Memoirs, Petro G. Grigorenko ;
Inside the Soviet Army, Viktor Suvorov Reviewed by Raymond L. Garthoff
pp. 93-94
Conventional Deterrence, John J. Mearsheimer Reviewed by Philip W. Dyer
pp. 95-96
Power and Principle: Memoirs of the National Security Adviser, 1977-1981, Zbigniew Brzezinski Reviewed by George W. Ball
pp. 96-97
Thinking about National Security: Defense and Foreign Policy in a Dangerous World, Harold Brown Reviewed by Robert Jervis
pp. 97-98
Paradoxes of Power: The Military Establishment in the Eighties, Adam Yarmolinsky and Gregory D. Foster Reviewed by Vincent Davis
pp. 98-99
Afghanistan and the Soviet Union, Henry S. Bradsher Reviewed by David Chaffetz
pp. 99-100
USSR in Crisis: The Failure of an Economic System, Marshall I. Goldman Reviewed by Robert Campbell
pp. 101-102
The Confidence Gap: Business, Labor, and Government in the Public Mind, Seymour Martin Lipset and William Schneider Reviewed by Robert Y. Shapiro
pp. 102-103
Governments Under Stress: Political Executives and Key Bureaucrats in Washington, London, and Ottawa, Colin Campbell Reviewed by Hugh Heclo
pp. 103-104
Explaining and Predicting Elections: Issue Effects and Party Strategies in Twenty-Three Democracies, Ian Budge and Dennis J. Farlie Reviewed by John R. Petrocik
pp. 105-106
The Japanese Diet and the U. S. Congress, Francis R. Valeo and Charles E. Morrison, eds. Reviewed by Mike M. Mochizuki
pp. 106-107
Contemporary Democracies: Participation, Stability, and Violence, G. Bingham Powell, Jr. Reviewed by William J. Long
pp. 107-108
The Battle for Public Opinion: The President, the Press, and the Polls During Watergate, Kurt Lang and Gladys Engel Lang Reviewed by David L. Paletz
pp. 108-109
Too Hot to Handle: Social and Political Issues in the Management of Radioactive Wastes, Charles A. Walker, Leroy C. Gould and Edward J. Woodhouse, eds. Reviewed by Gerald M. Steinberg
pp. 109-111
The Public Presidency: The Pursuit of Popular Support, George C. Edwards III Reviewed by W. Thomas Wander
pp. 111-112
The Presidency and Public Policy: The Four Arenas of Presidential Power, Robert J. Spitzer Reviewed by Dorothy B. James
pp. 112-113
Brandeis: An Intimate Biography of One of America's Truly Great Supreme Court Justices, Lewis J. Paper Reviewed by C. Herman Pritchett
pp. 113-114
Policymaking and Politics in the Federal District Courts, Robert A. Carp and C. K. Rowland Reviewed by Henry J. Abraham
pp. 114-115
Spheres of Justice: A Defense of Pluralism and Equality, Michael Walzer Reviewed by Jeffrey B. Abramson
pp. 116-117
Supreme Court Activism and Restraint, Stephen C. Halpern and Charles M. Lamb, eds. Reviewed by David Adamany
pp. 117-118
Folded, Spindled, and Mutilated: Economic Analysis and U. S. v. IBM, Franklin M. Fisher, John J. McGowan and Joen E. Greenwood Reviewed by Lawrence J. White
pp. 118-119
Suing Government: Citizen Remedies for Official Wrongs, Peter H. Schuck Reviewed by George A. Bermann
pp. 120-121
Bureaucratic Justice: Managing Social Security Disability Claims, Jerry L. Mashaw Reviewed by Deborah A. Stone
pp. 121-122
The Sporting Woman, Mary A. Boutilier and Lucinda SanGiovanni Reviewed by Jessie Bernard
pp. 122-123
Who Voted? The Dynamics of Electoral Turnout, 1870-1980, Paul Kleppner Reviewed by Kristi Andersen
pp. 123-125
Science Policy from Ford to Reagan: Change and Continuity, Claude E. Barfield Reviewed by Sanford Lakoff
pp. 125-126
Science and the National Environmental Policy Act: Redirecting Policy Through Procedural Reform, Lynton K. Caldwell Reviewed by Steven Cohen
pp. 126-127
Natural Resources: Bureaucratic Myths and Environmental Management, Richard L. Stroup and John A. Baden ;
Scarce Natural Resources: The Challenge to Public Policymaking, Susan Welch and Robert Miewald, eds. Reviewed by Christopher K. Leman
pp. 127-129
Environmental Diplomacy: An Examination and a Prospective of Canadian-U. S. Transboundary Environmental Relations, John E. Carroll Reviewed by Fred Thompson
pp. 130-131
The Logic and Limits of Trust, Bernard Barber Reviewed by Lewis A. Coser
pp. 131-132
Reason in Human Affairs, Herbert A. Simon Reviewed by Betty Glad
pp. 132-133
The Border that Joins: Mexican Migrants and U. S. Responsibility, Peter G. Brown and Henry Shue, eds. Reviewed by Marc W. Chernick
pp. 133-135
Roosevelt and the Isolationists, 1932-45, Wayne S. Cole Reviewed by Robert M. Hathaway
pp. 135-136
Landmarks Preservation and the Property Tax, David Listokin, et al. Reviewed by James Heilbrun
pp. 136-138
Federal Narcotics Enforcement: Reorganization and Reform, Patricia Rachal Reviewed by Walter Williams
pp. 138-139
The Logic of Organization: A System-Based Social Science Framework for Organization Theory, Alfred Kuhn and Robert D. Beam Reviewed by Wolf V. Heydebrand
pp. 139-140
Farm Workers, Agribusiness, and the State, Linda C. Majka and Theo J. Majka Reviewed by William H. Friedland
pp. 141-142
Politics and Health Care Organization: HMOs as Federal Policy, Lawrence D. Brown Reviewed by Frank J. Thompson
pp. 142-143
The Political Economy of Aging: The State, Private Power, and Social Welfare, Laura Katz Olson ;
America's Old Age Crisis: Public Policy and the Two Worlds of Aging, Stephen Crystal Reviewed by Robert B. Hudson
pp. 143-145
Lyndon B. Johnson: A Memoir, George Reedy Reviewed by Harvey C. Mansfield, Sr.
pp. 145-146
Love, Eleanor: Eleanor Roosevelt and Her Friends, Joseph P. Lash Reviewed by J. William T. Young
pp. 147-148
Standing Fast: The Autobiography of Roy Wilkins, Roy Wilkins and Tom Mathews Reviewed by Pearl T. Robinson
pp. 148-149
Herbert Hoover: The Postpresidential Years, 1933-1964 (Vol. 1: 1933-1945; Vol. 2: 1946-1964), Gary Dean Best Reviewed by Hugh T. Lovin
pp. 149-151
Eugene V. Debs: Citizen and Socialist, Nick Salvatore Reviewed by Norman Markowitz
pp. 151-152
The Socialist Corporation and Technocratic Power: The Polish United Workers Party, Industrial Organization and Workforce Control, 1958-80, Jean Woodall Reviewed by Deborah Duff Milenkovitch
pp. 152-153
Multilateral Diplomacy within the Commonwealth: A Decade of Expansion, Andrestinos N. Papadopoulos Reviewed by Thomas P. Peardon
pp. 153-154
A Contemporary Crisis: Political Hostage-Taking and the Experience of Western Europe, Clive C. Aston Reviewed by W. R. Campbell
pp. 154-155
Explaining Hitler's Germany: Historians and the Third Reich, John Hiden and John Farquharson Reviewed by Robert E. Neil
pp. 155-157
Education in the Soviet Union: Policies and Institutions since Stalin, Mervyn Matthews Reviewed by Thane Gustafson
pp. 157-158
Poland: Communism, Nationalism, Anti-Semitism, Michael Checinski Reviewed by Ezra Mendelsohn
pp. 158-159
Revolutionary Afghanistan: A Reappraisal, Beverly Male Reviewed by Zalmay Khalilzad
pp. 159-161
Industrial Growth, Trade, and Dynamic Patterns in the Japanese Economy, Miyohei Shinohara Reviewed by David G. Timberman
pp. 161-162
Japanese Political Culture: Change and Continuity, Takeshi Ishida Reviewed by Tetsuya Kataoka
pp. 162-163
China Without Mao: The Search for a New Order, Immanuel C. Y. Hsü Reviewed by Rhoda Weidenbaum
pp. 163-164
The Limits of State Autonomy: Post-Revolutionary Mexico, Nora Hamilton Reviewed by Walter L. Goldfrank
pp. 164-166
The States of South Asia: Problems of National Integration, Dennis Dalton and A. Jeyaratnam Wilson, eds. Reviewed by Stephen P. Cohen
pp. 166-167
Soldiers without Politics: Blacks in the South African Armed Forces, Kenneth W. Grundy Reviewed by Crawford Young
pp. 167-168
Two Hungry Giants: The United States and Japan in the Quest for Oil and Ores, Raymond Vernon Reviewed by Dick K. Nanto
pp. 168-169
Mission on the Rhine: Reeducation and Denazification in American-Occupied Germany, James F. Tent ;
The GDR: Moscow's German Ally, David Childs ;
From Hitler to Ulbricht: The Communist Reconstruction of East Germany, 1945-46, Gregory W. Sandford Reviewed by Peter H. Merkl
pp. 169-172
After the Palestine-Israel War: Limits to U.S. and Israeli Policy, Khalil Nakhleh and Clifford A. Wright Reviewed by Mark Hamilton Lytle
pp. 172-173
New Frontiers in American-East Asian Relations: Essays Presented to Dorothy Borg, Warren I. Cohen, ed. Reviewed by David Chiang-Kau Lang
pp. 173-175
Third World Multinationals: The Rise of Foreign Investment from Developing Countries, Louis T. Wells Reviewed by Laurie Landy
pp. 175-176
Modern French Marxism, Michael Kelly Reviewed by W. Rand Smith
pp. 176-177
Communism and Political Change in Spain, Eusebio Mujal-Leon Reviewed by Stanley G. Payne
pp. 177-178
The United States in the Middle East: Interests and Obstacles, Seth P. Tillman Reviewed by Franklin T. Burroughs
pp. 179-180
Dynamics of European Nuclear Disarmament, Alva Myrdal, et al. Reviewed by Kevin Anderson
pp. 180-181
International Regimes, Stephen D. Krasner, ed. Reviewed by Vinod K. Aggarwal
pp. 181-183
The Soviet Union in the Middle East: Policies and Perspectives, Karen Dawisha and Adeed Dawisha, eds. Reviewed by Gordon B. Smith
pp. 183-184
Soviet Perceptions of U.S. Foreign Policy: A Study of Ideology, Power, and Consensus, John Lenczowski ;
The Soviet View of U.S. Strategic Doctrine: Implications for Decision Making, Jonathan Samuel Lockwood Reviewed by Roman Kolkowicz
pp. 184-186
The Politics of Pressure: American Arms and Israeli Policy since the Six Day War, David Pollock Reviewed by William B. Quandt
p. 187
Raoul Wallenberg, Angel of Rescue: Heroism and Torment in the Gulag, Harvey Rosenfeld Reviewed by Michael Stanislawski
pp. 187-188
Soviet Policy in the Arc of Crisis, Fred Halliday Reviewed by Donna Beltz
pp. 188-189