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Volume 57 - Number 2 - June 1942

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The Mexican Oil Industry Since Expropriation II
Arthur W. Macmahon, W. R. Dittmar

pp. 161-188

Export and Import Associations as Instruments of National Policy
Hope L. MacBride

pp. 189-213

Ethical Standards and Political Strategies
Dorothy Fosdick

pp. 214-228

Mr. Madison's War: An Unsuccessful Experiment in the Conduct of National Policy
Abbot Smith

pp. 229-246

Intervention Under the Monroe Doctrine: The Olney Corollary
George B. Young

pp. 247-280

Galloway's Plans for Anglo-American Union
Robert Livingston Schuyler

pp. 281-285

The Destiny of Western Man, W. T. Stace
Reviewed by Carmen Haider

pp. 286-288

The Spoil of Europe, Thomas Reveille and Raymond Gram Swing
Reviewed by Henry S. Miller

pp. 288-290

Nazi Europe and World Trade, Cleona Lewis and J. C. McClelland
Reviewed by C. Ward Macy

pp. 290-292

Reason and Revolution: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory, Herbert Marcuse
Reviewed by J. Glenn Gray

pp. 292-293

Challenge to Karl Marx, John Kenneth Turner
Reviewed by Louis Filler

pp. 294-295

The Quest for Law, William Seagle
Reviewed by Otto Kirchheimer

pp. 295-297

Intellectual America, Oscar Cargill ; The Democratic Tradition in America, T. V. Smith
Reviewed by Thomas I. Cook

pp. 297-299

Our Landed Heritage: The Public Domain, 1776-1936, Roy M. Robbins
Reviewed by Paul W. Gates

pp. 299-301

International Executive Agreements: Democratic Procedure under the Constitution of the United States, Wallace McClure
Reviewed by Homer C. Hockett

pp. 301-302

The Treaty of Washington, 1871: A Study in Imperial History, Goldwin Smith
Reviewed by J. B. Brebner

pp. 303-304

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