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Volume 95 - Number 1 - Spring 1980

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Institutional Development of Parties and the Thesis of Party Decline
Cornelius P. Cotter and John F. Bibby analyze the institutionalization of the Democratic and Republican national party organizations. They conclude that during a period when survey research shows that party identification is declining among voters, the national party committees have been growing stronger institutionally.

pp. 1-27

Perspectives on Soviet Intervention in Africa
Henry Bienen explores the globalist versus regionalist debate in international affairs and considers the ramifications of this debate for U.S. foreign policy toward Africa.

pp. 29-42

Greek-Turkish Conflict over Cyprus
Glen D. Camp argues that a negotiated solution to the Cyprus conflict is possible with a federal central government linking two regions, one Greek Cypriot and the other Turkish Cypriot, into a single polity with sovereign powers. Such a solution would require three prerequisites for success: it must be negotiated, not forced upon either community; it must be aided by active pressure from friendly foreign powers; and the negotiations must take place under the aegis of the U.N. secretary-general.

pp. 43-70

Role Perceptions of Women in the Ninety-fourth Congress, 1975-76
Joan Hulse Thompson describes the role perceptions she found in 1976 among women members of the House of Representatives and contrasts these with the role conceptions established by other studies for male members of the House.

pp. 71-81

Just Wars: Doctrines and Institutions
Inis L. Claude, Jr., traces the idea of "the just war" through the history of international relations and shows how international organizations have succeeded the medieval church as custodians of that idea.

pp. 83-96

The Cuban Missile Crisis: Trading the Jupiters in Turkey?
Barton J. Bernstein reassesses the relationship between the U.S. Jupiter missiles in Turkey and the Cuban missile crisis. He concludes that analysts previously missed critical evidence and thus erroneously reported that President Kennedy ordered the removal of the Jupiters from Turkey before the Cuban crisis erupted and that the Kennedy administration considered trading its Jupiters in Turkey only after the Soviets raised the issue.

pp. 97-125

Nuclear Arms in the Third World: U.S. Policy Dilemma, Ernest W. Lefever
Reviewed by Philip W. Dyer

pp. 128-130

Crisis Resolution: Presidential Decision Making in the Mayaguez and Korean Confrontations, Richard G. Head, Frisco W. Short and Robert C. McFarlane
Reviewed by Scott D. Sagan

pp. 130-131

The Politics of National Security, Marcus G. Raskin
Reviewed by Donald M. Snow

pp. 132-133

The Future of United States Naval Power, James A. Nathan and James K. Oliver
Reviewed by Dov S. Zakheim

pp. 133-134

The Man Who Kept the Secrets: Richard Helms and the CIA, Thomas Powers
Reviewed by Athan Theoharis

pp. 135-136

Theory of International Politics, Kenneth N. Waltz
Reviewed by Robert F. Randle

pp. 136-137

In Defense of Decadent Europe, Raymond Aron
Reviewed by Andrew J. Pierre

pp. 137-139

Hitler vs. Roosevelt: The Undeclared Naval War, Thomas A. Bailey and Paul B. Ryan
Reviewed by Fred Greene

pp. 139-140

International Trade Policy, F. V. Meyer
Reviewed by Charles Lipson

pp. 140-141

Domestic Affairs: American Programs and Priorities, James H. Duffy
Reviewed by Richard Polenberg

pp. 141-142

Nutrition and National Policy, Beverly Winikoff
Reviewed by Raymond F. Hopkins

pp. 143-144

On the Making of Americans: Essays in Honor of David Riesman, Nathan Glazer, Joseph Gusfield, Herbert J. Gans and Christopher Jencks
Reviewed by James B. Rule

pp. 144-145

Justice and Reverse Discrimination, Alan H. Goldman ; Fair Game? Inequality and Affirmative Action, John C. Livingston
Reviewed by Elinor G. Barber

pp. 146-148

The Creation of a Democratic Majority 1928-1936, Kristi Andersen
Reviewed by William Schneider

pp. 148-150

The Senate Nobody Knows, Bernard Asbell ; Senator, Elizabeth Drew
Reviewed by Michael J. Malbin

pp. 150-152

Congress and the Bureaucracy: A Theory of Influence, R. Douglas Arnold
Reviewed by Morris S. Ogul

pp. 152-153

The Presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower, Elmo Richardson Lawrence
Reviewed by Richard M. Fried

pp. 153-155

Bureaucratic Politics: Executive Reorganization during the Truman Administration, William E. Pemberton
Reviewed by Hugh Heclo

pp. 155-156

The GAO: The Quest for Accountability in American Government, Frederick C. Mosher ; Cases in Accountability: The Work of the GAO, Erasmus H. Kloman
Reviewed by James W. Fesler

pp. 156-158

Can Organizations Change? Environmental Protection, Citizen Participation, and the Corps of Engineers, Daniel A. Mazmanian and Jeanne Nienaber
Reviewed by Laurence J. O'Toole, Jr.

pp. 158-160

The Office of Management and Budget and the Presidency, 1921-1979, Larry Berman
Reviewed by Louis Fisher

pp. 160-161

Personnel Management and Productivity in City Government, Selma J. Mushkin and Frank H. Sandifer
Reviewed by E. S. Savas

pp. 161-162

Implementation in a Bureaucracy, Andrew Dunsire ; Control in a Bureaucracy, Andrew Dunsire
Reviewed by Robert T. Golembiewski

pp. 162-163

The Business of Organized Crime: A Cosa Nostra Family, Annelise Graebner Anderson
Reviewed by Richard D. Alba

pp. 164-165

Before Watergate: Problems of Corruption in American Society, Ari Hoogenboom, Abraham Eisenstadt and Hans Trefousse
Reviewed by David Adamany

pp. 165-166

Residential Crowding in Urban America, Mark Baldassare
Reviewed by Flora Sellers Davidson

pp. 166-168

The Story of Housing, Gertrude S. Fish
Reviewed by Robert Kolodny

pp. 168-169

The Politics of Faction: Christian Democratic Rule in Italy, Alan A. Zuckerman
Reviewed by Robert Leonardi

pp. 170-171

The Textile Wrangle: Conflict in Japanese-American Relations, 1969-1971, I. M. Destler, Hideo Sato and Haruhiro Fukui
Reviewed by Richard L. Sneider

pp. 171-172

The American Movement to Aid Soviet Jews, William W. Orbach
Reviewed by Ira Silverman

pp. 172-173

Political Participation in the USSR, Theodore H. Friedgut
Reviewed by Frederick C. Barghoorn

pp. 174-175

The Sphinx and the Commissar: The Rise and Fall of Soviet Influence in the Middle East, Mohamed Heikal
Reviewed by Robert Owen Freedman

pp. 175-176

Venezuela: Oil and Politics, Romulo Betancourt
Reviewed by Robert D. Bond

pp. 177-178

Labyrinths of Power: Political Recruitment in Twentieth-Century Mexico, Peter H. Smith
Reviewed by Steven E. Sanderson

pp. 178-179

Soviet Foreign Policy towards Egypt, Karen Dawisha
Reviewed by Robert Owen Freedman

pp. 179-181

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