Political Engagement by Wealthy Americans
FAY LOMAX COOK, BENJAMIN I. PAGE, and RACHEL L. MOSKOWITZ examine the political behavior of wealthy Americans—those with income or wealth in the top 1 percent. They find that the top 1 percent are exceptionally active in politics and discuss the implications of such high rates of participation for democratic policy making.
pp. 381-398
Authoritarianism and Democracy in Muslim Countries: Rentier States and Regional Diffusion
Ahmet T. Kuru analyses why most of 49 Muslim-majority countries, especially those in MENA and Central Asia, are authoritarian. He challenges explanations that point to Islam, the absence of secularism, patriarchy, and Arab exceptionalism as causes. He argues that the combined effects of rentier states and regional diffusion lead to disproportionate authoritarianism in these countries.
pp. 399-427
Candidate Emergence Revisited: The Lingering Effects of Recruitment, Ambition, and Successful Prospects among House Candidates
L. Sandy Maisel and WALTER STONE identify the sources of political ambition of potential congressional candidates. They find that potential candidates are influenced by their perceived prospects for success, by their ambition for a congressional career, and by the costs associated with running for congress.
pp. 429-447
China and Taiwan: Balance of Rivalry with Weapons of Mass Democratization
Andrew Scobell discusses the ongoing rivalry between China and Taiwan. He explains why Beijing continues to view Taipei as a serious rival despite the growing hard power imbalance in China’s favor. He argues that Beijing’s concern appears focused on the potency of Taipei’s soft power—Taiwan’s emergence as a vibrant participatory democracy.
pp. 449-468
Identity Politics and Foreign Policy: Taiwan’s Relations with China and Japan, 1895–2012
Yinan He explores how identity narratives have shaped Taiwan’s foreign policy toward China and Japan. The author argues that the political discourse of the two “others” defining Taiwan’s national identity has been frequently employed by political elites battling over whom the Taiwanese are and where their future lies. She claims that Taiwan’s neutrality depends upon Beijing maintaining a moderate approach toward Taiwan and upon stable Sino-Japanese relations.
pp. 469-500
Secrets and Leaks: The Dilemma of State Secrecy, Rahul Sagar Reviewed by Geoffrey R. Stone
pp. 501-502
Take Up Your Pen: Unilateral Presidential Directives in American Politics, Graham G. Dodds Reviewed by WILLIAM P. MARSHALL
pp. 502-503
Days of Fire: Bush and Cheney in the White House, Peter Baker Reviewed by Michael Nelson
pp. 503-505
The Language of Contention: Revolutions in Words, 1688–2012, Sidney Tarrow Reviewed by JOHN KRINSKY
pp. 505-507
American Umpire, Elizabeth Cobbs Hoffman Reviewed by Meena Bose
pp. 507-509
The End of Exceptionalism in American Education: The Changing Politics of School Reform, Jeffrey R. Henig Reviewed by Terry M. Moe
pp. 509-512
The Adversary First Amendment: Free Expression and the Foundation of American Democracy, Martin H. Redish Reviewed by Mark A. Graber
pp. 512-513
Changing Minds or Changing Channels? Partisan News in an Age of Choice, Martin Johnson and Kevin Arceneaux Reviewed by Robert Y. Shapiro
pp. 513-515
Presidents and the Dissolution of the Union: Leadership Style from Polk to Lincoln, Fred I. Greenstein Reviewed by Matthew J. Dickinson
pp. 515-517
China Goes Global: The Partial Power, David Shambaugh Reviewed by Andrew Scobell
pp. 517-518
Practicing Stalinism: Bolsheviks, Boyars, and the Persistence of Tradition, J. Arch Getty Reviewed by Kimberly Marten
pp. 518-519
The Limits of Partnership: U.S.–Russian Relations in the Twenty-First Century, Angela Stent Reviewed by ANDREI TSYGANKOV
pp. 519-521
The Politics of Belonging: Race, Public Opinion, and Immigration, Jane Junn and Natalie Masuoka Reviewed by TODD K. HARTMAN
pp. 521-522
Democratic Peace: A Political Biography, Piki Ish-Shalom Reviewed by Joseph M. Parent
pp. 522-524
Reflections on Judging, Richard A. Posner Reviewed by David Klein
pp. 524-525
The Constitution of Risk, Adrian Vermeule Reviewed by AZIZ Z. HUQ
pp. 525-527
Long Wars and the Constitution, Stephen M. Griffin Reviewed by JOSEPH MARGULIES
pp. 527-528
Women in the Club: Gender and Policy Making in the Senate, Michele L. Swers Reviewed by ROSALYN COOPERMAN
pp. 528-530
When Things Went Right: The Dawn of the Reagan–Bush Administration, Chase Untermeyer Reviewed by J. DAVID HOEVELER
pp. 530-531
US Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era: Restraint versus Assertiveness from George H.W. Bush to Barack Obama, Tudor Onea Reviewed by Stuart Gottlieb
pp. 531-533
Blinking Red: Crisis and Compromise in American Intelligence after 9/11, Michael Allen Reviewed by Glenn Hastedt
pp. 533-534
National Security Through a Cockeyed Lens: How Cognitive Bias Impacts U.S. Foreign Policy, Steve A. Yetiv Reviewed by James H. Lebovic
pp. 534-536
Justice Interrupted: The Struggle for Constitutional Government in the Middle East, Elizabeth Thompson ;
Law, State, and Society in Modern Iran: Constitutionalism, Autocracy and Legal Reform, 1906–1941, Hadi Enayat Reviewed by Saïd Amir Arjomand
pp. 536-539
Transforming India: Challenges to the World’s Largest Democracy, Sumantra Bose Reviewed by WALTER ANDERSEN
pp. 539-541
Governing Guns, Preventing Plunder: International Cooperation against Illicit Trade, Asif Efrat Reviewed by DENISE GARCIA
pp. 541-542
Armed Political Organizations: From Conflict to Integration, Benedetta Berti Reviewed by Leonard Weinberg
pp. 542-544
Democratic Uprisings in the Middle East: Youth, Technology, Human Rights and US Foreign Policy, Mahmood Monshipouri Reviewed by BARIS KESGIN
pp. 544-545
Our Political Nature: The Evolutionary Origins of What Divides Us, Avi Tuschman Reviewed by John R. Hibbing
pp. 545-547
Competing Motives in the Partisan Mind: How Loyalty and Responsiveness Shape Party Identification and Democracy, Eric W. Groenendyk Reviewed by CHRISTOPHER D. JOHNSTON
pp. 547-548
The Art of the Watchdog: Fighting Fraud, Waste, Abuse, and Corruption in Government, Daniel L. Feldman and David R. Eichenthal Reviewed by DICK SIMPSON
pp. 548-549