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Volume 100 - Number 2 - Summer 1985

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Presidential Power: Restoring The Balance
Theodore J. Lowi analyzes the powers of the American presidency and proposes reforms that would both strengthen that office and made it more accountable.

pp. 185-213

Self-Determination, Territorial Integrity, and the Falkland Islands
H.E. CHEHABI examines the conflict over the Falkland Islands against the background of other insular disputes of the colonial era and points out the occasional contradictions between the principles of self-determination and of territorial integrity.

pp. 215-225

Congress and the Defense Budget: Enhancing Policy Oversight
Robert J. Art describes how the Congress of the last decade has dealt with the defense budget. He argues that Congress has tended to be more involved in micromanagement than in policy oversight and offers specific remedies to create a better balance among those methods of control.

pp. 227-248

The United Nations and Human Rights, 1945-1985
David P. Forsythe analyzes the changes that have occurred on the subject of human rights at the United Nations during the past forty years. He contends that the UN record is not as negative as some U.S. officials have suggested, and he stresses the long-term socializing and legitimizing roles of the UN on the subject of human rights.

pp. 249-269

The FBI and the American Legion Contact Program, 1940-1966
Athan Theoharis surveys the history of the FBI's American Legion Contract Program and traces the change in the role and influence of the FBI during the World War II and Cold War years. He recounts its emergence as an autonomous agency committed to legitimating and sustaining anti-Communist politics.

pp. 271-286

Excessive Regulation: The Case of Federal Aid to Education
HOHN E. CHUBB discusses the role of federal regulations in the implementation of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and of the Vocational Education Act. The evidence, he concludes, indicates that regulation in these cases is not excessive and that deregulated alternatives would be less efficient.

pp. 287-311


p. 367

American Leadership in World Affairs: Vietnam and the Breakdown of Consensus, James N. Rosenau and Ole R. Holsti
Reviewed by Robert A. Divine

pp. 313-314

Can Modern War be Just?, James Turner Johnson
Reviewed by George Armstrong Kelly

pp. 314-315

The Security Gamble: Deterrence Dilemmas in the Nuclear Age, Douglas MacLean, ed.
Reviewed by Robert Jervis

p. 316

The Bishops and Nuclear Weapons: The Catholic Pastoral Letter on War and Peace, James E. Dougherty
Reviewed by Theodore M. Hesburgh

p. 317

Thinking About the Unthinkable in the 1980s, Herman Kahn
Reviewed by Louis René Beres

pp. 318-319

Measuring Military Power: The Soviet Air Threat to Europe, Joshua M. Epstein
Reviewed by Cynthia Roberts

pp. 319-320

The Brezhnev Politburo and the Decline of Detente, Harry Gelman
Reviewed by S. N. MacFarlane

pp. 320-322

China's Foreign Relations in the 1980s, Harry Harding, ed.
Reviewed by Lucian W. Pye

pp. 322-324

Making Campaigns Count: Leadership and Coalition-Building in 1980, Darrell M. West
Reviewed by John H. Kessel

pp. 324-325

The Leadership Question: The Presidency and the American System, Bert A. Rockman
Reviewed by Stephen J. Wayne

pp. 325-326

Money and Politics in the United States: Financing Elections in the 1980s, Michael J. Malbin, ed.
Reviewed by Richard L. Rubin

pp. 326-327

Strong Democracy: Participatory Politics for a New Age, Benjamin Barber
Reviewed by Michael Parenti

pp. 328-329

When Government Speaks: Politics, Law, and Government Expression in America, Mark G. Yudof
Reviewed by Christopher H. Pyle

pp. 329-330

Beyond the Safety Net: Reviving the Promise of Opportunity in America, Sar A. Levitan and Clifford M. Johnson
Reviewed by Isabel V. Sawhill

pp. 330-331

Making an Issue of Child Abuse: Political Agenda Setting for Social Problems, Barbara J. Nelson
Reviewed by Louise Armstrong

pp. 331-333

Secrets of the Tax Revolt, James Ring Adams
Reviewed by Ira Sharkansky

pp. 333-334

Clients and Lawyers: Securing The Rights of Disabled Persons, Susan M. Olson
Reviewed by Julia C. Spring

pp. 334-335

Italian-Americans: Into the Twilight of Ethnicity, Richard D. Alba
Reviewed by Francis A. J. Iann

pp. 335-336

Privacy: Studies in Social and Cultural History, Barrington Moore
Reviewed by Lewis A. Coser

pp. 336-337

Media Politics: The News Strategies of Presidential Campaigns, F. Christopher Arterton
Reviewed by Michael W. Traugott

pp. 337-338

Environmental Policy in the 1980s: Reagan's New Agenda, Michael E. Kraft and Norman J. Vig, eds.
Reviewed by Laura M. Lake

pp. 338-339

Exile: The Unquiet Oblivion of Richard M. Nixon, Robert Sam Anson
Reviewed by Richard M. Pious

p. 340

Power, Crime, and Mystification, Steven Box
Reviewed by Ann Jones

pp. 340-341

The Welfare State and Beyond: Success and Problems in Scandinavia, Gunnar Heckscher
Reviewed by John Logue

pp. 341-343

Responses to Poverty: Lessons from Europe, Robert Walker and Peter Townsend, eds.
Reviewed by Joel F. Handler

pp. 343-344

Race, Ethnicity and Power: A Comparative Study, Donald G. Baker
Reviewed by D. Garth Taylor

pp. 344-345

Winds of History: The German Years of Lucius DuBignon Clay, John H. Backer
Reviewed by James F. Tent

pp. 345-346

Safe for Democracy: The Anglo-American Response to Revolution, 1913-1923, Lloyd C. Gardner
Reviewed by John N. Hazard

pp. 346-347

Presidents Above Party: The First American Presidency, 1789-1829, Ralph Ketcham
Reviewed by Richard Alan Ryerson

pp. 347-349

The Impact of Intervention: The Dominican Republic during the U.S. Occupation of 1916-1924, Bruce J. Calder
Reviewed by Joseph S. Tulchin

pp. 349-350

The Road to Redemption: Southern Politics, 1868-1879, Michael Perman
Reviewed by J. Morgan Kousser

pp. 350-351

Poland's Self-Limiting Revolution, Jadwiga Staniszkis
Reviewed by Jane Leftwich Curry

pp. 351-353

Jinnah of Pakistan, Stanley Wolpert
Reviewed by Lee L. Bean

pp. 353-354

The Pakistan Army, Stephen P. Cohen
Reviewed by Barry Rubin

pp. 354-355

Groups and Politics in the People's Republic of China, David S. G. Goodman, ed.
Reviewed by Martin King Whyte

pp. 355-357

The White-Boned Demon: A Biography of Madame Mao Zedong, Ross Terrill
Reviewed by Emily Honig

pp. 357-358

Women, the Family and Peasant Revolution in China, Kay Ann Johnson ; Patriarchy and Socialist Revolution in China, Judith Stacey
Reviewed by Rhoda Weidenbaum

pp. 358-361

Steering the Polity: Communication and Politics in Israel, Itzhak Galnoor
Reviewed by Joel S. Migdal

pp. 361-362

Iraq: Eastern Flank of the Arab World, Christine Moss Helms
Reviewed by Phebe Marr

pp. 363-364

African Security Issues: Sovereignty, Stability, and Solidarity, Bruce E. Arlinghaus, ed.
Reviewed by Martin Staniland

pp. 364-365

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