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Volume 96 - Number 1 - Spring 1981

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The Brittle Mandate: Electoral Dealignment and the 1980 Presidential Election
Everett Carll Ladd examines the behavior of the U.S. electorate in the 1980 presidential election within the context of the long-standing argument over whether party "realignment" is occurring. He concludes that it is not realignment but the continued progress of "dealignment" that gives the 1980 election its distinctive cast.

pp. 1-25

Do Congressional Liberals Really Need to Tremble? A Quick Look at Some Hard Data
Demetrios Caraley does a quick analysis of the 1980 congressional election returns and concludes that liberal members of Congress did not suffer disproportionally large erosion of support.

pp. 27-30

The Origins of Massive Retaliation
Samuel F. Wells, JR., examines the popular understanding of the concept of massive retaliation and its refinement in the early months of the Eisenhower administration. He shows that the Truman administration had developed both the doctrine and the defense programs that formed the basis of its successor's new declaratory policy.

pp. 31-52

Changes in American Voter Turnout, 1964-1976
Thomas E. Cavanagh discusses the changes in the demographic patterns of American voter participation since 1964. He finds that the recent turnout decline has been concentrated among lower-status groups in the population and suggests that this trend may be related to changes in the power of various interest groups to control the political agenda.

pp. 53-65

The Centralizing Effects of Austerity on the Intergovernmental System
Charles H. Levine and Paul L. Posner argue that federal grants to state and local governments have eroded the autonomy of such governments, and that that erosion is being accelerated because of the problems of fiscal retrenchment.

pp. 67-85

Boston's Kevin White: A Mayor Who Survives
Martha Wagner Weinberg chronicles the career of Boston Mayor Kevin White and relates the reasons for White's survival in an era when modem mayors seem doomed to short tenure in office. She concludes that even electorally successful mayors must engage in a delicate and high-stakes balancing act in seeking and holding onto political power.

pp. 87-106

The Social Bases of an Urban Political Machine: The Case of Palermo
Judith Chubb discusses the bases of support for an urban political machine in Palermo, Italy. She concludes that the strength of the machine does not depend primarily upon the quantity of resources that it distributes but rather in its domination of virtually all transactions between the citizen and public power.

pp. 107-125

Legislatures and the Survival of Political Systems: A Review Article
Joel Smith, Lloyd D. Musolf

pp. 127-139

Why the Poor Get Richer and the Rich Slow Down, W. W. Rostow
Reviewed by Lester C. Thurow

pp. 141-142

Farm and Food Policy: Issues of the 1980s, Don Paarlberg
Reviewed by Ross B. Talbot

pp. 142-143

Thunder on the Right: The "New Right" and the Politics of Resentment, Alan Crawford
Reviewed by James L. Sundquist

pp. 143-144

The Nature of American Politics, H. G. Nicholas
Reviewed by Stanley Kelley

pp. 145-146

The New Senate: Liberal Influence on a Conservative Institution, 1959-1972, Michael Foley
Reviewed by Robert L. Peabody

p. 146

Employing the Unemployed, Eli Ginzberg
Reviewed by Richard S. Belous

pp. 147-148

The Cost of Good Intentions: New York City and the Liberal Experiment, Charles R. Morris
Reviewed by Stephen David

pp. 148-149

The State and Human Services: Organizational Change in a Political Context, Laurence E. Lynn, Jr.
Reviewed by George D. Greenberg

pp. 149-151

The Truman White House: The Administration of the Presidency 1945-1953, Francis H. Heller
Reviewed by Barry D. Karl

pp. 151-152

The Presidential Election of 1916, S. D. Lovell
Reviewed by Arthur S. Link

pp. 152-153

Search for Security: Saudi Arabian Oil and American Foreign Policy, 1939 1949, Aaron David Miller
Reviewed by Mark Hamilton Lytle

pp. 154-155

Public Opinion: Coalitions, Elites, and Masses, Harry Holloway and John George
Reviewed by Scott Keeter

pp. 155-156

Promise and Performance: Choosing and Implementing an Environmental Policy, Alfred A. Marcus
Reviewed by Laura M. Lake

pp. 156-157

Science Advice to the President: A Special Issue of Technology in Society, William T. Golden
Reviewed by Sanford A. Lakoff

pp. 157-159

Conflict and Conflict Management, Joseph S. Himes
Reviewed by Lewis A. Coser

pp. 159-160

"Bigotry!" Ethnic, Machine, and Sexual Politics in a Senatorial Election, Maria J. Falco
Reviewed by Rita W. Cooley

pp. 160-161

The Communist Party and the Auto Workers Unions, Roger Keeran
Reviewed by Norman D. Markowitz

pp. 161-163

Memphis Since Crump: Bossism, Blacks, and Civic Reformers, 1948-1968, David M. Tucker
Reviewed by Alexander Heard

pp. 163-164

Judicial Review and the National Political Process: A Functional Reconsideration of the Role of the Supreme Court, Jesse H. Choper
Reviewed by Henry J. Abraham

pp. 164-165

Reasoning about Discrimination: The Analysis of Professional and Executive Work in Federal Antibias Programs, Richard A. Lester
Reviewed by Elinor G. Barber

pp. 166-167

At Odds: Women and the Family in America from the Revolution to the Present, Carl N. Degler
Reviewed by Jessie Bernard

pp. 167-168

Unloving Care: The Nursing Home Tragedy, Bruce C. Vladeck
Reviewed by Charles J. Hynes

pp. 168-169

Citizen Participation in the Public Schools, Robert H. Salisbury
Reviewed by Christine H. Rossell

pp. 169-171

The Political Culture of the American Whigs, Daniel Walker Howe
Reviewed by Richard L. McCormick

pp. 171-172

Democracy and Distrust: A Theory of Judicial Review, John Hart Ely
Reviewed by Donald M. Roper

pp. 172-173

Urban Fiscal Stress: A Comparative Analysis of 66 U.S. Cities, James M. Howell and Charles F. Stamm
Reviewed by Charles F. Adams

pp. 173-174

The CIA and the American Ethic: An Unfinished Debate, Ernest W. Lefever and Roy Godson
Reviewed by Richard E. Morgan

pp. 175-176

Technological Terrorism, Richard C. Clark
Reviewed by Bennett Ramberg

pp. 176-177

Threat Perception in International Crisis, Raymond Cohen
Reviewed by Thomas W. Milburn

pp. 178-179

In Defence of Canada, vol. 4: Growing Up Allied, James G. Eayrs
Reviewed by Charles F. Doran

pp. 179-180

West German Foreign Policy: 1949-1979, Wolfram F. Hanrieder
Reviewed by Gerard Braunthal

pp. 180-182

Italy in Transition: Conflict and Consensus, Sidney Tarrow and Peter Lange
Reviewed by Anthony F. Greco

pp. 182-183

Public Policy in a No-Party State: Spanish Planning and Budgeting in the Twilight of the Franquist Era, Richard Gunther
Reviewed by Stanley G. Payne

pp. 183-184

Political Development and Social Change in Libya, Omar I. El Fathaly and Monte Palmer
Reviewed by Lisa S. Anderson

pp. 185-186

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