Casual Commitment in International Relations
Inis L. Claude, Jr. , discusses the tendency of American officials to undertake international obligations "casually," without calculating the possible cost of meeting those obligations and resolving to pay that cost if the occasion should arise.
pp. 367-379
"Dont't Tread on Me": Public Opinion and Foreign Policy in the Eighties
Bruce Russett and Donald R. Deluca document, from numerous public opinion surveys, the recent shift in American opinion in favor of increased military spending and greater willingness to defend allies abroad. They also begin to offer some possible explanations for that shift, giving special attention to the treatment of foreign events by the mass media.
pp. 381-399
Soviet Responses to MX
Jeffrey T. Richelson analyzes the possible responses of the Soviet Union to U.S. deployment of the MX missile system. He examines these options in light of an assumed desire by the Soviet leadership to maintain the survivability of Soviet ICBMs as well as of the capability to destroy a significant portion of the U.S. ICBM force.
pp. 401-410
Congress, Courts, and Agencies: Equal Employment and the Limits of Policy Implementation
Gary Bryner reviews the development of equal employment opportunity policy in Congress, the federal courts, and the executive branch. He finds that administrative mechanisms created to foster equal employment opportunities are seriously flawed, and he calls for more awareness of the limits of the federal government's ability to implement its policies.
pp. 411-430
Black Power and the Transformation from Protest to Policies
Robert C. Smith looks at the impact of the black power concept on American politics. He concludes that it played an important role in the development of racial solidarity, racial interest organization, and the incorporation of blacks into the political system.
pp. 431-443
Sino-Vietnamese Conflict and the Sino-American Rapproachment
John W. Garver discusses how China's support for North Vietnam's war effort from 1968 to 1973 was affected by Peking's rapprochement with the United States. He argues that in the 1973 peace negotiations China urged Hanoi to accept a compromise settlement with the United States.
pp. 445-464
Eisenhower, Dulles and the Quemoy-Matsu Crisis, 1954-1955
Bennett C. Rushkoff examines high-level decision making in the Eisenhower administration during the Quemoy-Matsu crisis of 1954-1955. He argues that Dwight D. Eisenhower's personal handling of the crisis was responsible for a relaxation in early 1955 of the American commitment to the defense of the offshore islands.
pp. 465-480
p. 536
Science at the White House: A Political Liability, Edward J. Burger Reviewed by William T. Golden
pp. 481-482
Energy Policy in Perspectives: Today's Problems, Yesterday's Solution, Crauford D. Goodwin Reviewed by James R. Temples
pp. 482-483
Politics and the Oval Office: Towards Presidential Governance, Arnold J. Melsner Reviewed by Richard M. Pious
pp. 484-485
Congress and Money: Budgeting, Taxing and Spending, Allen Schick Reviewed by Dennis S. Ippolito
pp. 485-486
Invitation to Struggle: Congress, the President and Foreign Policy, Cecil V. Crabb and Pat M. Holt Reviewed by Bernard C. Cohen
pp. 486-487
Clean Coal, Dirty Air: Or How the Clean Air Became a Multibillion-Dollar Bail-Out for High-Sulfur Coal Producers and What Should Be Done About It, Bruce A. Ackerman and William T. Hassler Reviewed by Guy Benveniste
pp. 487-488
Portraying the President: The White House and the New Media, Michael Baruch Grossman and Martha Joynt Kumar Reviewed by Paul Halpern
pp. 489-490
Public Entrepreneurship: Toward a Theory of Bureaucratic Political Power, Eugene Lewis Reviewed by Francis E. Rourke
pp. 490-491
Roll Call: One Year in the United States Senate, William S. Cohen Reviewed by Robert L. Peabody
pp. 491-492
The American Establishment, Leonard Silk and Mark Silk Reviewed by Christopher K. Leman
pp. 492-493
Friendly Fascism: The New Face of Power in America, Bertram Gross Reviewed by Everett Carll Ladd
pp. 493-494
The International Economy and the National Interest, Irvin Millman Grossack Reviewed by Benjamin M. Rowland
pp. 495-496
Doubletalk: The Story of the First Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, Gerard Smith Reviewed by Richard K. Betts
pp. 496-497
Ike's Spies: Eisenhower and the Espionage Establishment, Stephen E. Ambrose Reviewed by Harry Howe Ransom
pp. 497-499
First Line of Defense: The U.S. Navy Since 1945, Paul B. Ryan Reviewed by Dov S. Zakheim
pp. 499-500
From Pearl Harbor to Vietnam: The Memoirs of Admiral Arthur W. Radford, Stephen Jurika Reviewed by Paul Y. Hammond
pp. 500-501
The Diplomacy of Silence: The American Foreign Service, the Soviet Union, and the Cold War, 1933-1947, Hugh DeSantis Reviewed by Robert Jervis
pp. 502-503
When Governments Collide: Coercion and Diplomacy in the Vietnam Conflict 1964-1968, Wallace J. Thies Reviewed by Stephen Pelz
pp. 503-504
Oil, War, and American Security: The Search for a National Policy on Foreign Oil, 1941-1947, Michael B. Stoff Reviewed by Aaron David Miller
pp. 504-505
Politics and the Constitution in the History of the United States, vol. 3, The Political Background of the Federal Convention, William Winslow Crosskey and William Jeffrey Reviewed by Charles A. Lofgren
pp. 505-507
Party Politics in the South, Robert P. Steed, Laurence W. Moreland and Tod A. Baker Reviewed by Clifton McCleskey
pp. 507-508
Cities by Contract: The Politics of Municipal Incorporation, Gary J. Miller Reviewed by Joseph F. Zimmerman
pp. 508-509
Taxation of American Railroads: A Policy Analysis, Dennis L Thompson, John Barth, Raymond Garthner and Steven Sours Reviewed by George W. Hilton
pp. 509-510
The Politics of Displacement: Racial and Ethnic Transition in Three American Cities, Peter K. Eisinger Reviewed by Steven P. Erie
pp. 511-512
The Practice of Urban Economics, Alfred J. Watkins Reviewed by James Heilbrun
pp. 512-513
Stalin's Successors: Leadership, Stability, and Change in the Soviet Union, Seweryn Bialer Reviewed by Alfred G. Meyer
pp. 513-514
The Fateful Choice: Japan's Advance into Southeast Asia, 1939-1941, James William Morley Reviewed by Waldo Heinrichs
pp. 514-516
Political Opposition and Local Politics in Japan, Kurt Steiner, Ellis S. Krauss and Scott C. Flanagan Reviewed by Steven R. Reed
pp. 516-517
China under Threat: The Politics of Strategy and Diplomacy, Melvin Gurtov and Byong-Moo Hwang Reviewed by Michael L. Baron
pp. 517-518
Russia and World Order: Strategic Choices and the Laws of Power in History, George Liska Reviewed by Andrzej Korbonski
pp. 518-519
Electoral Politics in the Middle East: Issues, Voters and Elites, Jacob M. Landau, Ergun Ozbudun and Frank Tachau Reviewed by John P. Entelis
pp. 519-520
Conflict and Violence in Lebanon: Confrontation in the Middle East, Walid Khalidi Reviewed by Iliya Harik
pp. 520-521
The Cohesion of Saudi Arabia: Evolution of Political Identity, Christine Moss Helms Reviewed by Lisa S. Anderson
pp. 522-523
Italian Fascism and Developmental Dictatorship, A. James Gregor Reviewed by Robert Leonardi
pp. 523-524
The Foreign Policy of Hitler's Germany: Starting World War II, 1937-1939, Gerhard L. Weinberg Reviewed by Christoph M. Kimmich
pp. 524-525
Rebellion and Democracy in Meiji Japan: A Study of Commoners in the Popular Rights Movement, Roger W. Bowen Reviewed by Gail Lee Bernstein
pp. 526-527
Making the Most of the Least: Alternative Ways to Development, Leonard Berry and Robert W. Kates Reviewed by James H. Mittelman
pp. 527-528
Ethnic Soldiers: State Security in Divided Societies, Cynthia H. Enloe Reviewed by Claude E. Welch
pp. 528-530
Actors and Systems: The Politics of Collective Action, Michel Crozier and Erhard Friedberg Reviewed by Jan Smith
pp. 530-531
World Inflation and the Developing Countries, William R. Cline Reviewed by Krishan Saini
pp. 531-532
Economic Diplomacy and the Origins of the Second World War: Germany, Britain, France, and Eastern Europe, 1930-1939, David E. Kaiser Reviewed by Michael J. Hogan
pp. 532-533
Marxist Ideology and Soviet Criminal Law, R. W. Makepeace Reviewed by Donald D. Barry
pp. 533-534
The Origins of the Cold War in the Near East: Great Power Conflict and Diplomacy in Iran, Turkey, and Greece, Bruce R. Kuniholm Reviewed by Sylvia Kowitt Crosbie
pp. 534-535