Content in

Volume 85 - Number 3 - September 1970

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Paul-Henri Spaak and the Diplomatic Origins of the Common Market, 1955-1956
Pierre-Henri Laurent

pp. 373-396

Republicanism in Political Rhetoric Before 1776
W. Paul Adams

pp. 397-421

Anti-Pluralist Liberalism: The German Neoliberals
Edward N. Megay

pp. 422-442

Congress as Policy-Maker: A Necessary Reappraisal
Ronald C. Moe, Steven C. Teel

pp. 443-470

An Aspect of United States Policy in Latin America: The Latin American Diplomats' View
Kenneth A. Bode

pp. 471-491

War: The Anthropology of Armed Conflict and Aggression, Robert Murphy, Marvin Harris and Morton Fried
Reviewed by Jerome D. Frank

pp. 492-493

How Nations Behave: Law and Foreign Policy, Louis Henkin
Reviewed by Cecil V. Crabb

pp. 493-494

A Strategy of Peace in a Changing World, Arthur N. Holcombe
Reviewed by B. S. Murty

pp. 495-496

A New Foreign Policy for the United States, Hans J. Morgenthau

pp. 496-498

Maximum Feasible Misunderstanding: Community Action in the War on Poverty, Daniel P. Moynihan
Reviewed by John R. Meyer

pp. 498-500

Dilemmas of Urban America, Robert C. Weaver ; The Urban Complex: Human Values in Urban Life, Robert C. Weaver
Reviewed by George S. Duggar

pp. 501-502

Liberty and Authority: Early American Political Ideology, 1689-1763, Lawrence H. Leder
Reviewed by Jack P. Greene

pp. 502-504

American Science in the Age of Jackson, George H. Daniels
Reviewed by Carroll Pursell

pp. 504-505

"The Best Men": Liberal Reformers in the Gilded Age, John G. Sproat
Reviewed by Frederic Cople Jaher

pp. 505-507

American Catholics and the Roosevelt Presidency, 1932-1936, George Q. Flynn
Reviewed by Frank Freidel

pp. 507-508

American Railroad Politics, 1914-1920: Rates, Wages, and Efficiency, Austin K. Kerr
Reviewed by Kent T. Healy

pp. 508-510

Anatomy of the Law, Lon L. Fuller ; Law in a Changing America, Geoffrey C. Hazard ; The Supreme Court and Political Freedom, Samuel Krislov ; The Warren Court: Constitutional Decision as an Instrument of Reform, Archibald Cox
Reviewed by Norman Dorsen

pp. 510-512

Splendid Isolation: A Study of Ideas Concerning Britain's International Position and Foreign Policy During the Later Years of the Third Marquis of Salisbury, Christopher Howard ; The Illusion of Permanence: British Imperialism in India, Francis G. Hutchins
Reviewed by Bernard Semmel

pp. 512-514

Angels in Marble: Working Class Conservatives in Urban England, Robert McKenzie and Allan Silver
Reviewed by Leon D. Epstein

pp. 514-515

Burghley: Tudor Statesman, 1520-1598, B. W. Beckingsale
Reviewed by Martin J. Havran

pp. 515-517

Defense of the Realm: British Strategy in the Nuclear Epoch, R. N. Rosecrance
Reviewed by Stephen Maxwell

pp. 517-518

The New French Revolution, John Ardagh
Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 519-520

The Royal Provincial Intendants: A Governing Elite in Eighteenth-Century France, Vivian R. Gruder
Reviewed by Orest Ranum

pp. 520-522

Germany 1789-1919: A Political History, Agatha Ramm
Reviewed by Andreas Dorpalen

pp. 522-523

The Frankfurt Parliament, 1848-1849, Frank Eyck
Reviewed by Mack Walker

pp. 523-525

The Free City: Danzig and German Foreign Policy, 1919-1934, Christoph M. Kimmich
Reviewed by Gordon A. Craig

pp. 525-526

The Life of Francesco Guicciardini, Roberto Ridolfi and Cecil Grayson
Reviewed by Eugene F. Rice

pp. 526-528

Pobedonostsev: His Life and Thought, Robert F. Byrnes
Reviewed by Marc Raeff

pp. 528-530

Israel and the Developing Countries: New Approaches to Cooperation, Leopold Laufer
Reviewed by David Vital

pp. 530-532

Zambia: The Politics of Independence, 1957-1964, David C. Mulford
Reviewed by Lucy Mair

pp. 532-533

Industrial Labor in the Republic of Senegal, Guy Pfeffermann and Thomas Balogh ; The Labor Sector and Socialist Distribution in Cuba, Carmelo Mesa-Lago
Reviewed by Walter Galenson

pp. 533-534

The Spirit of Chinese Politics: A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development, Lucian W. Pye
Reviewed by Morton H. Fried

pp. 535-538

Soundings in Modern South Asian History, D. A. Low
Reviewed by Leonard A. Gordon

pp. 538-540

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