Content in

Volume 99 - Number 3 - Fall 1984

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U.S.-Soviet Relations and Nuclear-Risk Reduction
Joseph S. Nye, Jr. looks at the structural sources that make the continuation of U.S.-Soviet conflict likely, but argues that a series of steps can be taken to reduce the risk of that conflict leading to nuclear war.

pp. 401-414

Environmental Policy in the Reagan Presidency
Michael E. Kraft and Norman J. Vig examine environmental policy in the Reagan presidency and argue that radical changes imposed through an administrative strategy jeopardized both the legitimacy and effectiveness of the administration's decision-making.

pp. 415-439

Health-Policy Innovation and International Assistance in Central Africa
Thomas John Bossert analyzes different strategies that international agencies have used to promote new health policies in two Third World countries, Guatemala and Honduras.

pp. 441-455

Municipal vs. National Election Voter Turnout: Europe and the United States
ROBERT J. MORLAN contrasts voter turnout in local elections with that of national elections in six west European nations and nine states of the German Federal Republic, with some comparisons to the United States. He finds turnout lower in local elections in all countries studied, but also that turnout is best in the smallest municipalities.

pp. 457-470

Anatomy of a Failure: The Decision to Land at the Bay of Pigs
Lucien S. Vandenbroucke applies the decision-making models formulated by Graham T. Allison to the decision to proceed with the Bay of Pigs operation in 1961. The author evaluates the explanatory power of these models in the abortive Cuban invasion and suggests complementing Allison's conceptual framework with the findings of cognitive theory.

pp. 471-491

Secrecy, Foreign Intelligence, and Civil Liberties: Has the Pendulum Swung Too Far?
Duncan L. Clarke and Edward L. Neveleff assess several measures instituted or attempted by the Reagan administration concerning secrecy and foreign intelligence. They contend that some of these measures raise serious threats to civil liberties.

pp. 493-513

American Attitudes Toward Decolonization in Africa
Steven Metz argues that United States support for decolonization in Africa actually began in 1958, rather than in 1961 as is commonly assumed. This change was part of a larger alteration of the American view of the world that took place during this time.

pp. 515-533

A Covenant with Power: America and World Order from Wilson to Reagan, Lloyd C. Gardner
Reviewed by Richard Falk

pp. 535-536

People, Positions, and Power: The Political Appointments of Lyndon Johnson, Richard L. Schott and Dagmar S. Hamilton ; America's Unelected Government: Appointing the President's Team, Bruce Adams, J. Jackson Walter, John W. Macy and G. Calvin Mackenzie, eds.
Reviewed by Hugh Heclo

pp. 537-539

Alliance Security: NATO and the No-First-Use Question, Leon V. Sigal and John D. Steinbruner, eds.
Reviewed by Cynthia Roberts

pp. 539-540

The Command and Control of Nuclear Forces, Paul Bracken
Reviewed by Paul Stares

pp. 540-541

The Reluctant Supplier: U.S. Decisionmaking for Arms Sales, Paul Y. Hammond, David J. Louscher, Michael D. Salome and Norman A. Graham
Reviewed by Charles Perry

pp. 542-543

Political Innovation in America: The Politics of Policy Initiation, Nelson W. Polsby
Reviewed by James L. Sundquist

pp. 543-544

Domestic Policy Formation: Presidential-Congressional Partnership?, Steven A. Schull
Reviewed by Paul Light

pp. 544-545

Special Interest Groups in American Politics, Stephen Miller
Reviewed by Sylvia Tesh

pp. 545-546

The Painful Prescription: Rationing Hospital Care, Henry J. Aaron and William B. Schwartz
Reviewed by Kenneth E. Thorpe

pp. 546-547

A Time of Turmoil: Values and Voting in the 1970s, Ronald R. Stockton and Frank Whelon Wayman
Reviewed by M. Stephen Weatherford

pp. 548-549

Money, Sex, and Power: Toward a Feminist Historical Materialism, Nancy C. M. Hartsock
Reviewed by Gwendolen M. Carter

pp. 549-550

Feminist Politics and Human Nature, Alison M. Jaggar
Reviewed by Leslie J. Calman

pp. 550-551

TVA: Fifty Years of Grass-roots Bureaucracy, Paul K. Conkin and Erwin C. Hargrove, eds.
Reviewed by John T. Tierney

pp. 551-553

A Tale of Two Agencies: A Comparative Analysis of the General Accounting Office and the Office of Management and Budget, Frederick C. Mosher
Reviewed by Allen Schick

pp. 553-554

Uninformed Choice: The Failure of the New Presidential Nominating System, Scott Keeter and Cliff Zukin
Reviewed by James I. Lengle

pp. 554-555

Democracy and Elections: Electoral Systems and Their Political Consequences, David Butler and Vernon Bogdanor, eds.
Reviewed by Leon D. Epstein

pp. 555-556

110 Livingston Street Revisited: Decentralization in Action, David Rogers and Norman H. Chung
Reviewed by Marilyn Gittell

pp. 557-558

The Years of Lyndon Johnson: The Path to Power, Robert A. Caro
Reviewed by Numan V. Bartley

pp. 558-559

The Alliance: America-Europe-Japan: Makers of the Postwar World, Richard J. Barnet
Reviewed by Lloyd C. Gardner

pp. 559-561

Interest Groups and the Bureaucracy: The Politics of Energy, John E. Chubb
Reviewed by Dudley J. Burton

pp. 561-562

The Political Economy of Inflation in the United States, Paul Peretz
Reviewed by Barry Bosworth

pp. 562-563

Hawaii Under the Rising Sun: Japan's Plans for Conquest After Pearl Harbor, John J. Stephan
Reviewed by Roger Dingman

pp. 563-565

The Antinomies of Interdependence: National Welfare and the International Division of Labor, John Gerard Ruggie, ed.
Reviewed by Robert L. Rothstein

pp. 565-566

Equality Under the Constitution: Reclaiming the Fourteenth Amendment, Judith A. Baer
Reviewed by Gary L. McDowell

pp. 566-567

The Warrior and the Pirest: Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt, John Milton Cooper
Reviewed by Frederick Marks

pp. 567-568

Economics and World Power: An Assessment of American Diplomacy Since 1789, Samuel F. Wells and William H. Becker, eds.
Reviewed by Alan Wolfe

pp. 569-570

Mr. Madison's War: Politics, Diplomacy, and Warfare in the Early Republic, 1783-1830, J. C. A. Stagg
Reviewed by Peter S. Onuf

pp. 570-571

Nothing But Freedom: Emancipation and Its Legacy, Eric Foner
Reviewed by Michael Waynne

pp. 571-572

Protestants in a Catholic State: Ireland's Privileged Minority, Kurt Bowen
Reviewed by Desmond S. King

pp. 572-574

Solidarity: Poland 1980-1981, Alain Touraine, et al.
Reviewed by Sarah M. Terry

pp. 574-575

Marxism, Central Planning, and the Soviet Economy: Economic Essays in Honor of Alexander Erlich, Padma Desai, ed.
Reviewed by Martin C. Spechler

pp. 575-577

Dag Hammarskjolld Revisited: The U.N. Secretary-General as a Force in World Politics, Robert S. Jordan, ed.
Reviewed by Harold K. Jacobson

pp. 577-578

No Shortcuts to Progress: African Development Management in Perspective, Goran Hyden
Reviewed by James Pletcher

pp. 578-579

The Hidden Sun: Women of Modern Japan, Dorothy Robins-Mowry
Reviewed by Tetsuya Kataoka

pp. 579-580

Classes in Contemporary Japan, Rob Steven
Reviewed by Anne E. Imamura

pp. 580-581

The Unfinished Liberation of Chinese Women, 1949-1980, Phyllis Andoors
Reviewed by Joyce K. Kallgren

pp. 581-583

In the Path of God: Islam and Political Power, Daniel Pipes
Reviewed by Fred Halliday

pp. 583-584

Vietnam Under Communism, 1975-1982, Nguyen Van Canh
Reviewed by King C. Chen

pp. 584-585

Closing the Gold Window: Domestic Politics and the End of Bretton Woods, Joanne Gowa
Reviewed by Robert C. Dahlberg

pp. 585-586

America in the Gilded Age: From the Death of Lincoln to the Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, Sean Dennis Cashman
Reviewed by Allan Peskin

pp. 587-588

The Politics of TV Violence: Policy Uses of Communication Research, Willard D. Rowland
Reviewed by Sidney Kraus

pp. 588-589

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