Changing of the Guard: Power and Leadership in America, David S. Broder Reviewed by Mark L. Wolf
pp. 319-320
Dean Rusk, Warren I. Cohen Reviewed by Walter LaFeber
pp. 320-321
Inequality in an Age of Decline, Paul Blumberg Reviewed by Kenneth E. Boulding
pp. 321-323
Injury to Insult: Unemployment, Class, and Political Response, Sidney Verba and Kay Lehman Schlozman Reviewed by M. Kenneth Bowler
pp. 323-324
What Should Be Taxed: Income or Expenditure?, Joseph A. Pechman Reviewed by Bruce F. Davie
pp. 325-326
The Defense Industry, Jacques S. Gansler Reviewed by Thomas L. McNaugher
pp. 326-327
Machine Politics in Transition: Party and Community in Chicago, Thomas M. Guterbock Reviewed by Amy Bridges
pp. 327-328
Who Votes?, Raymond E. Wolfinger and Steven J. Rosenstone Reviewed by Joseph A. Pika
pp. 328-329
One Nation Divisible: Class, Race, and Ethnicity in the United States Since 1938, Richard Polenberg Reviewed by Richard Hamilton
pp. 330-331
Presidential Secrecy and Deception: Beyond the Power to Persuade, John M. Orman Reviewed by Caren Dubnorf
pp. 331-332
Vertification and SALT: The Challenge of Strategic Deception, William C. Potter Reviewed by Vernard A. Lanphier
pp. 333-334
Arabia, the Gulf and the West: A Critical View of the Arabs and Their Oil Policy, J. B. Kelly Reviewed by Elime A. Nakhleh
pp. 334-335
Paved with Good Intentions: The American Experience and Iran, Barry Rubin Reviewed by Jerrold D. Green
pp. 335-336
Defending the National Interest: Raw Material Investments and U.S. Foreign Policy, Stephen D. Krasner Reviewed by Peter F. Cowhey
pp. 336-338
The United States in the 1980's, Alvin Rabushka and Peter Duignan Reviewed by Richard Ned Lebow
pp. 338-339
Presidents and Prime Ministers, Richard Rose and Ezra N. Suleiman Reviewed by Don A. Mele
pp. 339-341
Unelected Representatives: Congressional Staff and the Future of Representatives Government, Michael J. Malbin Reviewed by Judith H. Parris
pp. 341-342
The Implementation Perspective: A Guide for Managing Social Service Delivery Programs, Walter Williams Reviewed by Robert T. Nakamura
pp. 342-343
America's Housing: Prospects and Problems, George Sternlieb Reviewed by Peter Marcuse
pp. 343-345
Managing Community Development in the New Federalism, Donald F. Kettl Reviewed by Charles H. Levine
pp. 345-347
The Political Economy of Regulation: Creating, Designing and Removing Regulatory Forms, Barry M. Mitnick Reviewed by Robert A. Katzman
pp. 347-348
The Duping of the American Voter: Dishonesty and Deception in Presidential Television Advertising, Robet Spero Reviewed by Paul Halpern
pp. 348-349
Subliminal Politics: Myths and Mythmakers in America, Dan Nimmo and James E. Combs Reviewed by Max J. Skidmore
pp. 349-350
Black Americans in the Roosevelt Era: Liberalism and Race, John B. Kirby Reviewed by John A. Davis
pp. 352-353
The Old Revolutionaries: Political Lives in the Age of Samuel Adams, Pauline Maier Reviewed by James M. Banner
pp. 353-354
The Churchill Coalition, 1940-1945, J. M. Lee Reviewed by Arthur Cyr
pp. 354-355
Britain's Economic Performance, Richard E. Caves and Lawrence B. Krause Reviewed by James E. Alt
pp. 355-357
The Question of Separatism: Quebec and the Struggle over Sovereignty, James Jacobs Reviewed by Charles F. Doran
pp. 357-358
Soviet Economic Thought and Political Power in the USSR, Aron Katsenelinboigen Reviewed by Deborah Duff Milenkovitch
pp. 358-359
The Politics of Grandeur: Ideological Aspects of de Gaulle's Foreign Policy, Philip G. Cerny Reviewed by Michael M. Harrison
pp. 359-361
The Other Western Europe: A Political Analysis of the Smaller Democracies, Earl H. Fry Reviewed by Annette Baker Fox
pp. 361-362
Multinationals in Latin America: The Politics of Nationalization, Paul Sigmund Reviewed by Jorge Heine
pp. 362-363
Decisions in Crisis: Israel, 1967 and 1973, Michael Breacher and Benjamin Geist Reviewed by Lewis Brownstrein
pp. 363-364
Humanity in Warfare, Geoffrey Best Reviewed by James T. Johnson
pp. 364-365