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Volume 86 - Number 3 - September 1971

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In Memoriam: Richard Hofstadter

p. 0

In Memoriam: Robert Staughton Lynd

p. 0

In Memoriam: Robert Morrison Maciver

p. 0

In Memoriam: Allan Nevins

p. 0

In Memoriam: Lindsay Rogers

p. 0

The Good of the Child Versus the Rights of the Parent: The Supreme Court Upholds the Welfare Home-Visit
Nanette Dembitz

pp. 389-405

Politics and Protest: Hegel and Social Criticism
Nicolas Haines

pp. 406-428

To Live--and Die--in Dixie: A Contribution to the Study of Southern Violence
John Shelton Reed

pp. 429-443

Foreign Affairs: A Winning Issue in the Campaign for Ratification of the United States Constitution
Frederick W. Marks

pp. 444-469

Learned Hand's Court, Marvin Schick
Reviewed by Henry J. Friendly

pp. 470-476

Unused Power: The Work of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, Stephen Horn
Reviewed by William Proxmire

pp. 477-479

Minorities and the Police: Confrontation in America, David H. Bayley and Harold Mendelsohn
Reviewed by James Q. Wilson

pp. 479-481

White Over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Negro, 1550-1812, Winthrop D. Jordan
Reviewed by Jack P. Greene

pp. 481-484

To the Hartford Convention: The Federalists and the Origins of Party Politics in Massachusetts, 1789-1815, James M. Banner
Reviewed by Norman K. Risjord

pp. 484-485

Means and Ends in American Abolitionism: Garrison and His Critics on Strategy and Tactics, 1834-1850, Aileen S. Kraditor
Reviewed by Louis Filler

pp. 485-487

Black Abolitionists, Benjamin Quarles
Reviewed by Lewis Perry

pp. 487-488

The Radical Republicans: Lincoln's Vanguard for Racial Justice, Hans L. Trefousse ; Reconstructing the Union: Theory and Policy during the Civil War, Herman Belz ; Judicial Power and Reconstruction Politics, Stanley I. Kutler
Reviewed by Don E. Fehrenbacher

pp. 488-490

Big Steel and the Wilson Administration: A Study in Business-Government Relations, Melvin I. Urofsky
Reviewed by David Brody

pp. 490-492

Franklin D. Roosevelt and Foreign Affairs: January 1933-January 1937, Vol. I: January 1933-February 1934; Vol. II: March 1934-August 1935; Vol. III: September 1935-January 1937, Edgar B. Nixon
Reviewed by Robert A. Divine

pp. 492-494

Paper Walls: America and the Refugee Crisis, 1938-1941, David S. Wyman
Reviewed by Raul Hilberg

pp. 494-495

Desegregation of the U.S. Armed Forces: Fighting on Two Front, 1939-1953, Richard M. Dalfiume
Reviewed by Lewis M. Killian

pp. 495-496

The Unfinished Odyssey of Robert Kennedy, David Halberstam
Reviewed by William C. Spragens

pp. 496-498

Engines of Change: United States Interests and Revolution in Latin America, George C. Lodge ; The Politics of Brazilian Development: 1930-1954, John D. Wirth
Reviewed by Ronald M. Schneider

pp. 498-500

The Army and Politics in Argentina, 1928-1945: From Yrigoyen to Peron, Robert A. Potash
Reviewed by Peter H. Smith

pp. 500-501

Mexican Liberalism in the Age of Mora, 1821-1853, Charles A. Hale
Reviewed by Stanley J. Stein

pp. 502-504

Black Intellectuals Come to Power: The Rise of Creole Nationalism in Trinidad and Tobago, Ivar Oxaal ; Social Change and Images of the Future: A Study of the Pursuit of Progress, James A. Mau
Reviewed by Sidney M. Greenfield

pp. 504-506

Social Theory and African Tribal Organization: The Development of Socio- Legal Theory, Kenneth S. Carlston
Reviewed by Jack Goody

pp. 507-508

From War to War: The Arab-Israeli Confrontation, 1948-1967, Nadav Safran
Reviewed by Jacob M. Landau

pp. 508-509

The Arabs in Israel: A Political Study, Jacob M. Landau
Reviewed by O. M. Smolansky

pp. 509-511

The Nadars of Tamilnad: The Political Culture of a Community in Change, Robert L. Hardgrave
Reviewed by Lucian W. Pye

pp. 511-512

Higher Civil Servants in Postwar Japan: Their Social Origins, Educational Backgrounds, and Career Patterns, Akira Kubota
Reviewed by John M. Maki

pp. 512-513

Kronstadt 1921, Paul Avrich
Reviewed by Stanley W. Page

pp. 514-515

Communist Party Membership in the U.S.S.R., 1917-1967, T. H. Rigby
Reviewed by Robert A. Feldmesser

pp. 515-516

The French Republic under Cavaignac, 1848, Frederick A. de Luna
Reviewed by Priscilla Robertson

pp. 516-518

The Political Thought of John Locke: An Historical Account of the Argument of the "Two Treatises of Government", John Dunn
Reviewed by Caroline Robbins

pp. 518-519

The Transatlantic Persuasion: The Liberal-Democratic Mind in the Age of Gladstone, Robert Kelley
Reviewed by Morton Keller

pp. 519-521

John Morley: Liberal Intellectual in Politics, D. A. Hamer
Reviewed by Barry McGill

pp. 521-522

Imperial Sunset, Vol. I: Britain's Liberal Empire, 1897-1921, Max Beloff
Reviewed by Stephen E. Koss

pp. 522-523

Baldwin: A Biography, Keith Middlemas and John Barnes
Reviewed by Thomas P. Peardon

pp. 523-525

Labour's International Policy: The Labour Party in the 1930's, John F. Naylor
Reviewed by Henry Pelling

pp. 525-526

The People's War, Britain 1939-1945, Angus Calder ; Tides of Fortune: 1945-1955, Harold Macmillan ; Policy-Making in Britain. A Reader in Government, Richard Rose
Reviewed by Ira Katznelson

pp. 526-528

Regional Economic Policies in Canada, T. N. Brewis and T. K. Rymes

pp. 528-531

Exports and Economic Growth of Developing Countries: A Theoretical and Empirical Study of the Relationships between Exports and Economic Growth, with Illustrative Projections for 1975 for the Main Overseas Sterling Countries, Alfred Maizels, L. F. Campbell-Boross and P.B.W. Rayment
Reviewed by Hollis B. Chenery

pp. 531-532

Public Expenditures in Communist and Capitalist Nations, Frederic L. Pryor
Reviewed by Gregory Grossman

pp. 532-534

European Fascism, S. J. Woolf
Reviewed by Eugen Weber

pp. 534-535

History of the Cold War, Vol. I: From the October Revolution to the Korean War, 1917-1950; Vol. II: From the Korean War to the Present, André Fontaine and Renaud Bruce
Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 535-536

The Politics of Force: Bargaining During International Crises, Oran R. Young
Reviewed by Hans Speier

pp. 537-538

Value Systems and Social Process, Geoffrey Vickers
Reviewed by Kenneth Boulding

pp. 538-539

Origins of Modern Biology, Url Lanham
Reviewed by L. C. Dunn

pp. 539-540

Meaning and Action: A Critical History of Pragmatism, H. S. Thayer
Reviewed by James Ward Smith

pp. 540-541

The Urban Challenge to Government: An International Comparison of Thirteen Cities, Annmarie Hauck Walsh
Reviewed by Joel L. Fleishman

pp. 541-543

The Civil Service Commission, Donald R. Harvey ; The Regulators: Watchdog Agencies and the Public Interest, Louis M. Kohlmeier
Reviewed by Marver A. Bernstein

pp. 543-545

The Legitimacy of the Business Corporation in the Law of the United States, 1780-1970, James Willard Hurst
Reviewed by Frank J. Macchiarola

pp. 545-546

The Theory of Imperfect Competition: A Radical Reconstruction, Donald Dewey
Reviewed by Albert M. Levenson

pp. 547-548

Trade Agreements for Developing Countries, Gilbert P. Verbit
Reviewed by Doris A. Graber

pp. 548-549

The Challenge of World Poverty: A World Anti-Poverty Program in Outline, Gunnar Myrdal
Reviewed by C. E. Ayres

pp. 549-550

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