Freud: Political and Social Thought, Paul Roazen Reviewed by Bruce Mazlish
pp. 609-610
Two Tracts on Government, John Locke and Philip Abrams Reviewed by M. M. Goldsmith
pp. 610-611
The Political Philosophy of Rousseau, Roger D. Masters ;
Rousseau and the Spirit of Revolt, William H. Blanchard Reviewed by Judith N. Shklar
pp. 612-613
Fortschritt und Gegenrevolution: Die Gesellschaftslehre Comtes in ihrer Sozialen Funktion, Otwin Massing Reviewed by Lewis A. Coser
pp. 613-614
The Sociological Tradition, Robert A. Nisbet Reviewed by Alvin W. Gouldner
pp. 614-616
The Individual and Society in the Middle Ages, Walter Ullmann Reviewed by Norman F. Cantor
pp. 616-617
Europe of the Dictators, 1919-1945, Elizabeth Wiskemann ;
International Politics since World War II: A Short History, Charles L. Robertson Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié
pp. 617-619
Hitler's Social Revolution: Class and Status in Nazi Germany, 1933-1939, David Schoenbaum Reviewed by Kaethe Mengelberg
pp. 619-620
Beyond Eagle and Swastika: German Nationalism Since 1945, Kurt P. Tauber ;
The Quest for a United Germany, Ferenc A. Váli Reviewed by Gordon A. Craig
pp. 621-623
The English: A History of Politics and Society to 1760, Norman F. Cantor Reviewed by G. R. Elton
pp. 623-624
The Passing of the Irish Act of Union: A Study in Parliamentary Politics, G. C. Bolton Reviewed by N. Mansergh
pp. 624-625
New Federations: Experiments in the Commonwealth, R. L. Watts Reviewed by Daniel J. Elazar
pp. 625-627
Medical Practice in Modern England: The Impact of Specialization and State Medicine, Rosemary Stevens Reviewed by George Rosen
pp. 627-628
New Dubliners: Urbanization and the Irish Family, Alexander J. Humphreys Reviewed by Solon T. Kimball
pp. 629-630
The Soviet Middle East: A Communist Model for Development, Alec Nove and J. A. Newth Reviewed by Edward Allworth
pp. 630-632
A Framework for Political Analysis, David Easton ;
A Systems Analysis of Political Life, David Easton ;
Varieties of Political Theory, David Easton Reviewed by D. F. Thompson
pp. 632-634
The Development of Political Attitudes in Children, Robert D. Hess and Judith V. Torney Reviewed by Elliott White
pp. 634-635
Law in the World Community, C. Wilfred Jenks Reviewed by Louis Lusky
pp. 635-637
The International Protection of Human Rights, Evan Luard Reviewed by Gidon Gottlieb
pp. 637-638
The Insanity Defense, Abraham S. Goldstein Reviewed by Lawrence Zelic Freedman
pp. 639-640
John Jay, the Nation, and the Court, Richard B. Morris Reviewed by Carl Brent Swisher
pp. 640-642
Isolationism in America: 1935-1941, Manfred Jonas Reviewed by Milton Plesur
pp. 642-643
Second Chance: The Triumph of Internationalism in America during World War II, Robert A. Divine Reviewed by Alexander De Conde
pp. 643-645
Foreign Policy and Democratic Politics: The American and British Experience, Kenneth N. Waltz ;
Domestic Sources of Foreign Policy, James N. Rosenau Reviewed by Kenneth G. Younger
pp. 645-646
A Tower in Babel: A History of Broadcasting in the United States, Vol. I: to 1933, Erik Barnouw Reviewed by Robert Saudek
pp. 647-648
The Image Candidates: American Politics in the Age of Television, Gene Wyckoff Reviewed by Elmo Roper
pp. 649-650
The Promise of Politics, Henry S. Kariel Reviewed by Darryl B. Baskin
pp. 650-652
The Power Broker: A Biography of John M. Bailey, Modern Political Boss, Joseph I. Lieberman Reviewed by Duane Lockard
pp. 652-653
Black Power: The Politics of Liberation in America, Stokely Carmichael and Charles V. Hamilton Reviewed by Annette K. Baxter
pp. 653-655
Planning U. S. A, George Soule
pp. 655-656
United States Merchant Shipping Policies and Politics, Samuel A. Lawrence Reviewed by Daniel Marx
pp. 657-658
Strangers at the Gate: Social Disorder in South China, 1839-1861, Frederick Wakeman Reviewed by S. Y. Teng
pp. 658-660
Enemies and Friends: The United Front in Chinese Communist History, Lyman P. Van Slyke Reviewed by Earl Browder
pp. 660-661
Burma: From Kingdom to Republic, A Historical and Political Analysis, Frank N. Trager Reviewed by John F. Cady
pp. 662-663
The Year 2000: A Framework for Speculation on the Next Thirty-Three Years, Herman Kahn and Anthony J. Wiener Reviewed by Lord Ritchie-Calder
pp. 663-665
Trade Liberalization Among Industrial Countries: Objectives and Alternatives, Bela Balassa ;
Discrimination in International Trade: The Policy Issues, 1945-1965, Gardner Patterson Reviewed by J. Pen
pp. 665-667
NATO and the Range of American Choice, Annette Baker Fox Reviewed by William R. Kintner
pp. 668-669