Misconceptions in American Strategic Assessment
Richard Ned Lebow takes issue, on the one hand, with American assessments of Soviet strategic capacity and intentions and, on the other, with the American strategic response.
pp. 187-206
Whither the Future of Blacks in the Republican Party?
Pearl T. Robinson considers the future of blacks in the Republican party. Looking at black partisan attachments from Reconstruction to the present, she contends that the principle of reciprocity is the only basis for making inroads into the black vote.
pp. 207-231
The Politics of Official Bilingualism in Canada
Milton J. Esman examines the process by which Canada's political elites have experimented with language policies to help manage potentially dangerous and divisive conflicts between Canada's two major language communities.
pp. 233-253
State Capacity and Economic Intervention in the Early New Deal
Theda Skocpol and Kenneth Finegold look at the attempts of the early New Deal (1933-35) to regulate prices and production and compare the historically developed administrative and planning capacities of different parts of the U.S. federal government. Their focus on state capacities contrasts with the explanatory emphases on social groups or economic conditions that are common to arguments based on pluralist or Marxian theoretical premises.
pp. 255-278
Party and Bureaucracy: From Kennedy to Reagan
Roger G. Brown discusses the role of political parties in the appointment of top-level political executives. He argues that although party organizations have been little involved institutionally in the president's staffing of the bureaucracy, the preponderance of appointees nevertheless share their president's party affiliation.
pp. 279-294
Urban Theorists, Urban Reform, and American Political Culture in the Progressive Period
Michael H. Frisch argues that Progressive Era urban theory was only superficially about cities and that, rather, its roots lay in the institutional and intellectual emergence of academic political science.
pp. 295-315
MX: Prescription for Disaster, Herbert Scoville Reviewed by Robert J. Bresler
pp. 317-318
Defense in the 1980s, William W. Kaufmann Reviewed by Philip W. Dyer
pp. 318-319
The Western Alliance: European-American Relations Since 1945, Alfred Grosser Reviewed by Peter Gourevitch
pp. 320-321
Freedom of Expression, Archibald Cox Reviewed by C. Herman Pritchett
p. 321
The Administrative Behavior of Federal Bureau Chiefs, Herbert Kaufman Reviewed by Harold Seidman
pp. 322-323
The Reluctant Ally: France and Atlantic Security, Michael M. Harrison Reviewed by Leonard V. Smith
pp. 323-324
Human Rights and State Sovereignty, Richard Falk Reviewed by James T. Johnson
pp. 324-325
Paths to Peace: The UN Security Council and Its Presidency, Davidson Nicol Reviewed by M. J. Peterson
p. 326
The Politics of Mistrust: Estimating American Oil and Gas Resources, Aaron Wildavsky and Ellen Tenenbaum Reviewed by Lawrence J. White
pp. 327-328
The Politics of Presidential Appointments, G. Calvin Mackenzie Reviewed by Robert J. Harris
pp. 328-329
The Supreme Court, Lawrence Baum Reviewed by David Fellman
pp. 329-330
The Election of 1980: Reports and Interpretations, Gerald M. Pomper Reviewed by Richard W. Boyd
pp. 330-331
Radioactive Waste from Nuclear Power Plants, Thomas B. Johansson and Peter Steen Reviewed by Steven Cohen
pp. 331-332
Energy, Economic Growth, and Regionalism in the West, Lynton R. Hayes Reviewed by Robert D. Thomas
pp. 333-334
What's News: The Media in American Society, Elie Abel Reviewed by Scott Keeter
pp. 334-335
In Quest of Freedom: American Political Thought and Practice, Alpheus Thomas Mason and Richard H. Leach Reviewed by J. David Greenstone
pp. 335-337
Corporations and Their Critics: Issues and Answers on the Problems of Corporate Social Responsibilities, David Vogel and Thornton Bradshaw Reviewed by Kenneth Prewitt
pp. 337-338
Politics as Communication, Robert G. Meadow Reviewed by David L. Paletz
pp. 338-339
In Struggle: SNCC and the Black Awakening of the 1960s, Clayborne Carson Reviewed by Marguerite Ross Barnett
pp. 340-341
The Value-Added Tax: Lessons from Europe, Henry J. Aaron Reviewed by Alfred C. Neal
pp. 341-342
Women, Power, and Politics, Margaret Stacey and Marion Price ;
Women and the American City, Catharine R. Stimpson, Elsa Dixler, Martha J. Nelson and Kathryn Yatrakis Reviewed by Susan A. MacManus
pp. 342-344
The Economics of Sex Differentials, Cynthia B. Lloyd and Beth J. Niemi Reviewed by Clair Brown
pp. 344-345
Poverty in America: The Welfare Dilemma, Ralph Segalman and Asoke Basu Reviewed by Eleanor L. Brilliant
pp. 346-347
The Urban Service Problem: A Study of Housing Inspection, Pietro S. Nivola ;
Housing Vouchers for the Poor: Lessons from a National Experiment, Raymond J. Struyk and Marc Bendick Reviewed by Stanley Buder
pp. 347-348
New Tools for Economic Development: The Enterprise Zone, Development Bank, and RFC, George Sternlieb and David Listokin Reviewed by James Heilbrun
pp. 348-350
Federal Health Programs: Problems and Prospects, Harvey M. Sapolsky and Stuart H. Altman Reviewed by George D. Greenberg
pp. 350-351
Postal Reorganization: Managing the Public's Business, John T. Tierney Reviewed by Louise K. Comfort
pp. 351-352
From Realignment to Reform: Political Change in New York State, 1893-1910, Richard L. McCormick Reviewed by Howard N. Apsan
pp. 353-354
Washington Despatches, 1941-1945: Weekly Political Reports from the British Embassy, Isaiah Berlin and H. G. Nicholas Reviewed by J. Garry Clifford
pp. 354-355
Britain's Moment in the Middle East 1914-1971, Elizabeth Monroe Reviewed by Richard W. Bulliet
pp. 355-356
Representation and Urban Community, Andrew D. Glassberg Reviewed by Jerry A. Webman
pp. 356-357
Covering Islam: How the Media and the Experts Determine How we See the Rest of the World, Edward W. Said Reviewed by Edmund Ghareeb
pp. 358-359
Libya: The Experience of Oil, J. A. Allan Reviewed by John P. Entelis
pp. 359-360
The Bureaucracy of Truth: How Communist Governments Manage the News, Paul Lendvai Reviewed by Jane L. Curry
p. 361
The Political Economy of Income Distribution in Nigeria, Henry Bienen and V. P. Diejomaoh Reviewed by Martin Staniland
pp. 362-363
Organizing Interests in Western Europe: Pluralism, Corporatism and the Transformation of Politics, Suzanne D. Berger Reviewed by Henry W. Ehrmann
pp. 363-364
Germany and the Two World Wars, Andreas Hillgruber and William C. Kirby ;
Germany Transformed: Political Culture and the New Politics, Kendall L. Baker, Russell J. Dalton and Kai Hildebrandt Reviewed by Gerard Braunthal
pp. 365-366
Germany East and West: Conflicts, Collaboration, and Confrontation, Lawrence L. Whetten Reviewed by Peter H. Merkl
p. 367
The Nature of the Italian Party System: A Regional Case Study, Geoffrey Pridham Reviewed by Giuseppe Di Palma
pp. 368-369
Class, State and Power in the Third World: With Case Studies on Class Conflict in Latin America, James Petras Reviewed by Jorge Heine
pp. 369-370
China's Intellectuals: Advise and Dissent, Merle Goldman ;
Intellectuals and the State in Modern China: A Narrative History, Jerome B. Grieder Reviewed by ANDREW J. NATHAN
pp. 370-372
The Arab States and the Palestine Conflict, Barry Rubin Reviewed by Eric Steven Edelman
pp. 372-373
The Emergence of Modern India, Arthur Lall Reviewed by Ainslie T. Embree
pp. 373-375
Pakistan: The Enigma of Political Development, Lawrence Ziring Reviewed by Stephen Philip Cohen
pp. 375-376
Representation and Presidential Primaries: The Democratic Party in the Post-Reform Era, James I. Lengle Reviewed by Louis Fisher
pp. 376-377
Canada Since 1945: Power, Politics and Provincialism, Robert Bothwell, Ian Drummond and John English Reviewed by Milton J. Esman
pp. 377-378