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Volume 129 - Number 4 - Winter 2014-15

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Report X Marks the Spot: The British Government’s Deceptive Dossier on Iraq and WMD
Eric Herring and PIERS ROBINSON evaluate the British government’s claims for war against Iraq through a critical evaluation of the Iraq Dossier, which was published in September 2002. They argue that government officials, through intentional distortion and exaggeration of intelligence, pursued a campaign of deceptive organized political persuasion. 

pp. 551-583

Presidential Reelection Fundraising from Jimmy Carter to Barack Obama
Brendan J. Doherty analyzes President Obama’s unprecedented reelection fundraising. He discusses the implications of these developments for governance, for the president’s role as party leader, for Obama’s second term in the White House, and for future presidents. 

pp. 585-612

U.S. House Incumbent Fundraising and Spending in a Post-Citizens United and Post-McCutcheon World
Eric S. Heberlig and BRUCE A. LARSON examine how the changing campaign finance landscape affects the resources available to those who consider running for political office. As incumbents running for the U.S. House of Representatives distribute more funds among themselves, less gets shared with potential new recruits. 

pp. 613-642

Sanctions, Regime Type, and Democratization: Lessons from U.S.–Central American Relations in the 1980s
C. WILLIAM WALLDORF, JR. discusses sanctions and their effectiveness to promote democracy and human rights. He draws from a set of historical cases in Latin America and argues that his findings have direct policy implications for present day sanctions against countries like Burma and Syria. 

pp. 643-673

Clientelism with Chinese Characteristics: Local Patronage Networks in Post-Reform China
WOOYEAL PAIK and RICHARD BAUM argue that a growing number of Chinese feel frustrated by and alienated from local government agencies. They argue that clientelist alliances constitute a growing threat to the stability of the Chinese Communist party. 

pp. 675-701

Perspectives on Higher Education and the American Dream: A Review Essay
C. ANTHONY BROH reviews Suzanne Mettler’s Degrees of Inequality and discusses the participation of private, for-profit institutions in higher education. He finds that several admissions and financial aid practices in all sectors of higher education stratify family choices while perpetuating economic inequality. 

pp. 703-710

Six Amendments: How and Why We Should Change the Constitution, John Paul Stevens
Reviewed by Geoffrey R. Stone

pp. 711-712

More Women Can Run: Gender and Pathways to the State Legislatures, Susan J. Carroll and Kira Sanbonmatsu
Reviewed by Karen Beckwith

pp. 712-714

Financing Medicaid: Federalism and the Growth of America’s Health Care Safety Net, Shanna Rose
Reviewed by Frank J. Thompson

pp. 714-715

Black Ethnics: Race, Immigration, and the Pursuit of the American Dream, Christina M. Greer
Reviewed by Wilbur C. Rich

pp. 715-717

The Pathologies of Power: Fear, Honor, Glory, and Hubris in U.S. Foreign Policy, Christopher J. Fettweis
Reviewed by Graham Dodds

pp. 717-718

No Exit from Pakistan: America’s Tortured Relationship with Islamabad, Daniel S. Markey
Reviewed by Sumit Ganguly

pp. 718-720

Whose Rights? Counterterrorism and the Dark Side of American Public Opinion, Clem Brooks and Jeff Manza

pp. 720-721

Merit: The History of a Founding Ideal from the American Revolution to the Twenty-First Century, Joseph F. Kett
Reviewed by S. ADAM SEAGRAVE

pp. 722-723

Civil Disobedience: An American Tradition, Lewis Perry

pp. 723-724

Fictive Kinship, Catherine Lee
Reviewed by Peter J. Spiro

pp. 724-726

Partisan Gerrymandering and the Construction of American Democracy, Erik J. Engstrom
Reviewed by SETH C. MCKEE

pp. 726-727

Model Immigrants and Undesirable Aliens: The Cost of Immigration Reform in the 1990s, Christina Gerken

pp. 727-729

Our America: A Hispanic History of the United States, Felipe Fernandez-Armesto

pp. 729-730

The Woman Suffrage Movement in America: A Reassessment, Corrine M. McConnaughy
Reviewed by SHANNON M. RISK

pp. 731-732

A Storm over This Court: Law, Politics, and Supreme Court Decision Making in Brown v. Board of Education, Jeffrey D. Hockett

pp. 732-733

Subsidizing Democracy: How Public Funding Changes Elections and How It Can Work in the Future, Michael G. Miller
Reviewed by Brian E. Adams

pp. 733-735

The Death of the Income Tax: A Progressive Consumption Tax and the Path to Fiscal Reform, Daniel S. Goldberg
Reviewed by JASON OH

pp. 735-736

Malcolm X at Oxford Union: Racial Politics in a Global Era, Saladin Ambar

pp. 736-738

The Contested Removal Power, 1789–2010, J. David Alvis, Jeremy D. Bailey and F. Flagg Taylor IV

pp. 738-739

Coming of Political Age: American Schools and the Civic Development of Immigrant Youth, Rebecca M. Callahan and Chandra Muller
Reviewed by SARA Z. POGGIO

pp. 739-741

How Change Happens—Or Doesn’t: The Politics of U.S. Public Policy, Elaine C. Kamarck
Reviewed by ROB A. DELEO

pp. 741-743

The American Political Landscape, Byron E. Shafer and Richard H. Spady
Reviewed by Robert A. Jackson

pp. 743-744

The Education of an Anti-Imperialist: Robert La Follette and U.S. Expansion, Richard Drake
Reviewed by Edward Rhodes

pp. 744-746

Political Parties in Africa: Ethnicity and Party Formation, Sebastian Elischer
Reviewed by Michael Bratton

pp. 746-748

The Myth of the Democratic Peacekeeper: Civil–Military Relations and the United Nations, Arturo C. Sotomayor

pp. 748-749

Making Constitutions: Presidents, Parties and Institutional Choice in Latin America, Gabriel L. Negretto
Reviewed by Tom Ginsburg

pp. 749-751

A Scrap of Paper: Breaking and Making International Law during the Great War, Isabel V. Hull
Reviewed by Tanisha M. Fazal

pp. 751-752

America Inc? Innovation and Enterprise in the National Security State, Linda Weiss
Reviewed by Mark Zachary Taylor

pp. 752-754

No Use: Nuclear Weapons and U.S. National Security, Thomas M. Nichols
Reviewed by Todd S. Sechser

pp. 754-756

The Fragmented Politics of Urban Preservation: Beijing, Chicago, and Paris, Yue Zhang
Reviewed by MAX PAGE

pp. 756-757

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