The Future of Law in a Multicultural World, Adda B. Bozeman Reviewed by William O. Douglas
pp. 90-92
The Democratic Citizen: Social Science and Democratic Theory in the Twentieth Century, Dennis F. Thompson Reviewed by T. H. Marshall
pp. 92-94
Social Science and Social Purpose, T. S. Simey Reviewed by Heinz Hartmann
pp. 94-96
The Foundations of Human Society, Donald McIntosh ;
The Reach of Politics: A New Look at Government, James K. Feibleman ;
Personality and Politics: Problems of Evidence, Inference, and Conceptualization, Fred I. Greenstein Reviewed by J. Roland Pennock
pp. 96-98
Children in the Political System: Origins of Political Legitimacy, David Easton and Jack Dennis Reviewed by Fred I. Greenstein
pp. 98-102
The Seniority System in Congress, Barbara Hinckley Reviewed by Richard Bolling
pp. 102-103
The Year of the People, Eugene McCarthy Reviewed by Richard L. Rubin
pp. 103-105
Alliance Politics, Richard E. Neustadt Reviewed by Leon D. Epstein
pp. 105-107
The Uneasy Partnership: Social Science and the Federal Government in the Twentieth Century, Gene M. Lyons Reviewed by Paul F. Lazarsfeld
pp. 107-109
The Image Empire: A History of Broadcasting in the United States, Erik Barnouw Reviewed by Newton N. Minow
pp. 109-110
The Great Betrayal: The Evacuation of the Japanese-Americans during World War II, Audrie Girdner and Anne Loftis Reviewed by Frank Freidel
pp. 111-112
Profit in Politics: Henry A. Wallace and the War Years, 1940-1965, Edward L. Schapsmeier and Frederick H. Schapsmeier Reviewed by Carey McWilliams
pp. 112-115
British-American Relations, 1917-1918: The Role of Sir William Wiseman, W. B. Fowler ;
America and the Mediterranean World, 1776-1882, James A. Field ;
William E. Borah and American Foreign Policy, Robert James Maddox Reviewed by Paul S. Holbo
pp. 115-117
A Hero in Spite of Himself: Brand Whitlock in Art, Politics, and War, Robert M. Crunden Reviewed by Michael Wreszin
pp. 117-119
New Orleans in the Gilded Age: Politics and Urban Progress, 1880-1896, Joy J. Jackson Reviewed by Robert R. Roberts
pp. 119-120
Radicalism, Racism, and Party Realignment: The Border States during Reconstruction, Richard O. Curry Reviewed by Harold M. Hyman
pp. 120-121
Forging a Majority: The Formation of the Republican Party in Pittsburgh, 1848-1860, Michael Fitzgibbon Holt Reviewed by Jon Fackler
pp. 121-123
Peaceable Kingdoms: New England Towns in the Eighteenth Century, Michael Zuckerman Reviewed by Robert Middlekauff
pp. 123-124
Europe: An Emergent Nation?, Carl J. Friedrich ;
The Atlantic Community: A Complex Imbalance, Robert L. Pfaltzgraff ;
Britain Faces Europe, Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Reviewed by David P. Calleo
pp. 124-127
Captains without Eyes: Intelligence Failures in World War II, Lyman B. Kirkpatrick Reviewed by Robert G. Deindorfer
pp. 127-128
Political Change in Britain: Forces Shaping Electoral Choice, David Butler and Donald Stokes Reviewed by J. Blondel
pp. 128-129
The Conquest of Violence: Order and Liberty in Britain, T. A. Critchley Reviewed by Max Beloff
pp. 129-131
Pay and Productivity Bargaining: A Study of the Effect of National Wage Agreements in the Nottinghamshire Coalfield, R. G. Searle-Barnes Reviewed by Irving H. Siegel
pp. 131-132
From the Ancien Regime to the Popular Front: Essays in the History of Modern France in Honor of Shepard B. Clough, Charles K. Warner Reviewed by Allan Mitchell
pp. 132-133
The History of the Nazi Party: 1919-1933, Dietrich Orlow ;
The Limits of Hitler's Power, Edward N. Peterson Reviewed by H. A. Turner
pp. 133-135
Frederick Barbarossa: A Study in Medieval Politics, Peter Munz Reviewed by Giles Constable
pp. 135-136
The Habsburg Empire, 1790-1918, C. A. Macartney Reviewed by Norman Rich
pp. 137-138
Politics in Modern Greece, Keith R. Legg Reviewed by Adamantia Pollis
pp. 139-140
The Soviet Prefects: The Local Party Organs in Industrial Decision-Making, Jerry F. Hough Reviewed by Alec Nove
pp. 140-143
The Jews in Soviet Russia since 1917, Leonard Schapiro and Lionel Kochan ;
Germans and Jews: The Right, the Left, and the Search for a "Third Force" in Pre-Nazi Germany, George L. Mosse Reviewed by Werner T. Angress
pp. 143-144
Russia and China: Their Diplomatic Relations to 1728, Mark Mancall Reviewed by Owen Lattimore
pp. 145-146
The Ruler's Imperative: Strategies for Political Survival in Asia and Africa, W. Howard Wriggins Reviewed by Myron Weiner
pp. 146-148
Land and the Constitution in India, H. C. L. Merillat ;
India: Planning for Industrialization, Jagdish N. Bhagwati and Padma Desai ;
The Crisis of Indian Planning: Economic Policy in the 1960s, Paul Streeten and Michael Lipton Reviewed by William Vickrey
pp. 148-152
Australia, New Zealand and the United States: A Survey of International Relations, 1941-1968, Trevor R. Reese ;
The Communist Party of Australia: A Short History, Alastair Davidson ;
The Puzzled Patriots: The Story of the Australia First Movement, Bruce Muirden Reviewed by R. Michael Pordes
pp. 152-155
Technology and the Economic Development of the Tropical African Frontier, Thomas R. de Gregori Reviewed by Robert L. West
pp. 155-156
The OAS in Transition, M. Margaret Ball ;
The Movement Toward Latin American Unity, Ronald Hilton ;
Alliance for Progress: A Social Invention in the Making, Harvey S. Perloff Reviewed by Bryce Wood
pp. 156-158
The Latin Americans, Victor Alba Reviewed by Anthony Leeds
pp. 158-160
The Chasm Ahead, Aurelio Peccei Reviewed by Walter Goldstein
pp. 160-162
Roads to Freedom: Essays in Honour of Friedrich A. von Hayek, Fritz Machlup, Friedrich A. Lutz, Erich Streissler and Gottfried Haberler Reviewed by Murray N. Rothbard
pp. 162-163
The Crazy Ape, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Reviewed by Alexander Alland
pp. 163-164