and Causes of War
Robert Jervis argues that arms control in the post-Cold War era must be pursued as an adjunct to, not a substitute for, ways of dealing with sources of conflict and methods of managing disputes. He shows that while some of the potential causes of war are likely to lie within the military arena, there is little reason to believe they will be the most potent ones.

pp. 239-253

The 1992 Republican "Tent": No Blacks Walked In
Louis Bolce, Gerald De Maio, and Douglas Muzzio analyze the 1992 elections, reexamining the proposition advanced by some Republican strategists and political commentators that the GOP could attain majority party status by attracting 20 percent of the African American vote. Presidential and congressional exit poll data show no politically relevant black subgroup supported George Bush. His defeat resulted from the defection of key white demographic, socioeconomic and ideological Republican support groups --mainly to independent presidential candidate Ross Perot.

pp. 255-270

Leaders, Violence, and the Absence of Change in Africa
Henry Bienen examines violence and leadership in Africa. He argues that violence has been used to maintain the power of elites, not to change social systems. In his view, to explain violence we must look to patterns of governance, not to individual pathologies.

pp. 271-282

Limiting Liberalism: The Southern Veto in Congress, 1933-1950
Ira Katznelson, Kim Geiger, and Daniel Kryder explore the policy implications of the role played by southern Democrats in Congress during the 1930s and 1940s. They show on what issues southern Democrats deviated from the positions of their southern brethren and on what issues they remained loyal.

pp. 283-306

Civil Society and Democratic Transition in East Central Europe
Michael Bernhard examines the role that the reemergence of civil society played in the democratic revolutions of 1989 in Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and East Germany.

pp. 307-326


pp. 373-374

Storm over Iraq: Air Power and the Gulf War, Richard P. Hallion ; Hollow Victory: A Contrary View of the Gulf War, Jeffrey Record ; George Bush vs. Saddam Hussein: Military Success! Political Failure?, Roger Hilsman
Reviewed by Earl H. Tilford

pp. 327-331

Dean Acheson: The Cold War Years, 1953-1971, Douglas Brinkley
Reviewed by Walter LaFeber

pp. 333-334

The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
Reviewed by Robert A. Divine

pp. 334-335

Explorations at the Edge of Time: The Prospects for World Order, Richard Falk
Reviewed by Robert O. Keohane

pp. 335-336

Head Start: The Inside Story of America's Most Successful Educational Experiment, Edward Zigler and Susan Muenchow
Reviewed by Hugh Heclo

pp. 337-338

Quelling the People: The Military Suppression of the Beijing Democracy Movement, Timothy Brook
Reviewed by Bin Yu

pp. 338-339

The Making of U.S. China Policy: From Normalization to the Post-Cold War Era, Tan Qingshan
Reviewed by Steven I. Levine

pp. 339-341

New York at Mid-Century: The Impellitteri Years, Salvatore J. LaGumina
Reviewed by Frank J. Macchiarola

pp. 341-342

The Future of Liberal Revolution, Bruce Ackerman
Reviewed by Robert P. Beschel, Jr.

pp. 342-344

Thinking for a Living: Education and the Wealth of Nations, Ray Marshall and Marc Tucker
Reviewed by Michael Kirst

pp. 345-346

Inviting Women's Rebellion: A Political Process Interpretation of the Women's Movement, Anne N. Costain
Reviewed by Virginia Sapiro

pp. 346-347

Gender in International Relations: Feminist Perspectives on Achieving Global Security, J. Ann Tickner
Reviewed by V. Spike Peterson

pp. 347-348

Inside Campaign Finance: Myths and Realities, Frank J. Sorauf
Reviewed by David Adamany

pp. 349-350

Black Earth, Red Star: A History of Soviet Security Policy, 1917-1991, R. Craig Nation
Reviewed by Raymond L. Garthoff

pp. 350-351

Ethnicity, Race, and American Foreign Policy: A History, Alexander DeConde
Reviewed by Brenda Gayle Plummer

pp. 351-352

The Challenges of Famine Relief: Emergency Operations in the Sudan, Francis M. Deng and Larry Minear
Reviewed by Harvey Glickman

pp. 352-354

Rival Capitalists: International Competitiveness in the United States, Japan, and Western Europe, Jeffrey A. Hart
Reviewed by Benjamin J. Cohen

pp. 354-356

The Congressional Experience: A View from the Hill, David E. Price
Reviewed by Bruce I. Oppenheimer

pp. 356-357

Health Policy Reform in America: Innovations from the States, Howard M. Leichter ; Why the United States does not have a National Health Program, Vicente Navarro
Reviewed by Anne Lenhard Reisinger

pp. 357-358

The End of the Soviet Empire: The Triumph of the Nations, Helene Carrere d'Encausse and Franklin Philip
Reviewed by Glenn Chafetz

pp. 358-359

Showa: The Japan of Hirohito, Stephen R. Graubard and Carol Gluck
Reviewed by Ben-Ami Shillony

pp. 360-361

From Rhetoric to Reality: Latino Politics in the 1988 Elections, Rodolfo O. de la Garza and Louis DeSipio
Reviewed by James Jennings

pp. 361-362

Follow the Leader: Opinion Polls and the Modern Presidents, Barbara Hinckley and Paul Brace
Reviewed by Marion R. Just

pp. 362-363

Whirlpool: U.S. Foreign Policy toward Latin America and the Caribbean, Robert A. Pastor
Reviewed by Anita Isaacs

pp. 363-365

Weapons of Influence: The Legislative Veto, American Foreign Policy, and the Irony of Reform, Martha Liebler Gibson
Reviewed by Harvey Zeidenstein

pp. 365-366

Electioneering: A Comparative Study of Continuity and Change, Austin Ranney and David Butler
Reviewed by John R. Petrocik

pp. 366-367

The Establishment of the Japanese Constitutional System, Junji Banno and J. A. A. Stockwin
Reviewed by Robert M. Orr, Jr.

pp. 367-368

Foreshadows of the Law: Supreme Court Dissents and Constitutional Development, Donald E. Lively
Reviewed by Walter E. Volkomer

pp. 369-370

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