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Volume 91 - Number 1 - Spring 1976

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The Politics of Exclusionary Zoning in Suburbia
Michael N. Danielson discusses the factors that account for local resistance to opening the suburbs to subsidized housing. He argues that lack of incentives for local officials and residents, combined with the weak articulation of latent sources of support for open housing, tend to preclude significant policy change from within suburbia.

pp. 1-18

Congressional Politics and Urban Aid
Demetrios Caraley analyzes the patterns of support and opposition that have evidenced themselves in congressional voting on federal financial assistance to large cities. In the article's conclusions, he speculates on the prospects for expanded federal aid to large cities in the face of the continual decrease in the proportion of the nation's population that lives in them.

pp. 19-45

Understanding Central City Hardship
Richard P. Nathan and Charles Adams present a comparative analysis of the degree of "hardship" being experienced by fifty-five of the nation's largest central cities. The authors conclude that the urban crisis in America is highly differentiated and that census data are valuable tools for studying the differences that exist among cities.

pp. 47-62

Is United States Foreign Policy "Imperialist" or "Imperial"?
Jerome Slater critically examines the increasingly common view that the United States has been either an "imperialist" or an "imperial" power. After scrutinizing the distinctions between these two views, he argues that both are misleading about the intentions of policy makers and the actual capacity of the United States to control other nations.

pp. 63-87

Cleavages, Decisions, and Legitimation: The Democrats' Mid-Term Conference, 1974
Jeffrey L. Pressman, Denis G. Sullivan, and P. CHRISTOPHER ARTERTON focus on the 1974 Democratic mid-term conference to analyze patterns of delegate behavior at party conventions. They identify the character of persisting party cleavages, the sources of increasing group caucus power, and the conditions that facilitate legitimation and party unity.

pp. 89-107

Television Coverage of Presidential Conventions: Now You See It, Now You Don't
David L. Paletz and Martha Elson review various criticisms of the kind of coverage television gives to presidential nominating conventions. Examining 1972 data, the authors conclude that given the nature of television coverage, the nominees of divisive conventions are disadvantaged later at the polls.

pp. 109-131

The Academy of Political Science: Report of the President, 1966-75
Robert H. Connery

pp. 133-135


pp. 191-192

Political Money: A Strategy for Campaign Financing in America, David W. Adamany and George E. Agree
Reviewed by Alexander Heard

pp. 137-138

The New Deal: Vol. I, The National Level; Vol. II, The State and Local Levels, David Brody, John Braeman and Robert H. Bremner
Reviewed by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.

pp. 138-140

The Hard Years: A Look at Contemporary America and American Institutions, Eugene J. McCarthy
Reviewed by Robert Lekachman

pp. 140-141

A Presidential Nation, Joseph A. Califano, Jr.
Reviewed by Erwin C. Hargrove

pp. 141-142

Curing the Mischiefs of Faction: Party Reform in America, Austin Ranney
Reviewed by Gerald M. Pomper

pp. 142-144

Power Shift: The Rise of the Southern Rim and Its Challenge to the Eastern Establishment, Kirkpatrick Sale
Reviewed by James L. Sundquist

pp. 144-145

A Responsible Congress: The Politics of National Security, Alton Frye
Reviewed by David W. Tarr

pp. 145-147

The American Party Systems: Stages of Political Development, 2d ed, William Nisbet Chambers and Walter Dean Burnham
Reviewed by Dorothy Buckton James

pp. 147-148

Personality and Democratic Politics, Paul M. Sniderman
Reviewed by Roberta S. Sigel

pp. 148-149

Women and the Power to Change, Florence Howe
Reviewed by Phyllis Keller

pp. 150-151

Newsmaking, Bernard Roshco
Reviewed by Doris A. Graber

pp. 151-152

A World Destroyed: The Atomic Bomb and the Grand Alliance, Martin J. Sherwin
Reviewed by Robert E. Beitzell

pp. 152-154

Deterrence in American Foreign Policy: Theory and Practice, Alexander L. George and Richard Smoke
Reviewed by Lincoln P. Bloomfield

pp. 154-155

Terrorists and Terrorism, Edward Hyams ; Political Terrorism, Paul Wilkinson
Reviewed by W. R. Campbell

pp. 155-157

Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin 1941-1946, W. Averell Harriman and Elie Abel
Reviewed by John Spanier

pp. 157-159

Detente in Historical Perspective, George Schwab and Henry Friedlander
Reviewed by Alan K. Henrikson

pp. 159-160

The China Hands: America's Foreign Service Officers and What Befell Them, E. J. Kahn
Reviewed by Warren I. Cohen

pp. 161-162

Cold War America: From Hiroshima to Watergate, Lawrence S. Wittner
Reviewed by Richard D. Challener

pp. 162-163

The 1940s: Decade of Triumph and Trouble, Cabell Phillips
Reviewed by Norman Markowitz

pp. 164-165

The Rise and Fall of American Communism, Philip J. Jaffe
Reviewed by Daniel J. Leab

pp. 165-166

Jails: The Ultimate Ghetto, Ronald Goldfarb
Reviewed by Harry E. Allen

pp. 166-167

A Time to Die, Tom Wicker
Reviewed by Richard E. Libman-Rubenstein

pp. 168-169

Letters of Louis D. Brandeis, Volume IV (1916-1921): Mr. Justice Brandeis, Melvin I. Urofsky and David M. Levy
Reviewed by Osmond K. Fraenkel

pp. 169-170

Frank Murphy: The Detroit Years, Sidney Fine
Reviewed by John W. Chambers

pp. 170-172

Bread upon the Waters: Federal Aids to the Maritime Industries, Gerald R. Jantscher
Reviewed by Steve C. Dune

pp. 172-173

James W. Wadsworth, Jr.: The Gentleman from New York, Martin L. Fausold
Reviewed by John O'Sullivan

pp. 174-175

Federal Tax Reform: The Impossible Dream?, George F. Break and Joseph A. Pechman
Reviewed by Ira L. Tannenbaum

pp. 175-176

Canada at the Polls: The General Election of 1974, Howard R. Penniman
Reviewed by Thomas Peardon

pp. 176-177

On Socialist Democracy, Roy A. Medvedev
Reviewed by Michael Harrington

pp. 178-179

Parts of a Lifetime, Milovan Djilas, Michael Milenkovitch and Deborah Milenkovitch
Reviewed by Alex N. Dragnich

pp. 179-180

Latin America: The Search for a New International Role, Ronald G. Hellman and H. Jon Rosenbaum
Reviewed by Richard R. Fagen

pp. 180-181

Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Chile: A Dossier on Workers' Participation in the Revolutionary Process, Michel Raptis
Reviewed by James F. Petras

pp. 181-183

Saints and Samurai: The Political Culture of the American and Japanese Elites, Lewis Austin
Reviewed by Robert D. Putnam

pp. 183-184

Japanese Radicals Revisited: Student Protest in Postwar Japan, Ellis S. Krauss
Reviewed by Susan J. Pharr

pp. 185-186

Presidentialism in Commonwealth Africa, B. O. Nwabueze
Reviewed by M. Crawford Young

pp. 186-188

The Politics of Pollution in a Comparative Perspective: Ecology and Power in Four Nations, Cynthia H. Enloe
Reviewed by John H. Herz

pp. 188-189

Sociologie des Relations Internationales, Marcel Merle
Reviewed by Stephen G. Xydis

pp. 189-190

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