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Volume 91 - Number 2 - Summer 1976

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America's Political Heritage: Revolution and Free Government--A Bicentennial Tribute
In a bicentennial tribute, Alpheus Thomas Mason reviews the twofold nature of America's political heritage-its revolutionary origins and the fashioning of governmental institutions that permit major changes without violence.

pp. 193-217

Mao Tse-tung's Leadership Style
Lucian W. Pye describes Mao Tse-tung's operational code and advances a theory about the psychological roots of charismatic authority. Mao's leadership style reveals not only what he himself has called his part "tiger" and part "monkey" nature, but also an intuitive understanding of the emotional linkage between the narcissism of the leader and the need for dependency of followers.

pp. 219-235

The United States Senate as a Presidential Incubator: Many Are Called but Few Are Chosen
Robert L. Peabody, Norman J. Ornstein, and David W. Rohde analyze the Senate's role in developing vice-presidential and presidential candidates. The implications of this role for the operation of the Senate and its policy process are discussed.

pp. 237-258

British Populism: The Labour Party and the Common Market Parliamentary Debate
Harry Lazer see the British Labour party's split over Common Market entry in the 1971 parliamentary debate as reflecting a clash between populism and liberal elitism. The usually dominant right wing of the Labour party, in a minority on this issue, was forced to face fundamental questions about majority rule and the role of a democratic representative.

pp. 259-277

The United States and the Origins of the World Court
DAVID S PATTERSON describes and interprets the attempts of American lawyers and government officials to establish a world court in the two decades before 1920. Ironically, President Woodrow Wilson nearly subverted this long-term American effort at the Paris Peace Conference and only reluctantly acquiesced in the provision for the Permanent Court of International justice in the Covenant of the League of Nations.

pp. 279-295

Why Few Women Hold Public Office: Democracy and Sexual Roles
Marcia Manning Lee argues that the percentage of women holding elected public office is unlikely to increase by a substantial amount in the future unless radical changes occur in current sexual role assignment, particularly those related to child care.

pp. 297-314

Governor Alfred E. Smith and Penal Reform
David R. Colburn discusses Governor Alfred E. Smith of New York as a prison reformer far ahead of his time, especially in his advocacy of a penal program to rehabilitate prisoners and return them as meaningful contributors to society.

pp. 315-327

World Order Models Project: First Fruits
David Wilkinson examines several volumes recently issued under the auspices of the World Order Models Project. He concludes that WOMP's purpose -- to create "relevant utopias"-- remains admirable, but unfulfilled.

pp. 329-335

National Health Insurance: Benefits, Costs, and Consequences, Karen Davis
Reviewed by Stanley S. Wallack

pp. 337-339

Punishing Criminals: Concerning a Very Old and Painful Question, Ernest van den Haag
Reviewed by James P. Gifford

pp. 339-340

A Comparative Analysis of Complex Organizations, Amitai Etzioni
Reviewed by Peter Fricke

pp. 341-342

The Accountability of Power, Walter F. Mondale
Reviewed by Richard M. Pious

pp. 342-343

The State of the Presidency, Thomas E. Cronin ; The Domestic Presidency: Decision-Making in the White House, John H. Kessel
Reviewed by Dall W. Forsythe

pp. 343-345

Public Housing Policy: Convention versus Reality, Eugene J. Meehan
Reviewed by M. Leanne Lachman

pp. 346-347

Urban Mass Transportation: A Dozen Years of Federal Policy, George M. Smerk
Reviewed by Michael N. Danielson

pp. 347-348

Work Incentives and Income Guarantees: The New Jersey Negative Income Tax Experiment, Joseph A. Pechman and P. Michael Timpane
Reviewed by Dennis P. Sobin

pp. 348-350

Equality and Efficiency: The Big Tradeoff, Arthur M. Okun ; Generating Inequality: Mechanisms of Distribution in the U. S. Economy, Lester C. Thurow
Reviewed by Sylvia Ann Hewlett

pp. 350-352

Pursuing the American Dream: White Ethnics and the New Populism, Richard Krickus
Reviewed by S. J. Makielski

pp. 352-353

Community Mental Health Legislation: The Formative Process, Henry A. Foley
Reviewed by Stephen David

pp. 353-355

Street-Level Governments: Assessing Decentralization and Urban Services, Douglas Yates and Robert K. Yin
Reviewed by Richard L. Cole

pp. 355-356

Community Action Groups and City Governments: Perspectives from Ten American Cities, Frank X. Steggert
Reviewed by Peter A. Lupsha

pp. 356-358

Urban Terrorism: Theory, Practice and Response, Anthony M. Burton
Reviewed by Paul Wilkinson

pp. 358-359

The Spoiled System: A Call for Civil Service Reform, Robert G. Vaughn
Reviewed by Wilbur C. Rich

pp. 359-360

William Howard Taft and United States Foreign Policy: The Apprenticeship Years, 1900-1908, Ralph Eldin Minger
Reviewed by Michael Hogan

pp. 360-361

U. S. Power and the Multinational Corporation: The Political Economy of Foreign Direct Investment, Robert Gilpin
Reviewed by Stephen D. Krasner

pp. 361-363

Mutual Images: Essays in American-Japanese Relations, Akira Iriye
Reviewed by Yung H. Park

pp. 363-364

The Seven Sisters: The Great Oil Companies and the World They Shaped, Anthony Sampson
Reviewed by Lawrence J. White

pp. 364-366

The Birth of Nations, Philip C. Jessup
Reviewed by James Barros

pp. 366-367

Refugees: A Problem of Our Time. The Work of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 1951-1972, Louise W. Holborn, Philip Chartrand and Rita Chartrand
Reviewed by Leland M. Goodrich

pp. 367-368

Pressure Groups in Britain 1720-1970: An Essay and Interpretation with Original Documents, Graham Wootton
Reviewed by Ira Katznelson

pp. 368-369

White-Collar Power: Changing Patterns of Interest Group Behavior in Sweden, Christopher Wheeler
Reviewed by Torbjorn Vallinder

pp. 369-370

The Life and Death of Leon Trotsky, Victor Serge, Natalia Sedova Trotsky and Arnold J. Pomerans
Reviewed by Joel Carmichael

pp. 371-372

The Middle East and North Africa in World Politics: A Documentary Record, Volume I, European Expansion, 1535-1914, J. C. Hurewitz
Reviewed by William B. Quandt

pp. 372-373

The World and China, 1922-1972, John Gittings ; Three and a Half Powers, Harold C. Hinton ; China and Southeast Asia: Peking's Relations with Revolutionary Movements, Jay Taylor
Reviewed by Mike Pillsbury

pp. 373-376

Revolution in Cuba: An Essay in Understanding, Herbert L. Matthews
Reviewed by Robert R. Kaufman

pp. 376-377

Rhodesia: Racial Conflict or Coexistence?, Patrick O'Meara
Reviewed by J. Leo Cefkin

pp. 377-379

Underdevelopment in Kenya: The Political Economy of Neo-Colonialism, Colin Leys
Reviewed by Dennis L. Dresang

pp. 379-380

The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition, J. G. A. Pocock
Reviewed by Nathan Tarcov

pp. 380-382

The Legal System: A Social Science Perspective, Lawrence M. Friedman
Reviewed by Donald M. Roper

pp. 382-383

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