Content in

Volume 85 - Number 4 - December 1970

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Murd'rous Machiavel in France: A Post Mortem
Donald R. Kelley

pp. 545-559

Maoris and Muskets in New Zealand: Disruption of a War System
Andrew P. Vayda

pp. 560-584

The Failure of Nazism in America: The German American Bund, 1936-1941
Leland V. Bell

pp. 585-599

The Missile Gap Controversy
Roy E. Licklider

pp. 600-615

The Application Clause of Article Five
Philip L. Martin

pp. 616-628

The Improvement of Mankind: The Social and Political Thought of John Stuart Mill, John M. Robson
Reviewed by Wendell Robert Carr

pp. 629-632

Non-Violence and Aggression: A Study of Gandhi's Moral Equivalent of War, H. J. N. Horsburgh
Reviewed by Christian Bay

pp. 634-636

Origins of the Fifth Amendment: The Right Against Self-Incrimination, Leonard W. Levy
Reviewed by George L. Haskins

pp. 636-638

The Jurisprudence of John Marshall, Robert Kenneth Faulkner
Reviewed by Leonard W. Levy

pp. 638-640

A Constitutional Faith, Hugo LaFayette Black
Reviewed by John P. Frank

pp. 640-642

The Private City: Philadelphia in Three Periods of its Growth, Sam Bass Warner
Reviewed by Samuel P. Hays

pp. 644-645

California's Prodigal Sons: Hiram Johnson and the Progressives, 1911-1917, Spencer C. Olin
Reviewed by Otis L. Graham

pp. 646-647

Republican Foreign Policy, 1921-1933, L. Ethan Ellis
Reviewed by Robert H. Ferrell

pp. 647-648

American Diplomacy and the Spanish Civil War, Richard P. Traina
Reviewed by Selig Adler

pp. 648-650

The Politics of War: The World and United States Foreign Policy, 1943-1945, Gabriel Kolko
Reviewed by Robert A. Divine

pp. 650-653

Roosevelt and World War II, Robert A. Divine
Reviewed by Frank Freidel

pp. 653-654

Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Robert F. Kennedy, Harold Macmillan and Robert S. McNamara
Reviewed by Morton A. Kaplan

pp. 654-656

Gulliver's Troubles, Or The Setting of American Foreign Policy, Stanley Hoffmann
Reviewed by Cecil V. Crabb

pp. 656-658

European Economic Integration and the United States, Lawrence B. Krause
Reviewed by W. Randolph Burgess

pp. 658-659

The Psychological Dimension of Foreign Policy, Joseph H. de Rivera
Reviewed by Arnold A. Rogow

pp. 659-661

Alliances and Small Powers, Robert L. Rothstein
Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 661-662

The Professional Diplomat, John Ensor Harr
Reviewed by Henry M. Wriston

pp. 662-664

The Emergence of Indian Nationalism: Competition and Collaboration in the Later Nineteenth Century, Anil Seal
Reviewed by Ainslie T. Embree

pp. 664-665

The Arab-Israeli Dilemma, Fred J. Khouri
Reviewed by Marver H. Bernstein

pp. 666-668

The Mandate of Heaven: Record of a Civil War--China 1945-49, John F. Melby and Henri Cartier-Bresson
Reviewed by O. Edmund Clubb

pp. 668-669

Tanzania: Party Transformation and Economic Development, Henry Bienen
Reviewed by Claude E. Ake

pp. 669-671

Population and Political Systems in Tropical Africa, Robert F. Stevenson
Reviewed by Jack Goody

pp. 671-673

Nationalism in Brazil: A Historical Survey, E. Bradford Burns
Reviewed by François Crouzet

pp. 673-674

The View from the Barrio, Lisa Redfield Peattie
Reviewed by Charles Wagley

pp. 674-675

Guineas and Gunpowder, British Foreign Aid in the Wars with France: 1793- 1815, John M. Sherwig
Reviewed by Francois Crouzet

pp. 675-677

France in the Age of the Scientific State, Robert Gilpin
Reviewed by Stanley Hoffmann

pp. 677-679

The Early Vasas: A History of Sweden, 1523-1611, Michael Roberts
Reviewed by Walther Kirchner

pp. 679-681

The German Officer Corps, 1890-1914, Martin Kitchen ; Armed Forces and Society: Sociological Essays, Jacques Van Doorn
Reviewed by Gordon A. Craig

pp. 681-684

The Conspiracy against Hitler in the Twilight War: An Account of the German Anti-Nazi Plot from September 1939 to May 1940 and the Role of Pope Pius XII, Harold C. Deutsch
Reviewed by Norman Rich

pp. 684-685

Finland, Germany and the Soviet Union, 1940-1941: The Petsamo Dispute, H. Peter Krosby
Reviewed by Max Jakobson

pp. 685-687

Planning and Productivity under Soviet Socialism, Abram Bergson
Reviewed by Gregory Grossman

pp. 687-689

Labor in American Politics, J. David Greenstone
Reviewed by Carey McWilliams

pp. 689-692

Canadian Labour in Politics, Gad Horowitz
Reviewed by Mildred A. Schwartz

pp. 692-694

The Brain Drain, Paul H. Douglas and Walter Adams
Reviewed by Eli Ginzberg

pp. 694-696

Science and the Federal Patron, Michael D. Reagan
Reviewed by J. M. Miller

pp. 696-698

Looking at History Through Mathematics, Nicholas Rashevsky
Reviewed by Richard Jensen

pp. 698-699

Community Structure and Decision-Making: Comparative Analyses, Terry N. Clark
Reviewed by Charles Kadushin

pp. 699-702

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