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Volume 135 - Number 3 - Fall 2020

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Limits of the Conservative Revolution in the States
MATT GROSSMANN analyzes the policy consequences of increasing Republican control of U.S. state governments since the 1990s. He finds that Republican states have enacted some new conservative policies, but many other liberal policy revolutions have continued unabated. He argues that conservative policymaking is difficult because federal policy and electoral incentives incentivize continued government expansion.

pp. 377-407

That “Special Something”: The U.S.-Australia Alliance, Special Relationships, and Emotions
Lloyd Cox and BRENDON O’CONNOR challenge the common realist assumption that emotions are irrelevant for understanding inter-state relations. They examine the notion of special relationships in international politics. They develop a distinctive approach to the collectivization of emotions within and between states and apply this to the U.S.-Australia
special relationship.

pp. 409-438

Going Nuclear: The Promises and Perils of Nuclear Energy in China
Il Hyun Cho discusses China’s pursuit of nuclear energy and identifies domestic political legitimacy and geopolitical ambitions as key factors shaping Beijing’s policy. He argues that China’s nuclear drive raises questions about nuclear safety and proliferation.

pp. 439-465

Political Trust in Nonconsolidated Democracies: The Turkish Case in Comparative Perspective
Kursat Cinar and Tekin Kose explore individual- and country-level determinants of political trust in 17 nonconsolidated democracies with particular emphasis on the case of Turkey. They situate their findings in the growing body of literature on political trust, identifying similarities and differences, and offer insights on the correlates of political trust throughout the world.

pp. 467-497

Integration: A Key for Progress in Our Increasingly Diverse Country
Jaleel Howard and Pedro Noguera review the recently published Children on the Dram: Why School Integration Works and A Single Garment: Creating Intentionally Diverse Schools That Benefit All Children. They find that through in-depth analysis the books provide substantial evidence supporting the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision and the need for diverse schools. They argue that integration is not only a valuable tool in child development, but also essential for the future of American democracy.

pp. 499-506

Why Cities Lose: The Deep Roots of the Urban-Rural Political Divide, Jonathan Rodden
Reviewed by Jamie Monogan

pp. 507-508

The Lost Soul of the American Presidency: The Decline into Demagoguery and the Prospects for Renewal, Stephen F. Knott
Reviewed by Brendan J. Doherty

pp. 508-510

War and the Rogue Presidency: Restoring the Republic after Congressional Failure, Ivan Eland
Reviewed by Adam M. Mc Mahon

pp. 510-511

All Roads Lead to Power: The Appointed and Elected Paths to Public Office for US Women, Kaitlin Sidorsky
Reviewed by Jaclyn J. Kettler

pp. 512-513

Repugnant Laws: Judicial Review of Acts of Congress from the Founding to the Present, Keith E. Whittington
Reviewed by Joshua Strayhorn

pp. 513-515

Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment: A Global and Historical Comparison, Ahmet T. Kuru
Reviewed by Elizabeth R. Nugent

pp. 515-516

Russian Nuclear Orthodoxy: Religion, Politics, and Strategy, Dmitry Adamsky
Reviewed by Edward Rhodes

pp. 517-518

Asia’s Regional Architecture: Alliances and Institutions in the Pacific Century, Andrew Yeo
Reviewed by Norashiqin Toh

pp. 518-519

Foreign Policy Advocacy and Entrepreneurship: How a New Generation in Congress Is Shaping U.S. Engagement with the World, Jeffrey S. Lantis
Reviewed by Jordan Tama

pp. 520-521

Religious Identity in US Politics, Matthew R. Miles ; Rock of Ages: Subcultural Religious Identity and Public Opinion among Young Evangelicals, Jeremiah J. Castle
Reviewed by David O' Connell

pp. 521-523

Covenant Brothers: Evangelicals, Jews, and U.S.-Israeli Relations, Daniel G. Hummel
Reviewed by Matthew Berkman

pp. 524-525

Europe and the Decline of Social Democracy in Britain: From Attlee to Brexit, Adrian Williamson
Reviewed by James Dennison

pp. 525-527

Boxing Pandora: Rethinking Borders, States, and Secession in a Democratic World, Timothy William Waters
Reviewed by Ryan D. Griffiths

pp. 527-528

Secret Wars: Covert Conflict in International Politics, Austin Carson
Reviewed by Erik J. Dahl

pp. 528-530

The Everyday Nationalism of Workers: A Social History of Modern Belgium, Maarten Van Ginderachter
Reviewed by Zeying Wu

pp. 530-531

Democracy in Ghana: Everyday Politics in Urban Africa, Jeffrey W. Paller
Reviewed by Benjamin Talton

pp. 532-533

Law without Future: Anti-Constitutional Politics and the American Right, Jack Jackson

pp. 533-534

Thirsty Cities: Social Contracts and Public Goods Provision in China and India, Selina Ho
Reviewed by Roselyn Hsueh

pp. 535-536

Visas and Walls: Border Security in the Age of Terrorism, Nazli Avdan
Reviewed by Ugur Altundal

pp. 536-538

Beyond Technonationalism: Biomedical Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Asia, Kathryn C. Ibata-Arens
Reviewed by Robert Eberhart

pp. 538-539

Conformity: The Power of Social Influences, Cass R. Sunstein
Reviewed by Frank J. Gonzalez

pp. 539-541

Top-Down Democracy in South Korea, Erik Mobrand
Reviewed by Myungji Yang

pp. 541-542

Imagining Politics: Interpretations in Political Science and Political Television, Stephen Benedict Dyson
Reviewed by Joseph R. Fitzgerald

pp. 542-544

A Constitution in Full: Recovering the Unwritten Foundation of American Liberty, Peter Augustine Lawler and Richard M. Reinsch II

pp. 544-545

An Anti-Federalist Constitution: The Development of Dissent in the Ratification Debates, Michael J. Faber
Reviewed by Zachary K. German

pp. 545-547

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